In desperate need of motivating friends

Im doing really well but would love to have a more supporting group around me. Please add me if you want to be motivated back!



  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,080 Member
    Nice progress!

    I'll send you a friend request, and I do try to be encouraging. I'm giving myself a bit of a break 'til the new year, but I check in daily to see how my friends are doing.
  • JeepLouise
    JeepLouise Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me. Always looking for more friends!
  • rileyskye1
    rileyskye1 Posts: 38 Member
    Please add me. Im on every day!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am here every day. Also, what kind of support would you find most helpful?
  • deedee9210
    deedee9210 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me , and anyone else, just starting back again , would love some company 😊
  • Bellarosa555
    Bellarosa555 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me if you're willing to reciprocate the support :)
  • DaveScadlock
    DaveScadlock Posts: 27 Member
    Keep up the good progress. You got this. I feel the same way, support is important. Add me too.
  • Countrybabe_75
    Countrybabe_75 Posts: 33 Member
    Always looking for interactive friends!
  • baileyh1986
    baileyh1986 Posts: 14 Member
    I’m always logging and also desperate for some motivational friends! - I just switched to this app from Lose it! To see if I could get some more interaction 😃 I’m going to add you!
    We’ve got this 💪
  • maggierenee88
    maggierenee88 Posts: 352 Member
    Add away :smile:
  • Tammyrae99
    Tammyrae99 Posts: 28 Member
  • jenny100986
    jenny100986 Posts: 19 Member
    I’d love some accountability friends for sure!! It always helps to have people check in on you and push you. I’m looking to find a few friends to do that for as well. Please add me. Open food diary too.
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    I'm in! Anyone who wants some support, feel free to add me. 😊
  • roseslate75
    roseslate75 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me! I'm attaching my progress photo as well. I need someone to call me out on my BS sometimes! We could be best friends! Lol
  • Jebe75
    Jebe75 Posts: 99 Member
    Feel free to add me (and everyone else too)! I just started (again)!

    Weight today 206.4 lbs! My goal is at least to get under 190! I can't even remember the last time I was under 190 ;)!!!
  • Jeter1777
    Jeter1777 Posts: 6 Member
    On it every day to add my food. Add me if you like.
  • Jebe75
    Jebe75 Posts: 99 Member
    4 gym days in row!!! Hope, I can keep it up! I always start like that 🤪
  • Jebe75
    Jebe75 Posts: 99 Member
    What do you all try/do? Count calories? Exercise? Weights? Cardio? Everything?
  • sasscass8705
    sasscass8705 Posts: 6 Member
    jbley75 wrote: »
    What do you all try/do? Count calories? Exercise? Weights? Cardio? Everything?

    I track the foods I eat, I exercise at least 3 times a week (love my planet fitness gym), I use a machine called ArcTrainer which is similar to an elliptical but also like a stair stepper (my favorite machine!), I also work on core muscles and I have a weight lifting routine I do. I have found out I love to lift! I started slow with working on my diet changes (haven’t really cut anything out but I do watch my carb intake) and I started intermittent fasting. I did that almost a month before joining the gym. I’m loving this journey even though some days are really tough. :)