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Working out in the Morning vs. Night



  • recodeexistance
    recodeexistance Posts: 51 Member
    JBanx256 wrote: »
    I work 12-hour rotating shifts, so sometimes I work out at 2am and other times I work out at 2pm. If I could choose, I'd prefer morning workouts but that's just me.

    I work 8 hour rotating shifts weekly, so i'm pretty much the same. However, i enjoy late night working out for the peace of the gym. But it means i have to accept there will be some fatigue from my job.

    The whole eating late thing, not sure if that's a myth, but it's never bothered me to eat a large meal after gym, no matter what time/how close to bed it is.
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    My main reason and rule is When do I have the time to exercise and not feel rushed or pressured. Other than that I have a slight preference for the morning but I work out more in the evening. Exactly for the reason I stated; it is when I have the time.

    I think it is a matter of preference an lifestyle,. Just as there are people that prefer getting up early or sleep in.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    I do both. An hour or 2 in the AM and 3 or 4 in the PM.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have watched so many YouTube videos on this theory. Is it better to workout in the morning or after 5pm? What are some pros and cons? What’s your experience?

    Pros- not having to fight someone to the death for a F* squat rack. But seriously, most of my local gyms are over-packed hell after work. The time slot right before work for me (~0745am-0830am) usually has no wait for equipment, and you aren't tripping over people.

    I do cardio after work.
  • jenjens86
    jenjens86 Posts: 48 Member
    I work out in the morning, because thats the best time for me. Kids are both at school and its just easier. Between 9.30 and 11.30 normally
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Another vote for whatever time is likely to help you be consistent.

    I prefer mornings because (for me) there are generally no surprises. There are too many variables that can come into play that would more likely conflict with an evening workout (again, for me).
  • ImSoSquishy
    ImSoSquishy Posts: 57 Member
    i have lifted at different time of the day and nights. i do feel a lot stronger after 5pm compared to mornings. but i think the main reason is because i usually don't eat much in the morning, as i'm just not really a breakfast person. when working out after 5pm, i had lunch a few hours before, and had time to digest the food to use as energy.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I do both. An hour or 2 in the AM and 3 or 4 in the PM.

    You work out 5+ hours a day? Did I read that right?
  • Ed_Zilla
    Ed_Zilla Posts: 207 Member
    You know those days when you don't feel like going, but always feel better when you did work out. That happens anytime.

    I say just work out when you can...morning, noon or night.
  • RealWorldStrengthLLC
    I tend to workout directly after school (130pm) on weekdays, and first thing after I wake up on weekends. I have worked out as late as 8 pm (starting) on the regular during my time in the military.

    I find there are pros and cons of each.

    Morning - pros: fresh, max energy, nothing has worn you down yet, some studies show test is highest in the hours after waking. Cons: You dontvget to use it as an outlet for anything that upset you in your day because your day hadn't happened yet. Also, you tend to do this workout with less or no food in your system than if you do later in the day.

    Afternoon - kind of a best of both worlds but also none of the max benefits of either...also, the gym is less packed.

    Night - pros: you've had plenty of food, it is an outlet for anything that happened in your day, your me time, can be relaxing (oddly enough), a great way to end your day. Cons: sometimes you are just tired and don't go as hard.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    When I'm home, morning.
    When I'm in China, 40 minutes before work, then 6.6km swim after work.
    Weekend, 10am because the gym in China doesn't open until 10 in weekends.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,991 Member
    Whichever any particular individual will stick with/be more likely to do is the better option.

    For me personally, that means a morning workout. When I get home from work, all I want to do is cook my dinner and eat (I'm usually pretty hungry) and I'm already mentally drained, so much better for me to get that workout done in the morning!

    While I'm not a "morning person" and HATE getting up early, I simply have proven to myself that I will not stick with an evening workout routine. A morning workout will happen. So, for this gal, morning it is.
  • Heatherreneefit41
    I say whatever fits your schedule. I'm most productive in the am. Therefore, I workout in at 5am each morning....works best and it's done and outta the way. I'm not sure of their's a science behind either. IDK.
  • skibumdtc
    skibumdtc Posts: 1 Member
    Found this answer and how lifting weights closer to the time you wake up might be problematic for power lifters because of how fluid in the spine settles after waking up, but otherwise the best time is when you have the time.

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    I have watched so many YouTube videos on this theory. Is it better to workout in the morning or after 5pm? What are some pros and cons? What’s your experience?

    I prefer the morning but as far as what's the best? My answer is, it depends.

    My follow up question for you is, best for what?
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    I watched a program where the results were that whether you were a morning or night person would reflect in your training.
    I’m not 100% sold on this idea but I think it makes sense and does depend on the person.

    I find swimming in the morning but gym in the evening works best for me.
  • kejw08
    kejw08 Posts: 61 Member
    I think it is very person dependent. I personally prefer to do it in the morning. If I get up and get moving right away I am much more likely to get it done then if I have all day to get tired/come up with excuses not to do it.
  • 796fra
    796fra Posts: 45 Member
    Husband and I started going to the gym at 530 am about 18 months ago. Haven't missed a work day since. For me the key was getting the workout in and not having a late meeting as an excuse.

    This fall, I started going to classes at a small studio in the evening. The key to consistency is the smallness which feels like a family. But also the knowledge that I have the am workout so if I have a late meeting it's okay to miss the class. I don't shame myself so it's easier to go back the next day.

    Do what works for you.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited November 2018
    kejw08 wrote: »
    I think it is very person dependent. I personally prefer to do it in the morning. If I get up and get moving right away I am much more likely to get it done then if I have all day to get tired/come up with excuses not to do it.

    It is very person dependent. I'm not a morning person, and if I try to do early morning workouts I end up blowing them off more often than not. My wife goes to the pool and swims at 5:30 am. There ain't no way I'm getting up that early and jumping into a pool, I don't care if it's indoors and heated or not. I do either the mid-day or evening swim sessions, same with my weight training, running and cycling.