Dating disaster stories...



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    A quick story about a girl my college roommate dated for about a month...

    My college roommate had gone out on a couple of dates with this girl that he met at a local bar. She seemed normal at first but it wasn't long before she showed her true colors. This one particular night she really wanted my buddy to go out to the bar with her and her friends. He wanted to stay home because we were having guys come over for a card game. She would call and call and call...text and text and text but he wouldn't respond. As the night went on, it became the running joke and everyone would just start laughing when his phone would ring. Around midnight we hear this loud thud at the front door and we look at each other like wtf was that. I look through the peep hole and there is this chick....standing about 6 feet back and running full speed into our door. She would smack into the door and then fall flat on her *kitten*, get up and do it again. We were dying laughing but she was drunk and we didn't want her to get hurt. So my roommate opens the door and she comes running inside full speed and falls right on her face. Without hesitation she gets up and runs into my roommate's bedroom, takes off ALL of her clothes, and starts jumping on his bed...screaming for him to come look. We all just stared in disbelief and wished him the best of luck lol.

  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I went out with a girl one night... We went to walk on the beach. Had a nice time. It was getting late so we headed home. I wasnt paying attention and the next thing I know shes butt naked in my passenger seat telling me to pull over. Needless to say I was blowing read lights trying to make it home as fast as possible. I scrubbed the crap outta the seat and needless to say I didnt talk to her after that.

    HA!!!! TOP THAT!

  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I went on a blind date set up by a friend. She seemed very nice and all. Intelligent, nice body, and she seemed interested- maybe too interested.

    Half way through dinner her cell phone rings and its her mom. The conversation from her end went basically like this while she is sitting at the table with me:

    "Yes he is very nice"
    "Yes he is probably the one"
    "Yes he has a good job with potential"
    "He has his own place- no he owns doesnt rent."
    "I dont know as we havent gone back to his place yet"
    "Yes its an expensive restaurant"
    "He drives a Mustang GT... No its not a BMW but its better then a Honda"
    "I havent asked about kids yet"
    "OK we can look at bridal magazines tomorrow"
    "I will bring him around so you and Dad can meet him"

    I hit that eject button faster then a fighter pilot going down in flames. I have no idea what became of her and dont care.

    Not to sound rude, just honest ... but do you think this was her way of purposly freaking you out?? Maybe she didn't like you :-), It was a blind date correct??

    It was and I thought about that but the body language etc was not of someone trying to blow me off. And I could definitely hear an older womans voice on the phone.

    Maybe or maybe not- be that as it may it was definitely one of the weirdest dates I was ever on.
  • diane423
    diane423 Posts: 48
    I went on a blind date set up by a friend. She seemed very nice and all. Intelligent, nice body, and she seemed interested- maybe too interested.

    Half way through dinner her cell phone rings and its her mom. The conversation from her end went basically like this while she is sitting at the table with me:

    "Yes he is very nice"
    "Yes he is probably the one"
    "Yes he has a good job with potential"
    "He has his own place- no he owns doesnt rent."
    "I dont know as we havent gone back to his place yet"

    "Yes its an expensive restaurant"
    "He drives a Mustang GT... No its not a BMW but its better then a Honda"
    "I havent asked about kids yet"
    "OK we can look at bridal magazines tomorrow"
    "I will bring him around so you and Dad can meet him"

    I hit that eject button faster then a fighter pilot going down in flames. I have no idea what became of her and dont care.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! She was a weirdo Love this one!!!!!!!!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    A quick story about a girl my college roommate dated for about a month...

