I am back after a crisis

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been on line for ever, however I am back.
Had 4 deaths this year, many hours spent at hospitals and on the road. Then 3 close members been diagnosed with cancer.
My eating plan and all went for a ball of ......
Finally things have settled down, and I am able to focus on myself.
Was making that mental game maybe I restart next year... hahahha
Well I got on the scale just to see, OMG I gained all the weight I lost and then some.
So I am back and ready to go full power.
Hope there are a few people that will assist and guide me again.



  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Wow, you have been through a lot. Sorry for your losses. The most important thing is that you are back at it, and sound very determined!
  • ggenet2014
    ggenet2014 Posts: 71 Member
    Sorry for your losses! I’m glad your back! Start now. The past is the past when it comes to weight. You can not control that. But this future .. coming up... you are in control!! You got this!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    So sorry Sharon you have had a dreadful time. Yes start now there is no point in waiting. I'm wishing you good luck and know you can do this. Go for it.
  • celeste_2009
    celeste_2009 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that. Now it's time to put yourself first! We believe in you.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    So sorry for your difficult year. And now time to focus on yourself, hope for a better year, and diligence on better food choices.
  • SharonSA63
    SharonSA63 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for the kind words... was needed...

    Now I need motivation and some buddies that are prepared to kick my butt when I feel I'm slipping.
