Gaining weight with T1D or autoimmune disease?

Hi everyone, I'm Bry! :)

I have a few health problems and unfortunately made my goal of weight loss...because my body decided it was time to have a crazy metabolism and diabetes along with moderate/severe Sjogren's syndrome and kidney issues. So now, I am very underweight and want to sustainably gain some and gain some muscle plus energy.

I would love to meet some people who need to gain weight due to medical problems, it feels kind of isolating right now!

Maybe add me as a friend if you are going through this too, since I feel I need some accountability! Also if you have any suggestions for me that would be sooo appreciated. I've seen a dietician a few times, have tried smoothies and other things, but nothing really sticks except ice cream and cheese and oiled up/buttered up meals, which aren't very healthy in the long run (eek). Thank you! xx


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I have autoimmune disease (RA), in remission from cancer, as well as failing kidneys.

    I don't have problems gaining because I eat more than most dream about, but feel free to PM if you need a ear or have questions.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I have T1D as well and find it incredibly easy to gain fat. That's how I doubled my body weight in a year after diagnosis and ended more than tripling that weight eventually. Losing is very very slow for me.

    Having said that, you may want to better understand the roles insulin plays... it does much more than just remove glucose from blood. If you understand its role as a secondary hormone (leucine as primary) in protein synthesis, then you will be better prepared to dose insulin for the proper amount and to peak at the proper time so that protein consumed will become lean tissue rather than become glucose.
  • maggiefit86
    maggiefit86 Posts: 4 Member
    Happy to help.
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's over 15 years ago. You can achieve anything with a good structure💪👍
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Calling @Hamsibian! She’s one of the most successful weight gain stories from health issues I’ve ever seen.
    I became very underweight because of illness (1 AI- Crohn's and 1 non AI -gastroparesis). The gastroparesis makes eating very painful. I'm currently in the hospital on TPN (day 59) and just started getting feeds through my J tube (I had the surgery 3 weeks ago but developed a bowel obstruction post op so couldn't use it until this past Saturday). I can eat a bit of easily digestible food by mouth.

    I’m sorry to hear that @singingflutelady. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Thanks. I got out on day 88 (dec 7) and I'm only on J tube feeds now not TPN. Still in same weight range i was pre op unfortunately.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Calling @Hamsibian! She’s one of the most successful weight gain stories from health issues I’ve ever seen.
    I became very underweight because of illness (1 AI- Crohn's and 1 non AI -gastroparesis). The gastroparesis makes eating very painful. I'm currently in the hospital on TPN (day 59) and just started getting feeds through my J tube (I had the surgery 3 weeks ago but developed a bowel obstruction post op so couldn't use it until this past Saturday). I can eat a bit of easily digestible food by mouth.

    I’m sorry to hear that @singingflutelady. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

    Oooh I feel famous now! :p I have Crohn's Disease, and my last flare, I went down to 118 lbs. I started MFP, but kept losing weight as I had severe malabsorption. 92lbs (at 5'11) Inflammation rate was super high, anemic, lost half my hair, fast heart rate, and just in pain all the time. I had no energy, and I have to be on a special diet which made it much more difficult. So I ate about 1500 more calories than the recommended MFP goal, which was hard at first as I had no appetite. Dousing everything in oil was a must. Lifting also helped my appetite, but I started with 2.5lb weights.

    Once i started eating more, my inflammation rates went down considerably, recovered from anemia, hair grew back. I am still to this day super careful about how much energy I spend, otherwise I'll be in bed for days. but it's a lot better than before. My inflammatory markers were still high the last time I checked, but I think that's more stress related. I am hoping to get labs checked out soon, so we'll see.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Thanks. I got out on day 88 (dec 7) and I'm only on J tube feeds now not TPN. Still in same weight range i was pre op unfortunately.

    I'm sorry that you haven't gained weight. I truly hope you find relief soon. <3
  • invaderbree
    invaderbree Posts: 27 Member
    I have gastroparesis as well as PsA. Currently underweight and bed bound from a recent surgery, but I fully intend on trying to lift again once my doctor clears me. Feel free to add me 🙂