Dating disaster stories...



  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Dreading to read back and see how many times I got mentioned. embarrassed.gif
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    just thought of another one....met this guy online, his pic looked nice, I thought he was good looking, we decide to meet for some dinner, we talk over the phone, it's seems ok. He picks me up, he's suppose to be 38. I look at him, he is over-tanned (admit to putting oil on his skin to be the darkest possible) looks way older. Ok, he seems fun, let's do dinner. While having dinner, he wouldn't stop talking at all, just wouldn't stop until he took a look at me and then told himself to shut up " (insert name here) shut up now, you talk too much" every 5-10 minutes...needless to say, never saw him after....

    That's pretty rockstar *LOL*
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    just thought of another one....met this guy online, his pic looked nice, I thought he was good looking, we decide to meet for some dinner, we talk over the phone, it's seems ok. He picks me up, he's suppose to be 38. I look at him, he is over-tanned (admit to putting oil on his skin to be the darkest possible) looks way older. Ok, he seems fun, let's do dinner. While having dinner, he wouldn't stop talking at all, just wouldn't stop until he took a look at me and then told himself to shut up " (insert name here) shut up now, you talk too much" every 5-10 minutes...needless to say, never saw him after....

    That's pretty rockstar *LOL*

    oh yeah, it was quite something, I was waiting for him to slap his own self too lol
  • New_Bloom
    New_Bloom Posts: 22 Member
    Got set up by a mutual friend, met him and thought he was about 25 and he thought I was about 17. Reality was I was 22 and he was 19. He was excited because I could legally buy booze. :laugh: We went with a group of people to watch NCAA basketball on big screen (hey, it was 1982) and drink beer. He ignored me the entire night and talked all night long to my suite-mate. On the way home, he had me drive since I was the most sober one. Had to pull over multiple times to let the guys out to pee. Finally, we are almost back to town when he insists I pull into the lake area. Cops follow....we are asked to step out of the car....asked for permission to look in trunk....fool lays himself across the trunk loudly and drunkenly proclaiming "you have to tell me what you're looking for". Meanwhile I am panicking thinking he has a body in the trunk! Turns out there was nothing in the trunk but he couldn't remember if he had taken his guns out of there earlier. :laugh: Dropped fool off and walked home *****ing the whole time to my friend and suite-mate about what a wasted night that was. Ended up marrying him!

    That is an awesome it***
  • jenny138
    jenny138 Posts: 46
    I was talking to this one guy for just a few weeks. Well went went to dinner and stopped by the bar to have a few drinks and watch the Steeler game. I started to notice that he was being a little weird the more he drank. Like kinda like a zombie sorta thing. I brushed it off thinking maybe he was nervous and thats why he was drinking a bit too fast. Well anyway we stopped by krogers on the way home and while we were in the car it must of all hit him cuz I was watching him be all drunk and walk thru the store. Mind you, I had maybe one drink. So we get up to the register to pay for our stuff and he dropped a dollar on the ground so I bent over to pick it up and I saw this puddle under him. So immediatly I thought to myself ... well it isn't raining or snowing... so i glanced up his pant leg and yep you guessed it ...he had peed himself in the middle of paying for his stuff. I was mortified, I mean so embarrased I wanted to crawl in a hole and die right then and there. I quickly walked out of the store and left him to manage getting his drunken self out the door to the car. I wanted to drive away and leave him there. But being the nice person I am I didn't. So needless to say I was so flustered, I didn't pay attention to him getting in my car and sitting in my seat with his pants soaked till we were down the road a bit. I didn't live to far from the store so I got to my house and because he was so drunk he couldn't' drive well he walked in my bathroom and came out with no pants on!!!! Like nothing happened ( meanwhile we didn't speak at all since we were in krogers lol) I went straight to my room and went to sleep and left him sleep on the couch. We didn't even really talk when he woke up lol. he just left. To add... he was 30 years old!!
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    ok so i have only gone on an official "date" with 2 different people..... so i dont have many stories to was a girl i dated for 7 1/2 years and just recently broke up with but the first person, we went out once to a movie and all went good i thought.... so i set it up to go out with her again. so the next weekend rolls around and i get to her parents house (she was only like 17 when i was like 18) and her mom tells me she isnt home. she told me the next time i saw her that she lost track of time and was with one of her friends.... then she told me that she just wasnt that into me. she could have told me that before i had spent like 80 bucks for the tickets to go where we were supposed to go... i ended up taking my mom...... now that is a sad story.....
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    went on a date with a girl once who popped an e pill right before the date. long story short, after the night was done and we finished doing the deed at her house (it was like 12:30am) i got up to leave, and she started crying. anyway, she guilted me into staying the night and we ended up watching movies/talking while she was all strung out on the couch..