    My college roommate had gone out on a couple of dates with this girl that he met at a local bar. She seemed normal at first but it wasn't long before she showed her true colors. This one particular night she really wanted my buddy to go out to the bar with her and her friends. He wanted to stay home because we were having guys come over for a card game. She would call and call and call...text and text and text but he wouldn't respond. As the night went on, it became the running joke and everyone would just start laughing when his phone would ring. Around midnight we hear this loud thud at the front door and we look at each other like wtf was that. I look through the peep hole and there is this chick....standing about 6 feet back and running full speed into our door. She would smack into the door and then fall flat on her *kitten*, get up and do it again. We were dying laughing but she was drunk and we didn't want her to get hurt. So my roommate opens the door and she comes running inside full speed and falls right on her face. Without hesitation she gets up and runs into my roommate's bedroom, takes off ALL of her clothes, and starts jumping on his bed...screaming for him to come look. We all just stared in disbelief and wished him the best of luck lol.

  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I went out with a girl one night... We went to walk on the beach. Had a nice time. It was getting late so we headed home. I wasnt paying attention and the next thing I know shes butt naked in my passenger seat telling me to pull over. Needless to say I was blowing read lights trying to make it home as fast as possible. I scrubbed the crap outta the seat and needless to say I didnt talk to her after that.

    HA!!!! TOP THAT!


    Yeah, it was hilarious. I never pimp my blog, but they're all true story, Ben Fiasco (as my friends and I STILL call him) def won for worst/creepiest date.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member

    Corn and I have decided that you are our new best friend. I'll get new necklaces that we all have a piece of ;) *snort*

    Thanks. :)
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i went on a blind date once....i was mean though. I let the guy "who i did not find attractive at all" buy me dinner and some drinks, and i told him that i needed a cigarette and needed to get them out of my car....well....i just took off and left. wasnt a disaster for me, but it was for him

    and women wonder where men learn to treat women like crap..............

    That really was a lousy thing to do.

    But what actually happens is women like that have men falling all over them and women who are nice and decent get the shaft (and not the good one).
    yeah it was, ill admit that, just like ive already said in a previous post, and the only person i really didnt treat like **** was the guy who is my now husband. i had a really bad relationship, which was my first relationship, and it took me a few years to recover from that, also during that time i had some issues with addiction, so my mind wasnt really right. the whole, first relationship being really bad doesnt justify anything i did to other guys, but i have to say, when your struggling with addiction, your mind really isnt right. i do look back now and regret how i treated those guys. plus my friend who set me up with that guy was pretty pissed too.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    A quick story about a girl my college roommate dated for about a month...

    My college roommate had gone out on a couple of dates with this girl that he met at a local bar. She seemed normal at first but it wasn't long before she showed her true colors. This one particular night she really wanted my buddy to go out to the bar with her and her friends. He wanted to stay home because we were having guys come over for a card game. She would call and call and call...text and text and text but he wouldn't respond. As the night went on, it became the running joke and everyone would just start laughing when his phone would ring. Around midnight we hear this loud thud at the front door and we look at each other like wtf was that. I look through the peep hole and there is this chick....standing about 6 feet back and running full speed into our door. She would smack into the door and then fall flat on her *kitten*, get up and do it again. We were dying laughing but she was drunk and we didn't want her to get hurt. So my roommate opens the door and she comes running inside full speed and falls right on her face. Without hesitation she gets up and runs into my roommate's bedroom, takes off ALL of her clothes, and starts jumping on his bed...screaming for him to come look. We all just stared in disbelief and wished him the best of luck lol.

    I think I use to know her...
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    a) I went on a date w/this guy I met on myspace (YEARS ago)...I want to say I was 23 or so at the time, and he was a lil younger (like 21 I think). I don't know how this was decided, but we decided to go for drinks for our first date/meeting. In making plans, he mentioned this bar he goes to. This guy seemed relatively normal via email and phone. I asked where and what time to meet, and he asked me if I could pick him up (he did not have a car, and his bike wasn't working). Fine, did that. It was dark out when I picked him up, but when we got to the bar, he looked VERY different from his pictures. He looked like the creepy version of his decent myspace pictures. He takes me to this dive of a bar, he sat EXTREMELY close to me, proceeds to tell me one of his friends was shot in front of the bar the week before, rubs his hand up and down my thigh, and starts talking about me being his girlfriend and our future (kids, etc). Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. I have never met a guy that age (21) that was creepy like he was. It was like night & day from how he acted with me via phone & email. After one drink, I told him I felt like I was gonna puke because I hardly ate all day, so I drove him home. He desperately tried to get me to come in the house with him. I kept telling him I didn't feel good. He wanted to go out the next day, and I got the feeling that if I didn't agree, he wouldn't get out of my car. He practically jumped on me to kiss me, and said he was going to text me the next day to finalize plans. I went along with it, but texted him later to say there will not be a second date. I cannot remember what reason I gave him, but I don't think I straight out said he was creepy. I probably just said I wasn't ready for dating or something. He text and myspace messaged me almost every day for WEEKS afterwards, trying to get me to go out. After my responding that it wasn't going to happen (in a nut shell), I stopped responding. After a few days of his desperate messages, he turned mean and started insulting me. Can't remember exactly what he said, but I do remember his responses were insults.

