Dating disaster stories...



  • tlzidon
    tlzidon Posts: 79 Member
    So many to choose from. So few PG ....

    Okay, here's one.

    When I was 17 and my husband and I had just started dating, we went to the beach often. One time, I wore this itsy-bitsy black "pirate" skirt with a pair of play handcuffs attatched to the little corset loops on the front. While we were walking down the beach, I noticed that the cuffs kept dragging my skirt down so I took them off and tossed them into my bag.

    I had a curfew of 10 pm.

    We went to leave the beach at 9:00 and were pulled over by a police officer for going through a stop sign that we couldn't see through the officer's brights. I got home at 11 pm and my parents searched my bag.

    They found the cuffs and I was screamed at for being a filthy [insert prostitute here]. Apparently no one remembered looking at my wardrobe before I left the house, except for my little brother who spoke up in the morning while everyone was still yelling at me.

    If my 17 year old daughter ever dared to wear a tiny pirate skirt with handcuffs, I'd lock her in the basement till she was 30.

    What, lock her up, steal the handcuffs and then go out lol.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i went on a blind date once....i was mean though. I let the guy "who i did not find attractive at all" buy me dinner and some drinks, and i told him that i needed a cigarette and needed to get them out of my car....well....i just took off and left. wasnt a disaster for me, but it was for him

    and women wonder where men learn to treat women like crap..............

    That really was a lousy thing to do.

    But what actually happens is women like that have men falling all over them and women who are nice and decent get the shaft (and not the good one).
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I went on a blind date set up by a friend. She seemed very nice and all. Intelligent, nice body, and she seemed interested- maybe too interested.

    Half way through dinner her cell phone rings and its her mom. The conversation from her end went basically like this while she is sitting at the table with me:

    "Yes he is very nice"
    "Yes he is probably the one"
    "Yes he has a good job with potential"
    "He has his own place- no he owns doesnt rent."
    "I dont know as we havent gone back to his place yet"
    "Yes its an expensive restaurant"
    "He drives a Mustang GT... No its not a BMW but its better then a Honda"
    "I havent asked about kids yet"
    "OK we can look at bridal magazines tomorrow"
    "I will bring him around so you and Dad can meet him"

    I hit that eject button faster then a fighter pilot going down in flames. I have no idea what became of her and dont care.
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    i went on a blind date once....i was mean though. I let the guy "who i did not find attractive at all" buy me dinner and some drinks, and i told him that i needed a cigarette and needed to get them out of my car....well....i just took off and left. wasnt a disaster for me, but it was for him

    and women wonder where men learn to treat women like crap..............
    i dont take anything seriously from a lakers fan, just saying. yeah, yeah, i'll admit it was a terrible thing to do.

    i suppose i could take a personal jab back at you..... would be really easy considering youre posting on a forum for overweight people, but im above that. have a great day! hopefully you treat people better now.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I went on a blind date set up by a friend. She seemed very nice and all. Intelligent, nice body, and she seemed interested- maybe too interested.

    Half way through dinner her cell phone rings and its her mom. The conversation from her end went basically like this while she is sitting at the table with me:

    "Yes he is very nice"
    "Yes he is probably the one"
    "Yes he has a good job with potential"
    "He has his own place- no he owns doesnt rent."
    "I dont know as we havent gone back to his place yet"
    "Yes its an expensive restaurant"
    "He drives a Mustang GT... No its not a BMW but its better then a Honda"
    "I havent asked about kids yet"
    "OK we can look at bridal magazines tomorrow"
    "I will bring him around so you and Dad can meet him"

    I hit that eject button faster then a fighter pilot going down in flames. I have no idea what became of her and dont care.

    woah!! I would've run so fast from there if it happened to me...... that is actually scary, like the perfect wife with that fake smile always dressed so pretty with an apron ready to kill you in your sleep if you disaprove of anything lol
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    I think I might win this one.....

    Worst ever. Run his errands and wash his dishes? No thanks. Made me never want to date again.

    Holy crap. That's like really bad teen movie stuff that doesn't happen in real life. You must have the patience of a saint to have put up with that for an entire date. I would have gotten the heck out of Dodge at the Indian restaurant.

    Not sure if it's patience or stupidity that I have..... Honestly the only reason I didn't leave after the 'wash my dishes' comment was because it was rush hour and he lived downtown................. oh, and i need to cash in on my coffee after buying him the cookie. LOL
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    So many to choose from. So few PG ....

    Okay, here's one.

    When I was 17 and my husband and I had just started dating, we went to the beach often. One time, I wore this itsy-bitsy black "pirate" skirt with a pair of play handcuffs attatched to the little corset loops on the front. While we were walking down the beach, I noticed that the cuffs kept dragging my skirt down so I took them off and tossed them into my bag.

    I had a curfew of 10 pm.

    We went to leave the beach at 9:00 and were pulled over by a police officer for going through a stop sign that we couldn't see through the officer's brights. I got home at 11 pm and my parents searched my bag.

