Posting for more friends who are into fitness, like me!

I did not want to post this in the "Introduce Yourself" thread in the Community. I rarely venture here to the community. BUT I want to liven-up my friends' list with COMMITTED, longer-term members, who aren't prone to "giving up". Those of you who don't need motivation to workout (lift, etc), but view workouts as your built-in regimen/routine, just like brushing your teeth. I'm hitting my 1-year mark here VERY soon.....since Sept 2017, I have lost 126 lbs by clean-eating (intuitive), running, and lifting. I'm loving my return to my former fit-self....but wiser this time around. And proud to say I'm in better shape now than even 15 years ago! I love having like-minded, committed, FUN friends on mfp. Friends who love to lift, run, etc and actually post and have a good time. Friend me. Please. ;)


  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    I'll add you
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I'm here! I workout daily, twice usually Mon-Thurs. I was told a few years ago that I was going to burn myself out. But I'm still here and probably doing more now!
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    Request sent.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    I will add you. I had a two year streak until my phone and MFP both updated this week and logged me out. It broke my old account irretrievably so I made a new one.
    I walk at lunch every day, do at least two yoga classes a week and lift weights occasionally.
    I lifted way more consistently before my dad got really sick last year. It's been either him or my job eating my gym time since then.