Frustrated with weight training - considering cutting back

I started my weight loss effort last Christmas, weighing in at my non-pregnant high of 170, which was a lot on my 5'3" frame. Since then, I have lost weight super slowly, especially in the last couple of months, but I am down roughly 23-24 lbs. I am 4 lbs away from getting out of the overweight BMI zone, which I really want to do.

Most of my weight was lost via a modest calorie deficit (.5 lb loss per week) and doing varied cardio for 30 minutes a day. Over the summer, I decided to start some weight training just so I could retain some muscle and build a little strength. My goals at the time were really modest - I have no desire to be "ripped" or lift super heavy. I just don't want to be a pile of jello once I have the last ten lbs off.

Over the past two months, my weight loss has completely stalled. I attribute part of that to my logging, which had been less than stellar for a while. The other part of it has been due to me being ravenous, especially in the last month since I increased my weights. My logging has been back on point, but I CANNOT stop eating - I have been going over my calorie goals almost every day by 100-200 calories, which is kind of a big deal when you're in a small deficit to begin with. I crave fat and sweets (which is my achilles heel). And I have stopped looking forward to my workouts, which was not a problem two months ago. I do not naturally love weight training (I am a cardio junkie), but I also feel like it is getting me nowhere.

The last several days, I have thrown my workout schedule out the window and have gone back to just cardio (aerobics videos at home), and I am feeling a bit better. I am one week away from finishing my current weight training rotation, but I just can't bring myself to finish it. I don't want to ditch weight training all together, but I am really unhappy with how I am feeling, and I don't see any other way. Not sure what I am asking for here, but maybe some perspective or other ideas, or just some commiseration? Thanks.


  • aportz
    aportz Posts: 12 Member
    First, take a minute to congratulate yourself! You’re down under 150 which is awesome and hard work! Don’t give up the weights. Can you try to mix it up a bit? Do you belong to a gym? I really like the group strength training classes. I get really bored if I don’t do different things. Can you swing a few sessions with a trainer? Weight training has been a real game changer for me especially as I get older (I’m 55) so don’t quit! You’ve got this!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    I go through eat-all-the-food every Autumn.

    If you're in the northern hemisphere, welcome to lower body fat and cooler weather. The body wants that fat layer going into winter. It's pretty hard to fight tens of thousands of years of biology, so buckle down for a rough ride until Spring. At least that's my experience over the last decade.

    I wouldn't blame the weight lifting. And more cardio does help, it boosts the brain chemicals that are fighting to maintain during the shorter days. I find taking Vitamin D really helps through the winters.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    What weight lifting program do you follow? How many days a week?
  • JoAnna4731
    JoAnna4731 Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks very much for all of your responses. Some answers:

    jemhh - I am less concerned about the stalled weight loss than I am about the waning of my motivation. I do think I need to at least make sure that I am getting enough protein. I gravitate toward a carb-heavy diet (many veggies!), and I just may not be fueling myself properly. It is really hard for me to be observant of meal timing - I'm lucky I have enough time to log what I am eating - but I do have time to make sure I'm getting an extra egg or serving of cottage cheese in there!

    aportz - Thank you for the kind words - it is hard to keep in mind the progress I have made. I don't join gyms, so I work out exclusively at home. I don't think that boredom is the issue here - I just feel tired all the time lately and it's sucking all of the motivation out of me.

    cmriverside I had not considered the seasonal change, but it makes a lot of sense. Ever since the weather got cooler (and yes, I'm in the northeast!), I want to eat everything. The little bit of extra cardio has at least elevated my mood, so I know I am not spiraling into depression eating. It may just be nature :smile:

    lorrpb I am doing a program by Jessica Smith, which is basically four days a week - lower body, upper body, total body and a day of light weight intervals, interspersed with cardio days. This is the third program of hers that I have done, but programs past have been more cardio-based (maybe two days lifting, and one day weight intervals, the rest cardio and stretching). I LOVED the last two programs I did, and really felt my best with the one right before this one.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I used to be a cardio queen 90 mins to 2 hours that's how much I loved it. My Bootcamp instructor introduced me to weight lifting. At first it sucked because my weight increased (water retention) or I stayed in a plateau for a couple of months. But after a while my body was more toned and my clothes fit better and I looked better because everything was tighter. Now I just do 30 mins of cardio and I am in the weight room with the men cuz I enjoy the lifting challenge and how I look from being more toned. So in saying all of that stick with the lifting. Gained muscles boosts the metabolism which helps to burn the fat more efficiently.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    As your in in the north consider supplementing with vitamin D and/or getting a sunlight as well as getting outside at least 30 min a day.
    My lamp and vit D's come out and are used the day the clocks change. This helps keep my energy levels up, and I have avoided my 5lbs winter gain for years now.

    (We started the vitD and lamp because my SO was having problems with motivation in the winter, I thought I was ok and just went along for the ride, but it really did make a difference. I didn't realise just how much I too went into hibernate mode.)

    As far as finishing the last week of your programme, I get the not liking leaving something until done, but would you be happier going back to the previous programme, or moving on to something completely different than JS?