    They found the cuffs and I was screamed at for being a filthy [insert prostitute here]. Apparently no one remembered looking at my wardrobe before I left the house, except for my little brother who spoke up in the morning while everyone was still yelling at me.

    If my 17 year old daughter ever dared to wear a tiny pirate skirt with handcuffs, I'd lock her in the basement till she was 30.

    What, lock her up, steal the handcuffs and then go out lol.

    Absofreakinglutely! *LOL* I'm just really glad I don't have a girl *L*
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I went on a blind date set up by a friend. She seemed very nice and all. Intelligent, nice body, and she seemed interested- maybe too interested.

    Half way through dinner her cell phone rings and its her mom. The conversation from her end went basically like this while she is sitting at the table with me:

    "Yes he is very nice"
    "Yes he is probably the one"
    "Yes he has a good job with potential"
    "He has his own place- no he owns doesnt rent."
    "I dont know as we havent gone back to his place yet"
    "Yes its an expensive restaurant"
    "He drives a Mustang GT... No its not a BMW but its better then a Honda"
    "I havent asked about kids yet"
    "OK we can look at bridal magazines tomorrow"
    "I will bring him around so you and Dad can meet him"

    I hit that eject button faster then a fighter pilot going down in flames. I have no idea what became of her and dont care.

    What the... ??????
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I went on a blind date set up by a friend. She seemed very nice and all. Intelligent, nice body, and she seemed interested- maybe too interested.

    Half way through dinner her cell phone rings and its her mom. The conversation from her end went basically like this while she is sitting at the table with me:

    "Yes he is very nice"
    "Yes he is probably the one"
    "Yes he has a good job with potential"
    "He has his own place- no he owns doesnt rent."
    "I dont know as we havent gone back to his place yet"
    "Yes its an expensive restaurant"
    "He drives a Mustang GT... No its not a BMW but its better then a Honda"
    "I havent asked about kids yet"
    "OK we can look at bridal magazines tomorrow"
    "I will bring him around so you and Dad can meet him"

    I hit that eject button faster then a fighter pilot going down in flames. I have no idea what became of her and dont care.
    I hate to tell you this, but that sounds like the conversation to have in front of a guy you never want to see again but don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him! :-)

    (Or she was just psycho.)
  • diane423
    diane423 Posts: 48
    My ex boyfriend asked me out. In a desperate attempt to get him back I dressed up (back then I weighed alot more way more) in a semi sexy outfit and heels. Well we ended up with a group and he ends flirting, holding hands with another girl. I had to pay for our tickets so after the movie I said take me home and I have never ever seen him since. I later get a call from his sister in law telling me the date was all a big joke and to have some self dignity and never go out with him again cause I was only a joke. Ever since I swore no one would ever break my heart like that. *kitten*! Lol. The upside of this was I am glad I didn't marry that douche bag and now I have a hot husband who adores me and a wonderful son. The douche bag is getting a divorce. Things happen for a reason.

    That was a cruel mean thing to do.. He was and prob still a jerk.. Honey the only joke was him.. Glad you never saw him again..
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Long before I was married I dated a guy who appeared to be wonderful careing...blah blah....I was 20
    we went for what I thought would be a romantic weekend to the big city (8 hour drive away)to go to a concert (Rolling Stones...BEST EVeh!!) I thought we would share expenses like gas, hotel ect.....So we get there and meet one of his friends for dinner and drinks the night before the concert. It was late so we end up sleeping on HER livingroom floor then in the am she goes to work. I go out shopping as he has plans to meet more friends. He suggests we meet later (4 hours prior to the concert) I thought we should have gotten a hotel by now but I'm just going with the flow, and I assumed (2nd mistake) that I would have a chance to shower and drop off shopping, winter coats luggage ect...We meet up I didnt have time to drop anything off or shower. We would go to dinner then the concert....ok, whatever. We go to the concert, had fun with the people sitting around me, he and his friends ignored me the whole time (prob embarrassed by my LUGGAGE!!!) After the concert on the street he says we are going back to his female friends, see you later!!! It's 12:30 at night and I find myself at a skytrain station in a seedy area of town using a pay phone to call a friend I hadnt talked to in 5 years as she had moved away, asking her to come and pick me up or I would be sleeping on the street (I got a credit card immediately upon arriving home!). I felt like such an *kitten*.......
    The absolute best part????? His friend rides back to our home town with us! THAT was a long cold 8 hour trip!! When he dropped me off I wouldnt even let him help me with my bags out of the back of the truck.
    The only good thing abolut this is his mom liked me....SOOOOOO....while they still had 3 hours to drive to their home town I called his mom and told him what a dog her son was! HAHAHAHA!! I got a call with an attempted apology and just said whatever and hung up.
    Beat that!!! LOL
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    I think I might win this one.....

    Worst ever. Run his errands and wash his dishes? No thanks. Made me never want to date again.

    That story is UNBELIEVABLE! Oh. My. God.

