Looking for support

1975dolson Posts: 10 Member
edited November 2018 in Motivation and Support
I am a 43 year old women and I have been a member for several years. I have now decided to reach out for support.
I have had a hard time losing and finally went to see my doctor and weighed in 214 so was hoping for some help. I had all blood work possibly done and everything came back great..🤔
So he prescribed some pills to help,but I am looking for people to help me stay motivated on those bad days.
Holidays coming I'm freaked out.


  • resale3108
    resale3108 Posts: 293 Member
    First things first, DITCH THE PILLS! Then, get your head in gear. Otherwise you will be on the pills for ever.
  • 1975dolson
    1975dolson Posts: 10 Member
    The doctor said it was a short term to get my metabolism going again and then he would slowly take me off??
    I trust him he has been my moms doctor for years and mine. I never did the gimmick pills..thank goodness,but I'm nervous. I have tried everything personal trainers...way expensive,friends we both quit and with my job I work for the state and am always at my desk.
    I just cant seem to get going.
  • resale3108
    resale3108 Posts: 293 Member
    Hmmmm. Not easy is it. Well short term it is.
    Is there any way, then, that you could get some time in during the day to increase your metabolism by daily exercise? Even just walking
  • 1975dolson
    1975dolson Posts: 10 Member
    I have started that last week. I'm not sure where you live. I live in Idaho and it's currently open enrollment for health insurance with the state and it's been one customer after another. Crazy Busy!!!
    But I'm trying.....hurry up December 15..hahahah
  • resale3108
    resale3108 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm way far away in Scotland. Crazy busy! Sometimes it's necessary to make time for you though.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    Read the sticky posts tons of info there.
    Log everything you eat. If you do not have a food weight scale, get one. Weigh every food before you eat it.
    Go into MFP and state how tall you are, how much you weigh. How much you want to lose per week. Overall in one of the stickies it explains for people needing to lose more than 75 pounds up to 2lbs per week is ok. I think 50 to 75 1.5 lbs is ok. under 50 to around 20 1 lb and less than 20 .5 lb per week is the suggestion.

    MFP when you put the age, height and weight in will ask how active you are and based on answers will suggest how many calories per day you should eat. If you exercise at all, then the going thought is to eat back about 50% of those calories.

    I have been on this time since May 2018 and started with needing well over 100 ponds to lose. So far I have lost 74 pounds. So it works. Welcome and best of luck. And follow your Dr's advice first, no matter what anyone suggests.
  • 1975dolson
    1975dolson Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks so much, I appreciate it greatly!!!
  • 1975dolson
    1975dolson Posts: 10 Member
    OMG I am beyond upset.
    I nicked the mountains this weekend and drank tons of water,ate good,didnt even have a glass of wine and my weight stayed the same.
    I want a big mushroom swiss burger and fries with a beer!!!!!
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    1975dolson wrote: »
    OMG I am beyond upset.
    I nicked the mountains this weekend and drank tons of water,ate good,didnt even have a glass of wine and my weight stayed the same.
    I want a big mushroom swiss burger and fries with a beer!!!!!

    Why is your daily goal so low? Why are you not even eating your daily goal? Who recommended you that goal?

  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Read the sticky posts tons of info there.
    Log everything you eat. If you do not have a food weight scale, get one. Weigh every food before you eat it.
    Go into MFP and state how tall you are, how much you weigh. How much you want to lose per week. Overall in one of the stickies it explains for people needing to lose more than 75 pounds up to 2lbs per week is ok. I think 50 to 75 1.5 lbs is ok. under 50 to around 20 1 lb and less than 20 .5 lb per week is the suggestion.

    MFP when you put the age, height and weight in will ask how active you are and based on answers will suggest how many calories per day you should eat. If you exercise at all, then the going thought is to eat back about 50% of those calories.

    I have been on this time since May 2018 and started with needing well over 100 ponds to lose. So far I have lost 74 pounds. So it works. Welcome and best of luck. And follow your Dr's advice first, no matter what anyone suggests.

    This is very good advice.

    And calorie counting has a significant learning curve. Don’t be discouraged when you struggle. Keep working and problem solving. Calorie counting works given enough time. Give everything plenty of time.

  • TexasTallchick
    TexasTallchick Posts: 138 Member
    You’ve got to give it more time. Weight loss is not instantaneous. It comes off slowly and over time. You didn’t gain it overnight, right? Dedication and perseverance and impeccable logging (staying within your calorie goal) WILL work. Just stick with it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    1975dolson wrote: »
    OMG I am beyond upset.
    I nicked the mountains this weekend and drank tons of water,ate good,didnt even have a glass of wine and my weight stayed the same.
    I want a big mushroom swiss burger and fries with a beer!!!!!

    You can have a mushroom swiss burger with a beer. I did that just the other day. I made it myself, about 600 calories. I didn't have the beer or fries, but I did have oven baked potato for about 100 calories more. 700 for a meal is completely reasonable.

    Here's the thing. Weight loss is often two steps forward one step back.

    Eat the food you like and LOG IT and make it work. No, beer doesn't have to be an every day thing, but it can be. Same with any food or drink.

    Take a walk to earn the beer or the Coke or whatever.

    It does take discipline over the long haul but the discipline is flexible, if that makes sense. Make your foods fit your goals. Study your FOOD page and learn from it.

    Log the food, exercise. Repeat.

    Some days you'll weigh more and some less, and it will all trend downward over time if you are consistent with the food.