    If so move on, lots of variety free on the net, no regrets.
    I am not an exercise enthusiast, so will change things up if mentally I am no longer into it, otherwise I may just give up exercise altogether.

    I used to do 10kms, last year I didn't enjoy it, this year I hated. Next year I will be a spectathlete. No more racing for me, not worth the angst. I will 10km on my own, just not race.
  • SpyLuna
    SpyLuna Posts: 10 Member
    edited November 2018
    I get ravenous when I lift weights too. This was my cycle, Start dieting lose 15 pounds with diet. Add in cardio lose more weight. Start lifting, gain a few pounds in a couple weeks with no change to the diet at this point, then the increased hunger begins and I turn ravenous. I fall off the diet, get discouraged and stop working out. it happened a few times to me. What I did was stop the long cardio and get a Max trainer and do the HIIT cardio work out on that in between full body work out weight days. I noticed the HIIT workouts curb my appetite for up to 24 hours, sometimes longer, and I still get in 2 full body weight days a week. I've been following it for three weeks and although, like always I gained a couple pounds for some reason, I at least control my hunger and don't fall off diet because diet is key!
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Perhaps a different lifting routine/program would be a good step before no lifting program? Maybe fewer times per week and/or fewer overall exercises?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    why did you last have a diet break?
  • JoAnna4731
    JoAnna4731 Posts: 115 Member
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    Perhaps a different lifting routine/program would be a good step before no lifting program? Maybe fewer times per week and/or fewer overall exercises?

    Yep, that’s the plan!
  • JoAnna4731
    JoAnna4731 Posts: 115 Member
    why did you last have a diet break?

    I have not done an official diet break, but I did ease up on my logging for about a month in August/September. I was still losing weight but I was not hyper focused on it.

  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    I don't see that anyone has asked about your food logging habits.

    Do you log food with dedication every day, every meal?
    Do you use a scale to weigh solid foods and measuring cups/spoons for liquids?

    I find the Nutrition charts that MFP generates to be extremely useful in analyzing my past behavior for ideas about what might be contributing to my today results, and, what maybe could be altered to more effectively achieve my goals.

    - don't forget muscle weighs more than fat; how do your clothes fit? I find that to be a useful gauge sometimes, more so than the scale.

    Good luck to you.
  • JoAnna4731
    JoAnna4731 Posts: 115 Member
    amy19355 wrote: »
    I don't see that anyone has asked about your food logging habits.

    Do you log food with dedication every day, every meal?
    Do you use a scale to weigh solid foods and measuring cups/spoons for liquids?

    I find the Nutrition charts that MFP generates to be extremely useful in analyzing my past behavior for ideas about what might be contributing to my today results, and, what maybe could be altered to more effectively achieve my goals.

    - don't forget muscle weighs more than fat; how do your clothes fit? I find that to be a useful gauge sometimes, more so than the scale.

    Good luck to you.

    Logging was relaxed for a period over the summer, but I have tightened it up again. I weigh everything, and even when my logging was relaxed, I still weighed almost everything, and logged every single meal. I’m not concerned about my logging now - I’ve got that.

    My clothes fit great - I still have some work to do though. I really need to think about my goals, what I’m hoping to achieve and what I actually have the bandwidth to achieve. I don’t have a lot of time to focus on my physique and after years of body shaming myself, I’m finally totally ok with my body shape as is. I’m super proud of how far I’ve come this year and how my six year old boy says “mommy you’re beautiful and you got so skinny!” (Hahaha no I’m not “skinny” son, but thank you!). I think I got into something that really doesn’t forward me in my goals - get to a normal BMI/don’t look like jello. I just need to take a step back because I just think I’m burning out.

  • JoAnna4731
    JoAnna4731 Posts: 115 Member
    By the way, this thread has been really therapeutic for me - my frustration is subsiding. Thank you all.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    JoAnna4731 wrote: »
    why did you last have a diet break?

    I have not done an official diet break, but I did ease up on my logging for about a month in August/September. I was still losing weight but I was not hyper focused on it.

    a diet break is eating at maintenance, not not logging.
  • JoAnna4731
    JoAnna4731 Posts: 115 Member
    JoAnna4731 wrote: »
    why did you last have a diet break?

    I have not done an official diet break, but I did ease up on my logging for about a month in August/September. I was still losing weight but I was not hyper focused on it.

    a diet break is eating at maintenance, not not logging.

    No, I have not consciously taken a diet break then. I didn’t stop logging - I did stop weighing/measuring with precision accuracy, so I may have been eating at or close to maintenance, but not on purpose.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    JoAnna4731 wrote: »
    JoAnna4731 wrote: »
    why did you last have a diet break?

    I have not done an official diet break, but I did ease up on my logging for about a month in August/September. I was still losing weight but I was not hyper focused on it.

    a diet break is eating at maintenance, not not logging.

    No, I have not consciously taken a diet break then. I didn’t stop logging - I did stop weighing/measuring with precision accuracy, so I may have been eating at or close to maintenance, but not on purpose.

    if you were still losing weight then you were still in a deficit.

    anyway, you may want to consider it along with looking at your lifting programme etc and maybe refresh your goals for the new year?
  • JoAnna4731
    JoAnna4731 Posts: 115 Member
    Yes, I agree.