    Wore his suit for the too expensive $4 coffee....
  • jenny138
    jenny138 Posts: 46
    I went on a blind date set up by a friend. She seemed very nice and all. Intelligent, nice body, and she seemed interested- maybe too interested.

    Half way through dinner her cell phone rings and its her mom. The conversation from her end went basically like this while she is sitting at the table with me:

    "Yes he is very nice"
    "Yes he is probably the one"
    "Yes he has a good job with potential"
    "He has his own place- no he owns doesnt rent."
    "I dont know as we havent gone back to his place yet"
    "Yes its an expensive restaurant"
    "He drives a Mustang GT... No its not a BMW but its better then a Honda"
    "I havent asked about kids yet"
    "OK we can look at bridal magazines tomorrow"
    "I will bring him around so you and Dad can meet him"

    I hit that eject button faster then a fighter pilot going down in flames. I have no idea what became of her and dont care.

    Not to sound rude, just honest ... but do you think this was her way of purposly freaking you out?? Maybe she didn't like you :-), It was a blind date correct??
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    Stopped at 7-11 and got her a flower to give to her when I picked her up. ($1.99)
    Took her out to dinner. Even "super-sized" her meal. ($6.99)
    Took her to the movies ($18.00)
    Shared my Popcorn, Raisenetts, Soda ($17.00)

    Took her back to my place. Wouldn't put out.

    Paid for her cab ride home, because I'm a Gentleman. ($25.00)
    Pay-per-view Porn Movie ($7.99)

    WOW... $77.00... Geesh..sad but somewhat fitting...
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I don't have any all out horror stories from dating except for guys forking me the bill on dates... I even paid for a ski pass and dinner for one idiot. And football game tickets another time for the same douche bag. >_>

    The most hilarious one for me was one guy was trying to get me to like him and was giving me a ride home or somewhere else. While driving, he hands me his chew cup he was spitting into and wanted me to hold it for him while he drove!!! Who does that??? I smoked at the time but holy crap, DISGUSTING! I ended up telling him I wasn't interested and since we worked together he tried to force dating him on me. He ended up getting fired for borderline sexual harrassment. Creep!

    Otherwise, I've been happily married and the few wackjobs I dated have all been forgotten... They are all losers still I'm sure.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I think after the skin suit story I may need to cancel. Screw dating. *LOL*
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    A quick story about a girl my college roommate dated for about a month...

    My college roommate had gone out on a couple of dates with this girl that he met at a local bar. She seemed normal at first but it wasn't long before she showed her true colors. This one particular night she really wanted my buddy to go out to the bar with her and her friends. He wanted to stay home because we were having guys come over for a card game. She would call and call and call...text and text and text but he wouldn't respond. As the night went on, it became the running joke and everyone would just start laughing when his phone would ring. Around midnight we hear this loud thud at the front door and we look at each other like wtf was that. I look through the peep hole and there is this chick....standing about 6 feet back and running full speed into our door. She would smack into the door and then fall flat on her *kitten*, get up and do it again. We were dying laughing but she was drunk and we didn't want her to get hurt. So my roommate opens the door and she comes running inside full speed and falls right on her face. Without hesitation she gets up and runs into my roommate's bedroom, takes off ALL of her clothes, and starts jumping on his bed...screaming for him to come look. We all just stared in disbelief and wished him the best of luck lol.
  • jenny138
    jenny138 Posts: 46
    A quick story about a girl my college roommate dated for about a month...

    My college roommate had gone out on a couple of dates with this girl that he met at a local bar. She seemed normal at first but it wasn't long before she showed her true colors. This one particular night she really wanted my buddy to go out to the bar with her and her friends. He wanted to stay home because we were having guys come over for a card game. She would call and call and call...text and text and text but he wouldn't respond. As the night went on, it became the running joke and everyone would just start laughing when his phone would ring. Around midnight we hear this loud thud at the front door and we look at each other like wtf was that. I look through the peep hole and there is this chick....standing about 6 feet back and running full speed into our door. She would smack into the door and then fall flat on her *kitten*, get up and do it again. We were dying laughing but she was drunk and we didn't want her to get hurt. So my roommate opens the door and she comes running inside full speed and falls right on her face. Without hesitation she gets up and runs into my roommate's bedroom, takes off ALL of her clothes, and starts jumping on his bed...screaming for him to come look. We all just stared in disbelief and wished him the best of luck lol.

    LOL Thats hilarious !!
    its girls like that that give others a bad name haha!!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I went out with a girl one night... We went to walk on the beach. Had a nice time. It was getting late so we headed home. I wasnt paying attention and the next thing I know shes butt naked in my passenger seat telling me to pull over. Needless to say I was blowing read lights trying to make it home as fast as possible. I scrubbed the crap outta the seat and needless to say I didnt talk to her after that.

    HA!!!! TOP THAT!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    Corn and I have decided that you are our new best friend. I'll get new necklaces that we all have a piece of ;) *snort*