Motivational Movers - Friday 8/19/11

Here's our first daily thread. Good Luck and Stay Motivated Today!


  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    Good Morning! :smile:
  • ummummgood757
    ummummgood757 Posts: 5 Member
    Goooooooood MORNINGGGGGGGG
  • Morning everyone! I have already done my 30 day shred workout with my hubby and gone for a 35 minute brisk walk with him and our dog. Was afraid I wouldn't feel llike going to the gym after work today so decided to get it done before work! Have a great day!!
  • Sieggie
    Sieggie Posts: 70
    Good Job schusty40! Unfortunately that's always my Friday dilema....I put the clothes in the car and never get to the gym after work. Today I will if it kills me....the scale doesn't seem to want to budge this first week which means I have to behave this weekend!
  • Sieggie
    Sieggie Posts: 70
    Let's try to share some easy meals of less than 300 calories.....

    I'm at work and just made 3/4 cup of Papetti Quick Eggs (Fat Free, Low Caloris, Cholesterol Free) 90 calories + a toastedThomas Everything Bagel Thin 110 calories = 200 Calories very satisfying breakfast. Added a touch of Franks Red Hot to spice it up!
  • maritza327
    maritza327 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Today is the first day I didn't have breakfast in a long time. Just wasn't in the mood...just had my coffee. My boss brought her dog into work and I jumped at the opportunity to walk her...thought I could get some good brisk walking in.

    For lunch I brought some yummy pasta salad I made last night...whole wheat with peas fresh parsley feta cheese and light dressing yum.

    Hope everyone has a good day!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Way to go Schusty40 and way to jump at an opportunity for unexpected exercise Maritza327. I'm just getting going here today and I think I'm having 1 scrambled egg (110 cal) and some fresh veggies on the side (sweet peppers and cucumbers about 50 calls) somedays I also throw in a couple of slices of butterball turkey bacon (70 cals) so 230 calls and I've had my equivalent to bacon and eggs. I'm trying to get more protein and less carbs into my diet (not no carbs) and I try to get the carbs from fruit and vegetables to get some fibre in there as well.
    Well, I think I'm going to pick Thursdays as my weigh-in day and yesterday I'm starting at 165.6 lbs (goal is 130) so I can't wait to see what happens next Thursday.
    Todays work-out is a HIIT (high intensity interval training) work-out which is usually 30 min or less but very intense if you give it all you've got. I also am going to get 2 big glasses of water to get me going today since I did so bad with water yesterday. Have a great day everyone and remember, you can do this!! Stay Strong!!
  • Sieggie
    Sieggie Posts: 70
    Since we just started this daily thread today should we all pick Thursdays to weigh-in and post the progress we are all going to have :flowerforyou: ?
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Good morning everyone! I can't believe I remembered to look for the group today. LOL! I'm glad it's finally Friday, but this weekend is going to be a little tough. I have a "Back to School" party to go to tomorrow. I am going to try my hardest to behave, but it's always hard when you are having so much fun. LOL! Anyway, I've been stuck for a while at 147 lbs, but this morning I got on the scale and it said 146.5 lbs, so that is my inspiration to behave. I was going to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning with a 1/2 a banana, but we were out of milk, so I had to settle for a Jimmy Dean Sausage, egg white and cheese on an English muffin for breakfast. 260 calories. Not bad, but I can't seem to get away from the processed foods. Oh well, what can you do? Anyway, I've also decided to start JM 30 Day Shred today for my workout and add some jogging to it as well. I've heard good stuff about it so I'm going to change up my workout and try it for a while and see what the results are. I hope everyone is having a great Friday and have a great weekend. I know I won't be posting until at least Monday, if I remember. LOL! :bigsmile:
  • pearlymae
    pearlymae Posts: 100 Member
    Good Morning All, I am fairly new at this site, would like to join your group, dont really know what I need to do, please let me know.

    ThanksFriend & Pals on this Journey to Weight Loss. Pearl:flowerforyou:
  • Sieggie
    Sieggie Posts: 70
    Pearl, we will be starting a daily thread as we did for the first time today. I'm up early and on the East Coast so I will start it daily. If anyone signs on earlier than me and doesn't see our thread please feel free to start it. It will always be in the Newbie section and titled Motivational Movers - and then the day and date.

    schusty40 & Tina - What is this Shred workout and where can I find it?

  • Sieggie
    Sieggie Posts: 70
    Forget the Shred question. Just googled it and bought it. I'll start incorporating it with my Curves Smart 3x / week.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    Since we just started this daily thread today should we all pick Thursdays to weigh-in and post the progress we are all going to have :flowerforyou: ?

    Thursday seems a good weigh in day! I've been trying to decide on that since I just started back with MFP. :happy: so yeah sounds good to me.

  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Forget the Shred question. Just googled it and bought it. I'll start incorporating it with my Curves Smart 3x / week.

    It's great! I did it once just to try it out and for a 20 min workout, I was sweating like crazy! Enjoy!!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Since we just started this daily thread today should we all pick Thursdays to weigh-in and post the progress we are all going to have :flowerforyou: ?

    Thursday seems a good weigh in day! I've been trying to decide on that since I just started back with MFP. :happy: so yeah sounds good to me.


    Thursdays will be fine with me also. I weigh myself everyday to keep me on track. So that's good for me too!
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Welcome Pearl and any other newbies ( I guess we're all new seeing as it's our first day) You don't need to do anything to join our group other than check in with us and keep us motivated (in turn keeping you motivated). Tell us what works for you and what doesn't and anything that you're struggling with and we can help (or try to at least). Welcome and I'm feeling more empowered already for getting involved with this group. Have a great day.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member

    So have just completed my first day of exercise and I feel pretty darn good. It was only walking with the video but it was still exercise! I could have taken a nap but I knew that would just be an excuse and now I'm not tired anymore. :happy:

    Hope all of you are doing good so far today!

    Will check back later. Off to shower and then work on the house before I have to return to work. Darn split shifts.

  • Sieggie
    Sieggie Posts: 70
    Made it to Curves on a Friday evening....I have to say I'm quite impressed with myself, LOL. Not weighing in until Thursday, as discussed, but one of the ladies said I'm looking thinner. Positive reinforcement to keep it up! TGIF!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I would like to be part of a Positive Group to keep me motivated and help motivate others. I have been on MFP for a few weeks and am slowly losing the weight through diet and 30Day Shred plus walking. I have enjoyed reading post from people on here especially ones that are uplifting.
    I like the idea of posting foods that are quick and easy with low calorie count. My biggest issue is if I don't eat frequently enough throughout the day to get in my calories on days that I have big calorie burn.
  • Sieggie
    Sieggie Posts: 70
    Hi Lori.

    Welcome. We just started this thread today. You can always find it under the Newbies section and it will be titled on a daily basis Motivational Movers - and then the current day & date. We seem to be attracting VERY positive people. For me, thus one day, I'm so motivated, more than ever before. Look for us tomorrow...It may or may not be posted initially by me "Sieggie" as anyone who is up first and ready to log in is invited, just keep the title the same so everyone can find us. Best of luck and again, welcome to our positive motivated group!


    PS - Dinner tonight - cucumber (out of my garden), tomato (not so much $&#*ing squirrels keep stealing them) & feta salad (only enough for the flavor) with grilled shrimp. Lo Cal and delish. Last night I made a simple Caprese Salad with a Balsamic Glaze. Amazed that my husband (who doesn't need to lose a pound although he thinks so) wanted another low cal, easy meal tonight. Translation....we can TRAIN our family to work with us! It's their win win as well!