Kind of a plateau?

Hi everyone! This is going to be a bit long I need some help.
So I first started my weight-loss journey back in September 2016. I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and before that I had never worked out I was eating over 5 bag of chips everyday and like three ice creams and a whole lot of junk EVERY SINGLE DAY. So when I started working out and taking my medication and my food wasn't all that healthy. I was able to lose 1 kg per week and This is probably just because it was all new to my body.
Now fast forward to Jan 2017, I went back to my old habits and stopped working out gaining the weight back. And somewhere in June 2017 I decided I wanted to get back on track so I was eating way healthier, worked out (I think I was eating more than I should have because I was overestimating the calories). 5 months later, you could see differences in my progress pictures. I looked more fit and people complimented me but on the scale I had only lost 1 kg in 5 months. Now I jumped on and off the wagon til April 2018 when I decided to buy a scale and count calories. So when I first started off I was eating about 1450 calories per day and I was again losing 1 kg per week til June. I stopped counting for reasons thats too complicated to explain. Anyway, All the way from June til this November I would keep restarting because I kept messing up. So starting this november, I went on a 3-day juice cleanse as a jumpstart and I lost 3 kgs. I went back to counting calories and eating 1450 cals per day. I also run 3 days a week, resistance training 2-3 times a week, Hiit 2 times a week and I try to walk as much as I can (Im not really active in real life, so I compensate that by working out). Its almost the end of the November and my weight hasnt bulged. I never gained the weight back or lost any more. This brings me to, has anyone experienced this? Or does anyone have any advice? I know I shouldnt focus on the scale but trust me I'm overweight and my LDL cholestrol is high.Im 18 and of height 159 cm and I keep fluctuating between 71 kgs and 75 kgs. My body just cant seem to go under that + My fat just doesnt seem to go anywhere, I only just tone up resulting in me looking better. Thanks in advance!


  • Bobble11
    Bobble11 Posts: 49 Member
    If I understand correctly, since the beginning of November you've juice cleansed, started counting calories and started a pretty intense exercise regime and haven't lost in 4 weeks.

    You need to give a new regime 6-8 weeks before you see results. Maybe even longer. I "plateaued" for 3 months when I started running but now the weight is coming off at a regular pace again.

    From your post you are all or nothing all the time. I would suggest you need to work on being kinder to yourself. You have a rubbish day and eat way over your calories, draw a line under it and start again.

    Plus there's a lot to be said for toning rather than losing weight.
  • VickiZei
    VickiZei Posts: 32 Member
    You are doing awesome! Please don’t measure your success only by the scale. People can weigh exactly the recommended amount and still have a high percentage of fat, high LDL, low HDL, high blood pressure and lousy eating habits. Give yourself credit for all that you are doing right. Keep that up and your weight will change. You’ve yo-yo dieted so much it’s going to take some time for things to come around.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    It sounds like you keep changing things up before it really has a chance to stick. If you are counting calories, there really is no "mess up and then start over". If you go over your goal today, just do better tomorrow. Consistency is super important. Get a food scale. Set your goal to lose no more than 1 lb per week. Log accurately and consistently, everything everyday. Log your exercise and eat back some of those calories. If you mess up today, do better tomorrow, it's no big deal. Fit in some treats. Give it 6-8 weeks, just follow the plan. Learn from your log - note which foods/macros fill you up, which leave you hungry, what is really causing you to go over on the bad days, etc.

    Check out these threads, lots of great info here too:

    Hang in there, and good luck!