    b) This one wasn't so terrible, it just never went anywhere. I went on a date with a guy from Match after talking via email and phone for a few weeks (this was probably about 3 or so years ago as I met my fiance on Match and we have been together over 2.5 years). Our going out on a date was actually an ultimatum he gave me, because he was dying to meet me, and he felt like I was just putting it off...I think at that point I had just recently joined match, and was nervous about dating men from there. I hadn't dated a lot prior to that, and I was a shy person. He said if I didn't go on a date with him in the next week, he was going to stop talking to me. See, I didn't know if he was joking or not, because he joked about EVERYTHING....even about things that I am sure no one would find funny...I agreed to go out on a date with him a few days after that (TGI Friday's). We met there, and he had a full bouquet of roses (which I thought was sweet). Dinner was ok...HOWEVER, he started to talk about what we were going to name our kids (Anthony Jr. was the name for our son-I only remember this because his name (obviously) was Tony, I forgot what he said the girl's names would be). Pretty heavy conversation for a 1st date, don't ya think?!?!?! I don't know if he was joking or not, again, it was hard to tell. I went to get in my car, and he practically begged me to let him sit in the car w/me. He kissed me and told me he couldn't WAIT to tell all his friends that I liked him. And that he was excited about meeting my family, so he would have a family to spend time with during holidays etc (it is just him and his mom). He said he couldn't WAIT to spend time with my family for Christmas, as he was hoping I or my family would get him a Nintendo for a Christmas present. I looked at him like he was nuts. Again, not sure if that was all a joke, but who does that on a first date? We said our goodnights, and that was the last I saw of him. He of course, kept texting me, etc. for a few months after that, but I told him he was a lil intense for me. He was a harmless guy, I think, but it was just a little too much.

    c) I went on a date with this guy that is friends with one of my college friends. He seemed really nice, and really cute. I forget where we met, I think at the mall to go to dinner, then we were going to the movies. I was very attracted to him. After the movie, we kissed in his car, and he tried convincing me to go home w/him. I told him that would not be a good idea, seeing that we just met & all. He text me several times that night, trying to convince me to come over and "watch a movie." I said no, as I didn't know him like that, and he ended up calling me and got into this whole discussion that he isn't sure what he wants, and he feels that a guy needs to have sex with a girl 8-10 times (AT THE LEAST) before deciding whether or not he wants to be in a relationship with her. My reaction, OH REALLY? Yeah, that was the end of that. I guess I didn't play into what he was supposedly used to. He still tried getting me to "hang out" after that, and I just kept turning him down.

    I have more but I have written
  • Lantern823
    Lantern823 Posts: 115
    After weeks of dating this guy, it hadn't progressed any further than kissing, when it finally did, all I can say is, his finger was bigger. Funniest thing, he broke up with me.

    Been there honey !! Luckily thats my worst
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    so many dating disasters. worst one was a blind date i had been set up on by a friend.

    We met in a bar in town and he is GORGEOUS!!! And an amazing body too! (i thought i had struck gold) he was very funny and we were having a great conversation. About an hour or so later a blonde girl walks in wearing hardly any clothes!! After staring at her for a few minutes He jumps up from the table and says "I have to go to the toilet" he runs off and leaves me sitting there for about fifteen minutes.

