Not quite exercise - what 'active lifestyle' activities do you enjoy throughout the day?

I am mostly a lump. I know that purposeful exercise offers more benefits than 'physical activity', but as I begin an exercise regimen, I'd also like to incorporate some less structured activity into my life and further cut back on the amount of time I spend on a couch, in front of a screen.

What sort of things do y'all enjoy? When/where do you fit them into your daily schedules?


  • zibaldize
    zibaldize Posts: 7 Member
    solieco1 wrote: »

    Thanks! That looks like a good resource.
    lin_be wrote: »
    Walking and listening to podcasts/e-books is a favorite!

    Any favorites?
  • peggym4640
    peggym4640 Posts: 156 Member
    I like to walk, take a quick bike ride and do yoga / stretching while watching tv. Sometimes I'll use my rebounder as well.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited November 2018
    I drink tea between eating times. I have an open concept living room/kitchen area where I can walk in circles while my tea water heats and while the tea steeps. Many times, I'll also walk 4 or minutes before I start the water heating.

    I'll also walk in circles any time I use the microwave.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited November 2018
    I like going for walks. It helps me decompress sometimes to get out for a bit and be by myself (and my dog)
  • zibaldize
    zibaldize Posts: 7 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    BTW, I'm also a Stand Up Paddleboarder, so I get plenty of 'structured exercise' too...but I'm usually doing that with a purpose too as I typically train for racing. I say, find something you enjoy doing, and focus on that to get you moving. I get a way better full body workout paddling than most anyone can get in a gym. And it's way more fun.

    That does sound like a lot of fun! I loved kayaking as a kid/teen and keep meaning to get back into it, though I'm always planning on doing it after I build up better baseline fitness. Though I guess that's a bit backwards, and starting a sport is as good a way to build up fitness as any.

    Also: I have my activity levels set to sedentary for the same reason!
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    I walk 2-5 miles a day just getting to work
  • MaryContrary1972
    MaryContrary1972 Posts: 58 Member
    Walking to the shops and bringing the groceries home by foot
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    edited November 2018
    zibaldize wrote: »
    I am mostly a lump. I know that purposeful exercise offers more benefits than 'physical activity', but as I begin an exercise regimen, I'd also like to incorporate some less structured activity into my life and further cut back on the amount of time I spend on a couch, in front of a screen.

    What sort of things do y'all enjoy? When/where do you fit them into your daily schedules?

    If I'm willing to watch a movie, which I've not been feeling up to doing lately, even though I do, I'll walk before the movie starts, then I'll walk quite a distance towards an eatery after.

    If I'm home to watch a movie, I'll work in the skin and/or beauty course treatments, my massages (facial or full-body or both) and my flexibility routines.

    ETA: Away from either screen, my unstructured go-tos usually are:
    • Edible food gardening
    • Walking our pup
    • Hiking or a quick hard run to clear my mind
    • By the boulders meditation
    • Knitting chunky blankets for donation
    • Playful dance (eg Kizomba/Line dancing) to get in some fun & silly
    • Karaoke or sing-alongs with friends typically by the fire
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I love to garden. I ran out of room in my garden beds. Fortunately, my across the street neighbor asked me for some help so now I have three new flower garden beds to play with. I also put in a new 12' x 2' x 6" raised bed for vegetables Sunday. Now I can let the strawberries take over one of the 4 x 8 beds and have more room for kale and herbs in the other.

    Last fall I put in a circle shade perennial garden under the crab apple tree.

    This fall we dug up the strip alongside the driveway and put in ornamental fountain grass.

    I also do a little gardening at my neighbor to the right, and have my eye on a bed at my neighbor to my left.

    Gardening season is pretty much over here so I'm going to start doing trail maintenance in the woods behind my house. And hiking in the state park. And soon will be snowshoeing! A friend gave a pair to my mom. She was afraid of falling, so gave them to me. These are old wooden ones, so not as efficient as the newer ones, but a great workout and lots of fun. He bought them for $5 at a yard sale.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I enjoy playing basketball, and try to do so 2-3 times per week on my lunch break.
    I enjoy riding my bikes, and try to as much as my schedule and the weather will allow.
    I enjoy walking/hiking with my dogs, and try to do so a couple of times per week.
    I enjoy trail running, and try to do it a couple of times per week.

    Those are things I do because I enjoy them. Any training or health or weight loss benefits are bonuses for me.
  • Stationagentjules
    Stationagentjules Posts: 57 Member
    I like to roller skate and dance around.
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    zibaldize wrote: »
    I am mostly a lump. I know that purposeful exercise offers more benefits than 'physical activity', but as I begin an exercise regimen, I'd also like to incorporate some less structured activity into my life and further cut back on the amount of time I spend on a couch, in front of a screen.

    What sort of things do y'all enjoy? When/where do you fit them into your daily schedules?

    I don’t know if I would agree that structured exercise offers more benefits than being active. I get PLENTY of activity in my daily life that I don’t need to purposefully exercise. But I do enjoy walking so I do that when I can.

    Some ideas:
    -parking in the back of the parking lot
    -taking the stairs
    -deep cleaning the house (I saw a debate on here a few weeks ago laughing at people that record cleaning. But let me tell you 4-6 hours deep cleaning a 3,000+ sq foot house that 4 kids, 4 cats, 1 dog, and a spouse live in, you bet I’m logging that. Now sitting on the playroom floor sorting toys of course I don’t log that)
    -yard work (push mowing, raking)
    -gardening (weeding, tilling)
    -walk the kids to school instead of driving

    We live a little more “rustic” aka frugal than most so also:
    -bring firewood in from the woods and stacking it
    -cleaning animal pens
    -shoveling snow in the chicken run