Lose 35 lbs Oct 24 to March 1



  • weeme285
    weeme285 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok this is my first time joining any forum. So I want to join to up to try and get motivated to lose this excess weight that I have been carrying around. I also want to get stronger.
    SW 162
    GW 132
    The goal weight would put my BMI in the upper normal range. I have had serious health issues lately and I think losing this excess weight would definitely help me out. My reward....a new outfit...just looking in the smaller size clothes rack would be wonderful!!!
  • docoryn
    docoryn Posts: 11 Member
    Feeling sad with daylight savings...was planning to take a walk but it was way to dark when I got home :(
  • carolannerhardt
    carolannerhardt Posts: 10 Member
    Took a 35 minute walk outside this morning. The sun was shining, but the temp was 40 degrees. Burned 202 calories. Yay! Weighed in. Not a significant loss, but I'll take it.

    Beginning CW: 167
    Today W: 166.8

    Docoryn: sorry daylight savings is interrupting your workout schedule. Did you know you can walk/march in place in front of your TV and get a decent workout? I do that sometimes.

    RredSonja: congrats on your gym workout!

  • weeme285
    weeme285 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok day 2, so yesterday I went back on my fitness pal diary and started to log in what I had ate throughout the day, I must say that I have been a failure at maintaining my food log, I just find it so difficult but I will try and to be more diligent and consistent and fill it out daily. A new promise to keep...... I work in a small office with a boss that I swear subscribes to the mantra .....if I cant be skinny let my colleagues be fat......there is candy and snacks and other stuff all over here....its pretty tempting but the guy runs 4 miles a day on a regular basis, I think he said that he has run every day for the last 6 years, even on holidays and on his rare vacations.....OMG!!! Ok so I will never be able to to do that! But I do need to keep my health and strength up as I am a caregiver to a senior (94 year old) whose health is pretty good but for the dementia and her inability to walk without assistance. But she is doing pretty good.
    Yesterday I was able to maintain a calorie intake of 1250 calories. Whew that was tough.....I just wanted to see if I could do it.....
    Today W 160
  • 2020yesyouwill2020
    2020yesyouwill2020 Posts: 115 Member
    Pretty sure I gained weight but throughout the week I hit a low of 196.4 lbs! With a full belly and reckless no gym no care for calories I'm at 202.6lbs.tomorrow will be better!
  • mercedesfisk
    mercedesfisk Posts: 9 Member
    Since its Wednesday, and I never actually shared my numbers, I thought I'd share today.
    SW- 180
    CW- 178
    GW- 150 for this challenge, but 135 overall.
    I've been trying really hard to keep MFP up to date with my nutrition and exercise, but I'm awful at logging it all in. Lol it's a work in progress!
  • stinabean83
    stinabean83 Posts: 1,233 Member
    Ok here goes:

    SW: 195lb
    CW: 188.6lb
    GW: 153.6lb

    Final goal of 130lb. It's all about consistency baby, and man have I been lacking in that haha. Hence the difficulty getting my logging streak past a few weeks! Time to get my butt into it!!
  • UnixGuru
    UnixGuru Posts: 16 Member
    Forgot to weigh in Wed morning. Will do so Thursday AM. Praying I am going the correct direction
  • ata1anta
    ata1anta Posts: 115 Member

    Like @UnixGuru a loss this week, but not as good. (My WW weigh in is noon on Wednesdays)

    Fortunately, I didn't gain with my too much partying and not enough logging. I started off my Wednesday with a virtual 5k (I NEVER do this sort of thing, virtual or otherwise). I walked up and down the street (literally, the road slopes up in both directions from our house) until I hit 3 miles on my tracker. I signed up for a virtual 10k Turkey trot (message me for details if you're interested) over the holiday.

    I may try the 5k again this weekend, weather permitting. It's a lot easier to do it outside than the "march in front of the TV" that I do like @carolannerhardt. I get bored after 10 minutes and have to do something else LOL (I usually do that when I'm working from home and need a break from the computer).

    C*SW - 238
    Last Week - 239
    This Week -238.8
    C*GW - 203

    (I'm using C* rather than typing out the whole word "Challenge" for my annotations)
  • carolannerhardt
    carolannerhardt Posts: 10 Member
    Eating better and exercise has finally crashed through the plateau I've been on for too long! Hope it continues as the holidays are growing closer! Lost 1.4 lbs this week.

    CSW: 167
    LW: 166.8
    CW: 165.4

  • UnixGuru
    UnixGuru Posts: 16 Member
    Another good week, going the right way:

    SW: 344.7 (3/19/17)
    Start challenge: 256.1
    Last week: 255.9
    This week: 252.8
    GW: 230
    Stretch goal: 220
  • UnixGuru
    UnixGuru Posts: 16 Member
    A “stationary” week for me:

    SW 344.6 (3/19/17)
    Start challenge: 256.1
    Last week: 252.8
    This week: 252.9
    Goal: 230
    Stretch goal: 220

    I ate far too many carbs this week. So I am really going to have to watch my carb loading this week
  • Believer150
    Believer150 Posts: 9 Member
    I am feeling stuck! Anyone have experience with not losing weight on 1200 calories per day (I do eat back most of the calories burned exercising? Have been struggling to lose anything! Help!!
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    Hahaha how much do I suck, I haven’t been here in weeks! Very busy at work, and lots going on at home. But I’m back. Been going to the gym and eating healthy, except for turkey day. Hopefully the weight-in Wednesday will show some loss or stasis!
    So glad to see the group still hanging together.
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    I am feeling stuck! Anyone have experience with not losing weight on 1200 calories per day (I do eat back most of the calories burned exercising? Have been struggling to lose anything! Help!!

    Do you weigh and measure your food precisely? Even seemingly tiny descepancies add up fast.
    I have found the estimated calories on MFP are waaaay too optimistic. Try eating back 50% and see if that helps.

  • jrdyer15
    jrdyer15 Posts: 1 Member
    I started a weightloss challenge at my job. After gaining some weight after having a child, i started weightlifting steadily for a year. My husband deployed about 8 months ago and I've slowly gained the weight back. So, I could use constant support and motivation to keep going.

    SW: 190
    CW: 186
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    edited November 2018
    Welcome jrdyer15!

    I didn’t weight in this week. However, my clothing says I'm shrinking! I've had a good week of diet adherence, weight lifting on track, still building up my cardio. Hopefully by this time next week I'll be ready to get on the stair master again.