MFP and Body Bugg users

What are you doing to try and keep the two systems working together? MFP has me at 1320 cal per day for 1.5 weight loss per week. The BB site has me eating 2050 for the same loss.

Are you changing your MFP settings to match the BB settings?

Are you entering your food in MFP then again in the BB site?


  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    MFP estimates your BMR based on your height weight age etc. But the body bugg and bodymedia fit armbands have that same information, plus if you wear it night and day, actually knows how much you are expending in a day. I actually go by MFP, though my bodymedia armband is probably more accurate. I just do it to simplify things. Plus I don't wear the armband 24/7. I just wear it when I exercise.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Could the difference be workouts pre added in by BB and you have to add those calories to the MFP #?
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I don't have a body bugg (I'd love one, though!!), but does it already assume you,ll exercise a certain amount each day? MFP is pre-exercise calories - maybe the body bugg is including exercise calories? Or maybe your MFP activity level is set too low?

    Good luck! I'm curious to see what other people say!
  • soonerchick14
    soonerchick14 Posts: 36 Member
    I think the BodyBugg automatically ups your calories based on what you put in as your exercise targets and MFP increases your calorie budget as you work out and add your exercise. I don't put any food into BodyBugg, just MFP and then when I do my weekly updates the BB system estimates average calories consumed based on weight loss/gain. Seems to be working for me...I've lost 5 pounds since I started using them together!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I think the BodyBugg automatically ups your calories based on what you put in as your exercise targets and MFP increases your calorie budget as you work out and add your exercise. I don't put any food into BodyBugg, just MFP and then when I do my weekly updates the BB system estimates average calories consumed based on weight loss/gain. Seems to be working for me...I've lost 5 pounds since I started using them together!

    No, it does not add in anything. It tracks movement, body heat, heat emmission and stress levels and it does it in real time not by simply calculating your average day. If you move a lot, if goes up, if you don't it doesn't what you set as a target is nothing more than something to shoot for and if you have a display or use a cellphone it lets you know when you've reached your goal.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I don't have a body bugg (I'd love one, though!!), but does it already assume you,ll exercise a certain amount each day? MFP is pre-exercise calories - maybe the body bugg is including exercise calories? Or maybe your MFP activity level is set too low?

    Good luck! I'm curious to see what other people say!

    No, it doesn't assume anything.

    The website might make an initial suggestion on calorie intake based on the same kind of info MFP has but after you upload data it will change.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    MFP estimates your BMR based on your height weight age etc. But the body bugg and bodymedia fit armbands have that same information, plus if you wear it night and day, actually knows how much you are expending in a day. I actually go by MFP, though my bodymedia armband is probably more accurate. I just do it to simplify things. Plus I don't wear the armband 24/7. I just wear it when I exercise.

    To each his own, but honestly isn't the purpose of making the investment to buy one (as they are not cheap) to wear it as much as possible to have a good idea of what your TDEE is in a 24 hour period? This way you can figure out your calorie intake per day and macronutrient intake according to your goals.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    MFP estimates your BMR based on your height weight age etc. But the body bugg and bodymedia fit armbands have that same information, plus if you wear it night and day, actually knows how much you are expending in a day. I actually go by MFP, though my bodymedia armband is probably more accurate. I just do it to simplify things. Plus I don't wear the armband 24/7. I just wear it when I exercise.

    To each his own, but honestly isn't the purpose of making the investment to buy one (as they are not cheap) to wear it as much as possible to have a good idea of what your TDEE is in a 24 hour period? This way you can figure out your calorie intake per day and macronutrient intake according to your goals.

    I agree, if that's all you wanted out of the BB/BMF you should have just gotten a cheap HRM. IMO, it's kind of pointless to have a BB/BMF and only wear it during exercise, since that isn't really the purpose of the device.
  • MovesLikePuma
    Body Bugg builds a deficit based off of how much weight you want to lose and calculates by your weight. So is you burn 2500 per day and want to lose 2 pounds per week, the deficit is set that you eat 1000 fewer calories.

    I think with MFP, the estimates are just bases off of weight and the activity level you set. If you are active that day and record your calorie burn, you should find that the total calories to consume per day are about the same. At least they are for me.

    If I do any adjusting though I do it in Body Bugg. You can adjust on your webpage using the My Info tab. If you lower calories, it adjusts the calorie burn requirement as well to keep the deficit.

    Also, I wear mine all the time so that I know exactly what I have burned that day. Helps on the days you might want to eat a little more.
  • email68
    email68 Posts: 8 Member
    Does the BB change its burn goals the more you use it by itself? I just set mine up for the first time last night so the goals it set had to be only from my height, weight, etc..

    The food intake goes on the BB site does include your expected caloric burn which they estimate from your exercise I guess. So I think you all are correct that should be added to the MFP numbers.

    Right now BB is assuming a 220 exercise burn on average per day based on what I put in when I set it up. So I would add that to the 1320, but its still shy of the 2050 of BB.

    I've kind of been hovering at the same weight for a while. I've been reading that you should never eat below your BMR and from the numbers given by MFP, which I have been following, have been. Also my Withings scale shows 1/3 of my weight loss (about 10 lbs) were from lean, not fat. Which is not good. Because of this, I'm tending to believe the BB numbers.
  • bschutt
    bschutt Posts: 8
    I've had my bodybugg for a week and love it! I use MFP for all of my food tracking since the app for the bodybuggSP does not have a scanner. As pp said, when you go through registering for your bb, it takes the information you enter into account and gives you an estimate on your calorie burn and what your calorie intake should be whether you're looking to gain weight, lose weight, etc. I was very surprised, because I am only 5'1" and it had my calorie burn at 2200, putting my calorie intake at 1700 to lose weight. I was a bit skeptical but sure enough, it comes out almost exact. Yesterday I was very busy cleaning, running errands, plus a workout, and my calorie burn was over 2500 calories :)
  • MovesLikePuma
    Body Bugg kind of adjusts with your weight. You have to go in and refresh (just like MFP) after you put in your new weight.
  • email68
    email68 Posts: 8 Member
    Here's one for ya. The elliptical said I did 334 calories. The Body bugg said 186. What should I put into MFP?