New to working with weights - Getting smaller, not gaining muscle

I've recently been trying to build muscle on my lower half (thighs and butt), so I started working out with weights. I only own dumbbells and dont have access to a good gym for more weight. I've been squatting with 35 pound dumbbells, donkey kicks with 25 lbs (dumbbell plus ankle weights), fire hydrants also with 25. My butt is an entire inch smaller and it's only been 2 weeks. Unfortunately that's the only place I've lost any inches. I'm also small already so an inch looks significant on me. Am I doing something wrong or is it normal to burn fat faster than you build muscle? I'm fairly weak so even this amount of weight has been challenging for me.


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    You did not mention if you are trying to lose, maintain or gain weight. If you are losing while lifting, you will mostly be retaining the muscle you have while you lose fat, so as a result you will get smaller.
  • VeggieGirlAri
    VeggieGirlAri Posts: 6 Member
    I'm only three pounds above my goal weight, so I've pretty much plateaued and am only looking to put on a little muscle now. Now that I'm happy with my size (have not lost weight in a couple months), I'm trying not to look at the scale and just focus on toning so I dont look "skinny fat."
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    What is your calorie intake like? If you are operating at a deficit, you are still going to be losing fat.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    So do you want to maintain to lower your bodyfat and put on a bit of muscle? You won't really be growing much, more keeping your size and over time changing your body composition.
    Make sure you are following a proper lifting routine that has you progressing over time, and getting enough protein (0.8-1g per lb bodyweight or lean body mass)
  • VeggieGirlAri
    VeggieGirlAri Posts: 6 Member
    My calorie intake is about 1700-1800 a day (my normal maintain amount for my size). I haven't upped that at all so maybe I'm also burning more than I expected from the extra exercise. I assumed it wouldn't make much of a difference since I'm doing little to no cardio. No weight has been lost.

    I'll look more into routines to see if I can find something that helps me progress better. That protein amount is quite a bit higher than myfitnesspal's protein goal set for me, so I'll update that too. I'm usually about 10-15g shy of the .8g per pound goal for protein. I would like to lower my body fat and put on muscle like you said, so maybe it is my protein intake holding me back.

    All this is just super new and I haven't been into it long, but just wanted to make sure that I don't set myself up for failure by continuing to do something wrong.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I suspect that you didn’t measure in exactly the same place. The butt is hard to measure and keep the tape straight all the way around. If the Todd unplaced even 1/2 inch higher or lower you could get s different measure.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    You will get stronger through adaptation as well as muscle growth, so not all your strength gains will necessarily mean you have generated more muscle. And this is totally normal, so give it some time.

    Also, be aware that even though a pound of fat and a pound of muscle will weigh the same...a pound of fat will take a much larger volume of space than a pound of muscle. So, yes, if you are burning fat and gaining muscle in the same area, then it's normal to lose inches, particularly in the beginning.

    If you continue to train, and continue to increase work over time (either by increasing weight, or increasing reps), then you will see actual muscle growth. Keep at it and give it some time, you will get there!
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    You will not gain significant muscle in 2 weeks. And not at a deficit as mentioned.
    My recomendation is a program like Strong Curves. It's geared towards lower body gains. And they have a body weight program that you can add your dumbells to.