    1 week later, she called me up to tell me she's preggers with my kid. after a few weeks of pure hell and aggrevation, i found out she was lying..:S
  • ehlertmartha
    I went out with a girl one night... We went to walk on the beach. Had a nice time. It was getting late so we headed home. I wasnt paying attention and the next thing I know shes butt naked in my passenger seat telling me to pull over. Needless to say I was blowing read lights trying to make it home as fast as possible. I scrubbed the crap outta the seat and needless to say I didnt talk to her after that.

    HA!!!! TOP THAT!

    That sounds like a good time to me, prude;)

    Agreed what guy wouldnt but i would blame you for not
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    was 16 years old and a guy from school asked me out. We went to the movies (dollar theatre) and he asked for 1 ticket when he got to the window. Appalled, I ordered mine and went inside. He asked if I wanted anything to snack on. Counting how much I had left in my head and knowing we were going to dinner afterwards, I politely declined, as I was not certain how much this "date" was going to cost me. We get into the movies and he turns all gropy hands on me and creeps me out. We go to dinner and finally decides to be a gentleman and pays.

    Fastforward to the Homecoming dance I had promised him prior to the terrible date, I would go with him. After terrible date I broke it off and accepted another date, only to be guilted into going with the creep, therefore now had 2 dates and received a corsage from the 2nd date, took pictures with both dates, and forgot creeps name as I came out of the picture room with 2nd date, when introducing the guys. Needless to say, I had to fake a migraine to get out of that.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    went on a date with a girl once who popped an e pill right before the date. long story short, after the night was done and we finished doing the deed at her house (it was like 12:30am) i got up to leave, and she started crying. anyway, she guilted me into staying the night and we ended up watching movies/talking while she was all strung out on the couch..

    1 week later, she called me up to tell me she's preggers with my kid. after a few weeks of pure hell and aggrevation, i found out she was lying..:S

    uh, that sucks. What a psycho!
  • New_Bloom
    New_Bloom Posts: 22 Member
    I was talking to this one guy for just a few weeks. Well went went to dinner and stopped by the bar to have a few drinks and watch the Steeler game. I started to notice that he was being a little weird the more he drank. Like kinda like a zombie sorta thing. I brushed it off thinking maybe he was nervous and thats why he was drinking a bit too fast. Well anyway we stopped by krogers on the way home and while we were in the car it must of all hit him cuz I was watching him be all drunk and walk thru the store. Mind you, I had maybe one drink. So we get up to the register to pay for our stuff and he dropped a dollar on the ground so I bent over to pick it up and I saw this puddle under him. So immediatly I thought to myself ... well it isn't raining or snowing... so i glanced up his pant leg and yep you guessed it ...he had peed himself in the middle of paying for his stuff. I was mortified, I mean so embarrased I wanted to crawl in a hole and die right then and there. I quickly walked out of the store and left him to manage getting his drunken self out the door to the car. I wanted to drive away and leave him there. But being the nice person I am I didn't. So needless to say I was so flustered, I didn't pay attention to him getting in my car and sitting in my seat with his pants soaked till we were down the road a bit. I didn't live to far from the store so I got to my house and because he was so drunk he couldn't' drive well he walked in my bathroom and came out with no pants on!!!! Like nothing happened ( meanwhile we didn't speak at all since we were in krogers lol) I went straight to my room and went to sleep and left him sleep on the couch. We didn't even really talk when he woke up lol. he just left. To add... he was 30 years old!!

  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    I think I might win this one.....

    This guy tells me we have to go to this Indian restaurant by his place because they have a lunch special for $7.99 (should have been my first indication), so we go there, and he pays for his own meal and I have to pay for my own - whatever no big deal. Then afterwards, he tells me he has someone coming to look at his car that he is trying to sell, so we have to go sit in the parking garage of his apartment until the people come. After that, he says he has suits to pick up from the mall, so we go to the mall to get them. While we are there he BEGS me to buy him a Cookie by George.... I didn't want one, but he begged and begged me to buy him one and said he would buy me a coffee later if i would just PLEASE buy him a cookie. So I did. Then we went back to his place so he could PUT ON HIS SUIT to go for coffee. We get there, and he takes 45 mins to get dressed. While I am sitting on the couch, he asks me to WASH HIS DISHES. When I say no, he looks at me in shock and says "Really? You won't wash my dishes?" FINALLY after 45 mins of him staring at himself in the mirror in his new suit - which he comes out to show me and ask me how he looks about 3 times - we are ready to leave for coffee. Before we leave, he grabs a Corona and CHUGS it (doesn't offer me one btw, actually, didn't offer me anything for the 45 mins i was waiting). Then we go to Starbucks to grab coffee, I order a latte, and he is APPALLED that it is $4, as he only ordered drip coffee. Finally, when we leave, I go to give him a polite hug, and he sticks out his chest and turns his head as far to the side as possible as if he is trying to avoid ME kissing HIM!!

