Egg Fanatic

I love Eggs. Scrambled or Fried with no calorie spray. Problem is the calories are 70 per egg. I switched to Egg Beaters and various kinds of those carton eggs to cut calories even more. The downside is the flavor. I have done everything from adding spices, veges to make the flavor of the scrambles better. No matter what I add even adding salt the flavor is still bland to me. It is missing that creaminess of an actual egg. I was trying things like bagel thins with 1/4 cup Egg Beaters and spices with a slice of Smart Beat cheese. Pretty low calorie but it has been 3 wks now with Egg Beater variations and I am about sick of the carton eggs. I am now putting a piece of cheese and Oscar Meyer turkey on the bagel cuz I am Egg Beatered out. So, does anyone know where I can get lower calorie actual eggs? I know there are Quail Eggs but the cost is crazy. Or perhaps someone knows of a carton egg that actually tastes good.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I had the same problem but have gotten use to the taste and like it now. I can eat them anytime and almost no cals.
    In the beginning I ate 1 whole and 1/4 cup of whites. I didn't like the egg beaters I eat carton real egg whites.
  • I usually add one whole egg to about a cup of egg whites. It saves on calories and ups the protein.
  • What's wrong with just regular old eggs? They're really good for you. Excellent protein and healthy fats, lots of vitamins.

    Stop obsessing over calories and concentrate on eating real food.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    70 calories / egg is too much? Two eggs is 140 calories and has so much good vitamins and protein. You really couldn't ask for more "bang for your buck." I don't understand this post.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I think 70 calories per egg is very low, especially since they're loaded with protein!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    2 Whole eggs have 422 mg Cholesterol. My goals says you should only have 300 mg in a whole day.
    That's why I switched to whites. It's not just about calories.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Whole eggs are just awesome. Eat eat eat.
  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    As every already said eat the eggs and add some whites to it if your trying to lower cals. I eat 6 whole and 6 whites everyday. Fat content is in the yoke. But despite what many believe you need fat in your diet. If you like whole eggs. Eat them! And cut the fat out somewhere else if you need to fit your macros better. Stay motivated mfp!
  • Yes and I so want real eggs. I love them so much could eat them breakfast lunch and dinner. But my husband is trying really hard to lower calories to 1500 and me 1200 and it is hard when I love eggs so much. Maybe I can try 1 egg with the carton 1/4 cup and see how that works out. If I still am not into the flavor then maybe I should just find something else to cut. We cut out potatoes and pasta to cut down on carbs and do the 35 calorie Holsom bread if we do a sandwich. No calorie Mayo and a ton of other no calorie items from Walden Farms. We even got miracle noodles but the miracle rice does not work for sushi. But I have found a way to make Tuna Sushi 2 rolls for 137 calories. And it taste great. Great dinner 2 rolls. With no rice it cuts out tons of carbs and calories. Plus eggs are so much cheaper. Anyway, thanks for everyones input and I will play.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    What's wrong with just regular old eggs? They're really good for you. Excellent protein and healthy fats, lots of vitamins.

    Stop obsessing over calories and concentrate on eating real food.

  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    2 Whole eggs have 422 mg Cholesterol. My goals says you should only have 300 mg in a whole day.
    That's why I switched to whites. It's not just about calories.

    Unless you have a cholesterol problem. Whole eggs are actually shown to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Again I eat 6 whole a day. And my blood work is perfect!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Eggs have lots of good nutrients that I'm not sure you get with all that processed fake carton stuff (I've never looked into it, so I don't know...). But I do know that real eggs have lots of protein and are low-carb. So I'd say, go ahead and eat your eggs! Cut out something else high-calorie that you don't love as much, like bread or bagels. Or eat smaller eggs: in my grocery store, they come in medium, large or x-large and obviously the medium have fewer calories than the x-large.
    I usually have at least 2 eggs a day, usually more, sometimes even half a dozen. Hard-boiled eggs are a good convenient snack to grab & go. I find that they keep me full longer than a piece of fruit, so I can end up eating less overall.
  • If you're going to cut things, don't cut eggs. They're really good for you.
  • I do not have a Cholesterol issue. Mine is so low the doctor is trying to figure out why. And he tested me when I was eating 6 whole eggs a day for breakfast, hashbrowns with tons of butter and bacon or sausage. He just thinks I am an oddity with the whole Cholesterol thing. Like some people can eat 2 Big Macs and not gain anything and have a Vanilla Shake. Just peoples bodies work in wierd ways.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    2 Whole eggs have 422 mg Cholesterol. My goals says you should only have 300 mg in a whole day.
    That's why I switched to whites. It's not just about calories.

    Unless you are eating eggs every single day and have high cholesterol, I don't see how this will be a problem.

    Eggs are one of the best foods one can eat. Particularly for kids with all the good protein and fats in them.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I eat two eggs scrambled with laughing cow wedge 3-4 times a week. 145 calories ~ not bad for a meal, add fruit or milk and still under 300 for the meal.
    My LDL and HDL were off the wrong way at my doctors, and he said this amount was fine, as eggs are a 'healthy' fat.
  • mattellis2
    mattellis2 Posts: 152
    2 Whole eggs have 422 mg Cholesterol. My goals says you should only have 300 mg in a whole day.
    That's why I switched to whites. It's not just about calories.

    my concern, too. the fat and calories don't bother me..the cholesterol does.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I absolutely love eggs and I don't worry about the cals etc. Eggs are so filling... and versatile.

    the best way to have eggs if boiled, de-shelled and mashed into a cup with slice of wheaten bread chopped up and thrown in! Best saturday lunch EVER!!!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    For those worried about cholesterol.

    Dietary cholesterol has no effect on your blood serum cholesterol.

    Eat as many whole eggs as your daily calorie intake and macros allow pertaining to your goals.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    There isn't proof that food cholesterol gets turned into blood cholesterol.

    There is, however, evidence that HFCS raises cholesterol.