Tips for reflux?



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I started intermittent fasting last month (16/8), and I think that it has helped me a lot. I stop eating at 7pm and eat at 11am. I think its the not eating before bed for so long that really helps. I also lost around 20lbs this year and I'm not overweight anymore which helped a lot too, but I think even losing some weight helps. I don't have to take my medicine everyday anymore, every other day or so is ok now for me. However, I do still need medication and I was told I'll need it the rest of my life. Definitely ask your doctor.

    I've done IF all my life(more than 3 decades) and for ME it doesnt help. as for any meds they are supposed to be taken everyday thats their purpose. for me weight loss also didnt help. but a lot of my issues started with H pylori and I had to take meds for that to clear that up. I dont have it now but flare ups can happen at any time and they are a pain to treat and diagnose as once you have it it will show up in blood tests active or they have to take stool tests. my gastro when she did my scope looked for it and found none there so. also in my experience even missing one day of meds causing a lot of rebound reflux so that may be why when you miss one day you have to take it the next.especially if its something the doctor said you will need the rest of your life its probably best to take it everyday to prevent and treat the issue.but thats between you and your dr
  • mor72
    mor72 Posts: 83 Member
    wirked for me for years. Also it might be worth having a food journal to see which food makes it worse for you. Try not to any anything 3-4 hours before going to bed(if you have food in the evening and not doing much moving around that food will take longer to digestive hence if some of it dont agree with you might give you reflux). I would go back to the dr, as you might have a underlying problem. If you need a tube down your throat you can be seated, which means you wont know what happened. I had it dont and it was alright. I dont understand why your lungs would have been checked as reflux comes from your stomach, hench having a tube down will soon tell you where your problem lies.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    What helps me is eating small meals throughout the day so I feel satiated but not full, limiting consumption of fried and fatty foods, and then stop eating 2-3 hours before laying down at night. That allows me to lay flat when I sleep at night without getting reflux.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    SoozeE512 wrote: »
    What helps me is eating small meals throughout the day so I feel satiated but not full, limiting consumption of fried and fatty foods, and then stop eating 2-3 hours before laying down at night. That allows me to lay flat when I sleep at night without getting reflux.

    Yes, the fried foods used to get me. Now I limit them, but thankfully not because of reflux. Which is a shame, I do like a bloomin onion once in a great while.
  • mtdb8
    mtdb8 Posts: 65 Member
    edited November 2018
    I dont understand why your lungs would have been checked as reflux comes from your stomach, hench having a tube down will soon tell you where your problem lies.

    My lungs were checked because I've had a dry cough for over a year and they wanted to make sure it wasn't a lung issue. Once it was determined it wasn't, they looked for other causes like reflux.

  • mor72
    mor72 Posts: 83 Member
    Dont know why this wasn't on my first response. Try a glass of milk, it neutralise the acid 1 hour before going to bed, it worked for me.
  • amyjsparkles
    amyjsparkles Posts: 6,165 Member
    I had terrible acid reflux. So bad that it got to the point where I couldn't eat any food at all, without it feeling like it was stuck in my throat. I took Prilosec, and then decided I had to lose weight and changed the way I ate. I stopped eating all fried foods, chocolate, spicy foods, no caffeine, no soft drinks, nothing acidic, no oranges, lemons, tomatoes, also I only ate things that were low in fat, and ate no dairy. I ate spinach often, as I was told this calms down acid. I also drank ginger tea almost every night after a meal with a teaspoon of honey. I didn't eat 4 hours before I went to bed and I raised the head of my head 6 inches. I also ate 5 tiny meals a day.

    It took over 8 months of eating this way, and taking medication, and also losing 112 pounds, and when I had a recent test done, where they stick a camera down your throat, my reflux was gone and it's no longer inflamed and is pink and healthy in there and now I am able to eat most foods again. Though I stay away from fried foods, dairy, and caffeine, just because I feel better without them.

    My GI doctor told me the ONLY things actually proven to really help you are:
    -don't eat 3 hours before bedtime
    -lose weight

    I hope this helps. Acid reflux is a terrible thing. People don't realize how bad it can get. I literally could eat nothing but Ensure for about 2 months and I lost 40 pounds in those 2 months.

    I was on Zantac for a few years prior to all this happening, but it just wasn't good enough. I would cough alot and Drs thought I had asthma, or all these other issues and it was all acid! For years.