    When he returns he slaps his hand on the table and declares (in a rather loud voice, loud enough for the rest of the pub to hear) "God I needed that wank!!!"

    Needless to say i left fairly quickly and i was mortified!

  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Guy picked me up for our first date in a trashed car with big *kitten* speakers in the back. My head was rattling around and I asked him to please turn them down so we could talk. He refused. Then decided it would be fun to show off his car and pull the parking brake and slide the car on the ice. My face was 2 inches from someones mail box at the end of that slide. I still went to dinner with him - he ate like a pig and just douched out the entire date. I remember putting my fork down at one point and just staring at him in disgust.
  • liza27201424
    it was my very first date ever, and Im not sure I went out with the guy
    he wasnt that cute in the first place!
    and we were going to the movies but than I was getting all chicken and didnt want to go
    but my mom and aunt wouldnt turn the car around
    so I was like crying in the car
    and they went into the movie theatre and got him and brought him out
    than i felt bad and just went to the movies with him
    than when we were in the movies he was laughing really loud and grossly! and he smelt like really bad yogert!
    worst date ever, but a benefit, I went to go watch his rugby game and than went out with one of his teammates hahaha
    he didnt really care
    did i mention i was like 15 when this went down?
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Met a guy on the match a few years ago and we never met in person, but I wanted to share the story since we are all on the internet here.... After about a 1 hour first phone call, I had determined that I was not interested in meeting in person, from his improper use of the language. Also, I felt like there were some holes in his story... Later that night about 10 pm I was wrapping things up with some guests I had over, and he starts calling and texting me in rapid succession. It was my fault for not blocking my number. Finally after at least 20 calls, I answered and asked him to please stop calling, and he went into a rage, threatening me on the phone with spamming me and bodily harm, etc. So I reverse stalked him, and sure enough with just his name and phone number, I could find his residence, along with full picture of the front of the house! After this, I never gave out my phone number again, and started using my house alarm system at night. I also filed a police report and purchased a gun.

    He did follow through with the spamming, but luckily that was all. Lesson learned.

    Great post here, I have enjoyed reading it...
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Ok I know this thread is a little old but you people don't know bad dates. I know this because I know bad dates. I don't even know where to begin.
    I have to say the last date before I met my now ex husband probably pushed me into marrying someone.
    I met this guy on match I think. His photos were beautiful. He looked like the guy from Bones when he was young and played Angek on Buffy. We talked and emailed for a few weeks and he was so charming and sweet with a tiny mix of cocky and funny. Just seemed like a great guy. For our date we decided I would pick him up since he had a motorcycle and it was raining. I show up at his house and he has forgotten to mention the 40 lbs he has gained since those pics were taken. And yet he was wearing the same jeans. Ever seen a dude with a muffin top? But again I was into the personality so big deal. We go to this fun little dive bar at the beach. He seems a lot diffent in person so I figure he is just nervous. We have one beer and he declares that he is feeling drunk. Wtf? He admits to me he drank a 6 pack before our date. Holy AA nightmare. So at this point I'm just waiting out the time for him to sober up a bit. I finally decide that isn't going to happen and insist we leave. The only way I end up getting him out of the bar was with the promise of another bar. I should have left him but if he ended up face down under a dump truck I would feel like crap. So we get in the car and I start heading home. Along the way he starts accusing me of having a boyfriend or being married because I drive a new Audi and my husband must have bought it for me. I'm like ok *kitten* I just need to get you home. Of course not before having to pull over 3 times while he puked. When we get to his house he refuses to get out of my car. He starts balling his eyes out because I'm too good for him. Then he says I'm a typical stuck up California girl. Finally I was like..hey let's go in an watch a movie. He gets out and I lock the doors and peel out!. The next day he texts me to tell me he was sorry he has an 'off' night but he still had fun and would like to make it up to me. Fun? This was a good date for him? Can you imagine his bad dates?