Active friends on MFP

I started back to MFP a few days ago. I suffered a back injury last October that I've been dealing with ever since. Still trying to get to the bottom of it. I went from being in really good shape to not. I figured it would be best for me to get my nutrition back in order and have a bit of accountability to myself.

I have a great support system at home, but one of the true benefits that I got from MFP were the friends I made using the site/app on a regular basis. I kept in touch with some really awesome people, was able to get some amazing information, bounce ideas around, and make friends all over the country that were truly great people. I'd like to foster that again. Unfortunately, I got away from the app for a number of reasons and lost touch with several friends. They don't appear to be using MFP anymore either.

Anyhow, if anyone is interested in building some connections and holding each other accountable, feel free to hit me up and add me. I do my best to log in a few times a day and I'm a sucker for correspondence.

Good luck, guys!


  • anneobrien709
    anneobrien709 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me
  • Liftslikeagoddess
    Liftslikeagoddess Posts: 42 Member
    Really sorry to hear about your back injury - wishing you a speedy recovery.

    I have just come back myself and I am experiencing the same with people I used to speak with, no longer logging on. I've sent you a request and I'm happy for anyone to add me as well :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I've had back issues too. Physio and the chiropractor are key for me. And then, of course, actually consistently following their recommendations for eating (reducing inflammation) and following the stretching and strengthening moves... Be sure you are doing any and all strength training moves properly. :) I'm getting back into after several months off as well.

    Feel free to add me if you want to discuss more about back stuff, and making improvements. :sweat_smile: Been there!
  • Onyx_MCG
    Onyx_MCG Posts: 40 Member
    Add me as a friend
  • randiz66
    randiz66 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree the motivation, support, and feedback from friends who have similar goals helps keep me on track.
  • pa_mom99
    pa_mom99 Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me. I’m here several times a day, everyday.
  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 598 Member
    I have just come back myself, add me as a friend . Stay Positive and Stay Motivated.
  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    I’ve come back recently after a hiatus. Please add me! 😊
  • DaveScadlock
    DaveScadlock Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome back. You got this.

    People do come and go. Sad reality. Like others, I'm here everyday.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Trying to get back my mojo, and I did my best with a supportive group of friends on here. I'll add you, and anyone else who wants to add me, please do!
  • Countrybabe_75
    Countrybabe_75 Posts: 33 Member
    I would love to have some new, interactive, supportive friends! I've been around for several years, but I feel like a dinosaur, in more ways than one. Add me PLEASE!
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Send it! Day 17-- something and counting
  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    16-day streak and I have an open diary. I also tend to eat more vegetarian, but do eat meat every now and again (Holidays). I'd love to add more vegi-friends!
  • seapickle63
    seapickle63 Posts: 4 Member
    I became a premium MFP user last month for a year. Got a new NordicTrack elliptical for the house so no winter excuses that it is too dark to get outside. Plan to lose 20lbs. Now 55, more important than ever to stay in shape. Good luck with your workouts and I appreciate your support as well.
  • Chainbreaker
    Chainbreaker Posts: 124 Member
    I agree with everything you said 100%!
    I am also getting back to action after a long lay off due to health condition and am already working way my back. Looking to rebuild a powerful MFP tribe.

    I am active on here, knowledgeably, enjoy discussions, direct yet always positive/supportive, and enjoy building connections with good people.

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • AlyssaP1987
    AlyssaP1987 Posts: 267 Member
    I am on every day. Feel free to add me. Actually just hurt my back in a car accident in September, so know how you feel.
  • wanderingarcher
    wanderingarcher Posts: 694 Member
    You can add me too. I just got on the forums to look for more active friends. My feed is pretty much dead.