    Worst ever. Run his errands and wash his dishes? No thanks. Made me never want to date again.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I had lunch with a guy I met online who was at least a foot shorter than me (I'm 5'2" - so maybe about 5'5" in the heels I was wearing). Nothing against short people (I am one), but come on. His cell phone rang the entire time we were having lunch. It wasn't one of those pleasant rings, it was that annoying old-timey telephone ring and the volume must have been all the way up. Each time it rang, he checked to see who was calling but didn't answer. Every time a call came in he said he'd turn it off, but didn't. As if that wasn't enough, my Hispanic "date" made several racist remarks about an African American waiter at the restaurant. After that, I was done. He said, "Call me if you want to hang out again." Um...don't hold your breath dude.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    A fairly recent one ... this guy took me to dinner, and then we went out for drinks. We were talking and ended up on the subject of why some women have issues with their man going to Hooters. I said I didn't have a problem with it because real men don't go out for hamburgers when they've got steak at home, if you know what I mean.

    He said to me "What about strip clubs?" I rolled my eyes, thinking "Oh. You're THAT guy." Au contraire ... different guy entirely. He proceeded to go into grave detail about how he went to a strip club once with some friends, and two strippers came over to him, but he wasn't really in the mood, so he spent two hours talking to them about retirement planning, and the strippers bought him drinks and then drove him home. That pretty much put an end to our evening. He thought it was a charming tale. I was thinking "There's nothing about that story that doesn't scream LOSER."
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I think I might win this one.....

    This guy tells me we have to go to this Indian restaurant by his place because they have a lunch special for $7.99 (should have been my first indication), so we go there, and he pays for his own meal and I have to pay for my own - whatever no big deal. Then afterwards, he tells me he has someone coming to look at his car that he is trying to sell, so we have to go sit in the parking garage of his apartment until the people come. After that, he says he has suits to pick up from the mall, so we go to the mall to get them. While we are there he BEGS me to buy him a Cookie by George.... I didn't want one, but he begged and begged me to buy him one and said he would buy me a coffee later if i would just PLEASE buy him a cookie. So I did. Then we went back to his place so he could PUT ON HIS SUIT to go for coffee. We get there, and he takes 45 mins to get dressed. While I am sitting on the couch, he asks me to WASH HIS DISHES. When I say no, he looks at me in shock and says "Really? You won't wash my dishes?" FINALLY after 45 mins of him staring at himself in the mirror in his new suit - which he comes out to show me and ask me how he looks about 3 times - we are ready to leave for coffee. Before we leave, he grabs a Corona and CHUGS it (doesn't offer me one btw, actually, didn't offer me anything for the 45 mins i was waiting). Then we go to Starbucks to grab coffee, I order a latte, and he is APPALLED that it is $4, as he only ordered drip coffee. Finally, when we leave, I go to give him a polite hug, and he sticks out his chest and turns his head as far to the side as possible as if he is trying to avoid ME kissing HIM!!

    Worst ever. Run his errands and wash his dishes? No thanks. Made me never want to date again.

    Holy crap. That's like really bad teen movie stuff that doesn't happen in real life. You must have the patience of a saint to have put up with that for an entire date. I would have gotten the heck out of Dodge at the Indian restaurant.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Disasters are so entertaining this afternoon ;) can't believe what I read, some are really funny too.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I went out with a girl one night... We went to walk on the beach. Had a nice time. It was getting late so we headed home. I wasnt paying attention and the next thing I know shes butt naked in my passenger seat telling me to pull over. Needless to say I was blowing read lights trying to make it home as fast as possible. I scrubbed the crap outta the seat and needless to say I didnt talk to her after that.

    HA!!!! TOP THAT!

    Turn in your man card :/
  • StellaBby10
    Im thinkin Stella's story got everyone beat.

    Unfortunatly, I think it beats everyone's by millions. Lol =/
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I went out with a girl one night... We went to walk on the beach. Had a nice time. It was getting late so we headed home. I wasnt paying attention and the next thing I know shes butt naked in my passenger seat telling me to pull over. Needless to say I was blowing read lights trying to make it home as fast as possible. I scrubbed the crap outta the seat and needless to say I didnt talk to her after that.

    HA!!!! TOP THAT!

    I can't figure out why this was a bad date? Sounds like an easy chick.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Met a guy speed-dating. We hit it off and he invited me over one evening.

    He showed me around his newly-built (and not quite totally furnished house) and then we went to the video store to rent a movie. He did not offer me anything to eat or drink. He turned the movie up as loud as possible, sat really far away from me on the couch and then when the movie ended, he kept the TV up really loud so we couldn't talk until I just had enough and left.

    I could sort of almost understand if he'd never seen me before (blind date kinda thing) and I was just totally horrendous-looking or smelled or something, but we'd already met before. It was so odd.

    There are others, but that one sticks with me most.