    So please take care of it asap! Don't let it get as bad as I did. <3 Good luck!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    mor72 wrote: »
    Dont know why this wasn't on my first response. Try a glass of milk, it neutralise the acid 1 hour before going to bed, it worked for me.

    its a temp fix and can cause a rebound effect milk doesnt neutralize acid, if it did more people would drink milk and not need meds. and the acid in your stomach would not be able to break it down.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I had terrible acid reflux. So bad that it got to the point where I couldn't eat any food at all, without it feeling like it was stuck in my throat. I took Prilosec, and then decided I had to lose weight and changed the way I ate. I stopped eating all fried foods, chocolate, spicy foods, no caffeine, no soft drinks, nothing acidic, no oranges, lemons, tomatoes, also I only ate things that were low in fat, and ate no dairy. I ate spinach often, as I was told this calms down acid. I also drank ginger tea almost every night after a meal with a teaspoon of honey. I didn't eat 4 hours before I went to bed and I raised the head of my head 6 inches. I also ate 5 tiny meals a day.

    It took over 8 months of eating this way, and taking medication, and also losing 112 pounds, and when I had a recent test done, where they stick a camera down your throat, my reflux was gone and it's no longer inflamed and is pink and healthy in there and now I am able to eat most foods again. Though I stay away from fried foods, dairy, and caffeine, just because I feel better without them.

    My GI doctor told me the ONLY things actually proven to really help you are:
    -don't eat 3 hours before bedtime
    -lose weight

    I hope this helps. Acid reflux is a terrible thing. People don't realize how bad it can get. I literally could eat nothing but Ensure for about 2 months and I lost 40 pounds in those 2 months.

    I was on Zantac for a few years prior to all this happening, but it just wasn't good enough. I would cough alot and Drs thought I had asthma, or all these other issues and it was all acid! For years.

    So please take care of it asap! Don't let it get as bad as I did. <3 Good luck!

    weight loss may help in some people but I know for me I had it when I was at a healthy weight loss wasnt going to be a deciding factor. as for spinach calming down acid no. your stomach acid has to break that down too. if these foods calmed down the acid these foods would not be properly broken down. your stomach produces acid for a reason. some people produce too much,some too little.
  • mor72
    mor72 Posts: 83 Member
    All i can say, everyone's body are different, what works for one or more might not work for others. Regards to milk, it always work for me and everyone else i spoken to, but as i said we all work different.
    This might be a interesting reading for some of you.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Acid reflux is the 3rd most common cause of a chronic cough.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    mor72 wrote: »
    All i can say, everyone's body are different, what works for one or more might not work for others. Regards to milk, it always work for me and everyone else i spoken to, but as i said we all work different.
    This might be a interesting reading for some of you.

    this is just an article and the food say they CAN help. many of those foods can cause reflux/or trigger it in some people. this article has no links to scientific studies backing it up so its just opinion. as the article states". Some foods may help alleviate symptoms in one person but aggravate them in another"
  • amyjsparkles
    amyjsparkles Posts: 6,165 Member
    I had terrible acid reflux. So bad that it got to the point where I couldn't eat any food at all, without it feeling like it was stuck in my throat. I took Prilosec, and then decided I had to lose weight and changed the way I ate. I stopped eating all fried foods, chocolate, spicy foods, no caffeine, no soft drinks, nothing acidic, no oranges, lemons, tomatoes, also I only ate things that were low in fat, and ate no dairy. I ate spinach often, as I was told this calms down acid. I also drank ginger tea almost every night after a meal with a teaspoon of honey. I didn't eat 4 hours before I went to bed and I raised the head of my head 6 inches. I also ate 5 tiny meals a day.

    It took over 8 months of eating this way, and taking medication, and also losing 112 pounds, and when I had a recent test done, where they stick a camera down your throat, my reflux was gone and it's no longer inflamed and is pink and healthy in there and now I am able to eat most foods again. Though I stay away from fried foods, dairy, and caffeine, just because I feel better without them.

    My GI doctor told me the ONLY things actually proven to really help you are:
    -don't eat 3 hours before bedtime
    -lose weight

    I hope this helps. Acid reflux is a terrible thing. People don't realize how bad it can get. I literally could eat nothing but Ensure for about 2 months and I lost 40 pounds in those 2 months.

    I was on Zantac for a few years prior to all this happening, but it just wasn't good enough. I would cough alot and Drs thought I had asthma, or all these other issues and it was all acid! For years.

    So please take care of it asap! Don't let it get as bad as I did. <3 Good luck!

    weight loss may help in some people but I know for me I had it when I was at a healthy weight loss wasnt going to be a deciding factor. as for spinach calming down acid no. your stomach acid has to break that down too. if these foods calmed down the acid these foods would not be properly broken down. your stomach produces acid for a reason. some people produce too much,some too little.

    Yes, but your body has to produce a lot less acid to break down spinach for instance, versus a steak.

    Several people have acid reflux that are at a healthy weight, but the OP stated that they needed to control it even though they are overweight, so for them, weight loss may be the answer they need to get rid of it completely. Unfortunately that doesn't work for all people. But that extra pressure of weight on the LES is what causes issues for people who are heavy, not ALL the time, but often.

    I was just sharing my own experience with it and what worked for me. We are all different, but it was absolute hell to deal with.

    Hope you get better!

    I'm out! x