They all but shoved it down my throat!



  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    Time to be rude. : D.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I normally say no sorry I'm trying to watch what I eat or trying to stay away from desserts. OR because depending on the person I don't want them to misinterpret and thing I'm saying I'm better then you because I'm losing weight I say I will later lol then just never have any then if they ask I say yeaaaah yuuuum. The first one is normally best though lol.
  • kmelski
    kmelski Posts: 14
    ajbeans was right on: it's not rude to say no, and you don't owe explanations to anyone. It's all fine and good to "smooth the waters" with little white lies, and/or to offer a simple explanation to people you've got a relationship with, but in my opinion, people (and women in particular) need to become more comfortable just saying "no" instead of acting like it's their job to please every single person they encounter.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    This was YOUR choice to put it in your mouth. Say "No thank you." and walk away.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Food allergy.

    Yes, I was thinking this. "It looks amazing but unofrtunately I'm allergic to chocolate".

    say dairy or lactose intolerant that'll cover all of it lol
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    No means no.
    Exactly. How is that rude?
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    I was in a similar situation at a 4th of July BBQ this summer. My mom had purchased an array of Smith Island cake pops, a type of cake which is a local phenomenon but on a stick. She had coconut cake, red velvet, and chocolate. They looked incredible. I wanted to eat about 30 of each! However, I knew that these cake pops were a few hundred calories a piece. Ummm, yeah. Several of the women at the party were eating them like it was nothing (some of them had over 10 cake pops!!!) They kept telling me how I NEEDED to try one, and were borderline badgering me into it. I kept trying to say no politely, but they didn't get the not so subtle hint. Eventually, I just looked at one woman (who is a spin teacher at a local gym and had already scarfed like 12) and said Listen, I'm on a new diet and I don't plan on sabotaging myself today. She shut up! They all shoved another pop in their mouths and walked away!

    Try being polite, just saying no. But if they just don't get it, tell them you're on a diet! And if they keep pestering you with an "Oh it's just one bite" or some stupid remark, just politely excuse yourself to the bathroom or something.
  • Michellerw1
    For the record, I am a food pusher (OMG you have to try this delicious "x" I made, it is sooooo good) and I do not get offended in the least if someone politely declines.
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    This is pushy, those kind of people that want to push their opinion on someone else are too annoying. I'd never eat what someone is trying to forcefeed to me, even if I liked it; I'd get pissed instead and say, "you know what, that doesn't work with my nutritional program, thanks but no thanks", put it down, and walk away.

    My mother always goes 5 times: "you want another one?" I say: "I said no 5 times, if I want anything, I am an adult, I'll get it myself."

    I really do that, I'm known as the rude German in my office, but I'm pretty much the only one in shape there, hehe. Now everyone leaves me alone. They know, I do sports nutrition, and as far as I'm concerned, they can get fat from that crap themselves.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Okay, I'm less bold then others, so to keep the peace, I would take it back to my desk, and I would make sure that I'm too busy to eat it, then voila, it slowly it ends up disappearing off the napkin into the trash can. And, yes, I'd probably bury it in the trash so no one noticed!! I've had 'treats' that were really gross before, and I did the same thing, they carefully were buried in the trash so I didn't offend anyone.

    I've worked in groups where some people make snide remarks to others for not participating in their fat fests on food day. Idiots!! So I know where you're coming from.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    That's what she said.
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Well, my response would have to do with whether or not I actually *wanted* to eat what was offered.
    What I've tried to do in my diet in the last year or so is to decide to eat things that I really want when I want to, and avoid eating those things that are just "around". I wouldn't bother with a store bought cookie if you paid me to eat it, but if someone has made a homemade dessert that I really DO want, then I'd have a little of it and enjoy the heck out the experience. On the other hand, if someone brought in deep fried Twinkies or Dunkin' Donuts to the office, I'd have no issue at all saying, "no thank you". Not sure why any degree of rudeness has to come in to play. We're adults, no?
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Say you're vegan. Pretty much all sweets have dairy.
  • marquesajen
    Well you can be very firm and say that you'd rather not because you're concerned about your health, but thanks for offering, then walk away (don't let them get in another word) OR you could say a)My stomach is upset, b)I already tried it, it was good c)That cake killed my parents 14 years ago, how dare you offer me a slice!
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Okay, I'm less bold then others, so to keep the peace, I would take it back to my desk, and I would make sure that I'm too busy to eat it, then voila, it slowly it ends up disappearing off the napkin into the trash can. And, yes, I'd probably bury it in the trash so no one noticed!! I've had 'treats' that were really gross before, and I did the same thing, they carefully were buried in the trash so I didn't offend anyone.

    I've worked in groups where some people make snide remarks to others for not participating in their fat fests on food day. Idiots!! So I know where you're coming from.

    This is what I do, too. Bring it back to my desk and into the bin it goes. I don't bother hiding it though as nobody can see into my trash bin.
  • gloryrest
    gloryrest Posts: 47 Member
    There is only one sure way to handle it. Tell the truth like you told us. You love the fact that the woman brings in these wonderful items for all to partake but you don't chose to spend your calories that way. Or if you really want to taste. Take a bite and throw the rest away (out of their presence of course). It's all ok either way--
  • gloryrest
    gloryrest Posts: 47 Member
    Gheesh! I hope you are joking because it is really not that serious. The only serious thing is being a prisoner in your own mind. .I say speak freely and tell them NOPE, NO, NAH! I do what I need to do for me and you can't force me to eat anything--
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    No means no.

    That's what my college freshman orientation taught me and I stick with it!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Start to cry and run away.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Just say no. Make like Nancy Reagan and Just Say No.