Exercise routine...

I started dieting and exercising it will be 4 weeks ago this sunday. No weight loss. When I work out in the morning, which I just started I do that Jillian Ripped in 30 I'm on week one day 6 of that and in evenings I power walk for 5 miles for the last almost 4 weeks. My powerwalk is to the point where I've almost wanted to attempt a slow jog (yay for me, also pushing a stroller lol) One day of rest. And my job is quite a active physical one. Should I add something more to my routine? Still no weight loss in 4 weeks. I've posted on here a few times about the no weight loss part and got great ideas with upping my calories from 1200 and eating my exercise ones and etc.. So I don't have to retype all those you could just look back at my other posts if you'd like w/ my prior questions and responses. Now just wanted to know how I could improve my exercise routine. I am a single mom so I can't just get up and go exercise at certain times of the day. Early morning, late evening. My oldest is almost 8 and my youngest will be 4 in january and I still have not lost the "baby weight." Most of it is my tummy, love handle area.
Suggestions in that area would be nice too... :wink:
Thanks for the help everyone !!

SW: 150
CW: 150
5'4 27 years old.


  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Have you hrunk in size? Use measurements as well, to gauge your progress. If things are fitting looser, you're on the right path! Keep it going!
  • agugino
    agugino Posts: 119
    You have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. If you are working out, building muscle, then you won't notice much difference on the scale. But as someone said, don't go by just the scale, use measurements , how your clothes fit, and even better use your energy level to let you know how you are doing.
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    I like this dude he is funny.

    Top 3 SECRET Reasons Women Can't Lose Weight

  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    In a nutshell, there are approximately 3,500 calories in one pound. To lose weight you need create a calorie deficit. Take your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and add calories burned from any exercise you do, to that number. Subtract the calories you've eaten from that total. The result is your deficit for the day. Once you hit 3,500 in deficit, you should have lost approximately one pound.
  • davisvm
    davisvm Posts: 3 Member
    I also have issues about gaining muscle rather than fat. Unfortunately, a pound of muscle is heavier than a pound of fat. One of the tools on here is a BMR calculator. If you use that to get your basic metabolic rate with the activity that you put in you may find that you are not eating enough calories a day. I have the advantage that I was able to go to a Wellness Clinic and be put onto a machine to calculate my rate. I found that the machine and the calculator had a difference of 200 calories, the calculator was over. However this will give you a good starting point. Also, I discussed it with a fitness professional at the clinic and if you go by that number and the calories that you are intaking for the day not the adjusted calories with exercise in the green numbers you will see a weight loss. I thought that I was eating enough, turns out I'm wasn't on a regular basis. Of course, some days I'm way over but that just means a harder workout the next day to compensate. Also, the advice I had was workout 3 days rest 1 or workout 5 days and rest 2. You have to give your body time to recover. Are you taking your measurements? There is another site that tracks more measurements than this site does. Don't listen to the scale all the time. I'm really bad about being obsessed with that number but I have to be more realistic and track my measurements, they will change first.

    I hope this helps.:smile:
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Although muscle does weigh more than fat, building muscle is a very slow process. It can take a long time to gain a pound of muscle. If you're not seeing the results of weight loss on the scale it's not because you're building muscle. It's because you're not creating enough of a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • feebeast1
    feebeast1 Posts: 13 Member
    While muscle weights more than fat, and that could be the reason for why you haven't seen any movement on the scales, if you are concerned that you aren't losing any weight, maybe you should speak to your doctor to see if there is a medical reason.

    I have a slightly underactive thyroid which makes it difficult for me to lose weight, but I have been eating 1000-1200 calories a day with no excercise and find the scale are going down....

    Look on the bright side - at least your getting healthier, which is more important that what the scales say :smile:

    Good luck x
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Well first off, you're already in the healthy weight rang (though at the high end) for your height. So it's going to be harder anyways to drop weight.

    Is your food diary public? If not, make it public and people can give advice.

    But my questions would be, are you eating 1200 calories (including eating your exercise calories)? Are you drinking enough water?
  • IWillAchieve
    IWillAchieve Posts: 23 Member
    I am sometimes eating my exercise calories and sometimes not, depending on what I have been advised... I just did that BMR thing and it said 1400/calories a day. Is that what I eat or what I should burn??
    MFP is the thing that set me at 1200. I do drink a lot of water.
    So I'm eating too much at 1200 a day and not exercising enough?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I would try and eat 1400 (you should never go less than 1200 according to everyone on here) Make sure you eat your exercise calories and see if that changes it.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I am sometimes eating my exercise calories and sometimes not, depending on what I have been advised... I just did that BMR thing and it said 1400/calories a day. Is that what I eat or what I should burn??
    MFP is the thing that set me at 1200. I do drink a lot of water.
    So I'm eating too much at 1200 a day and not exercising enough?

    BMR is what your body burns each day doing nothing. It's what your body requires in order to run itself. In other words, you burn 1400 calories a day just being alive. Add that to your exercise calories and that's how many calories you burn in one day. Then subtract your food intake calories from that and that's your net calories burned for the day.
  • IWillAchieve
    IWillAchieve Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks so much for explaining that!!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Hey guys, 10 pounds of bricks will not weigh more than 10 pounds of feathers. A pound of fat will weigh the same as a pound of muscle. It will definately take up less space. That's why I mentioned the whole "are your clothes fitting looser" thing. You might be losing weight, but I am sure that you are still losing fat. Keep at it!
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    Hey guys, 10 pounds of bricks will not weigh more than 10 pounds of feathers. A pound of fat will weigh the same as a pound of muscle. It will definately take up less space. That's why I mentioned the whole "are your clothes fitting looser" thing. You might be losing weight, but I am sure that you are still losing fat. Keep at it!

    Muscle weighs more than fat ~ just like if you take 2 containers and fill one with bricks and one with feathers, the one with bricks in it will weigh more. If you have all muscle vs my fat but we have the same measurements YOU will weigh more than me.