lightly active (are they crazy) vent

so they (MFP) says that being a nurse is considered "light" are they nuts, I have been a CNA for 7 years and nursing is ANYTHING but light work.

sorry just wanted to vent about it


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I would have to agree with that, as an xray tech, moving patients that weigh anywhere from 90lbs to 400lbs and going up and down stairs for portable x rays, there is no way they would convince me that being a nurse or an x ray tech is light work!
  • janebowenlmt
    Oh yeah, 8 years as a cna and 10 as an lpn. Nothing light about that job!
    Depends on the field. Some do a lot of physical work and running around like you , others are doing mostly paper work and leisurely walking around. I know that when I was back office, I had a much higher activity level than I do working with insurances now.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I would have to agree with that, as an xray tech, moving patients that weigh anywhere from 90lbs to 400lbs and going up and down stairs for portable x rays, there is no way they would convince me that being a nurse or an x ray tech is light work!

    We do yoga at work twice a week, in the basement. I wore my heart rate monitor for it a couple times and kept it on when I climbed three flights of stairs back to my office.

    I burned 7 calories from the basement to the third floor.

    I'm thinking construction work is probably something that would be considered very active, and while I'm sure nurses do a LOT, I would guess construction work is a lot more physically rigorous.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I would have to agree with that, as an xray tech, moving patients that weigh anywhere from 90lbs to 400lbs and going up and down stairs for portable x rays, there is no way they would convince me that being a nurse or an x ray tech is light work!

    We do yoga at work twice a week, in the basement. I wore my heart rate monitor for it a couple times and kept it on when I climbed three flights of stairs back to my office.

    I burned 7 calories from the basement to the third floor.

    I'm thinking construction work is probably something that would be considered very active, and while I'm sure nurses do a LOT, I would guess construction work is a lot more physically rigorous.

    My point was that I dont' consider nursing or x ray a light job. My fiance is in construction and yes that is definitely more vigorous but that still doesn't mean nursing is light work, unless you do desk work. and as far as the stairs goes do it 30-40 times (more and faster if you are a respiratory therapist) and it really adds up.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member

    I am not saying that other jobs (like construction) are not harder and more physical work but I was just annoyed that they consider it to be light activity,

    you work 12 hours a day and I very seldom sat down
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    I have been a cna in home care. You sit most of the day. I have been a cna in a nursing home and thought I was going to die from all the physical activities. So depends on what you do.