Help me build a strength training workout

I want to add weights to my workout but I don't know what machines to use and how to come up with a routine. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week so I'd like to to upper body one day and lower body the next with core/abs in there too. Right now I am just doing cardio everyday and a few group classes.

Is there a website that will build a routine for me, let me input my reps/weight and let me know when to increase weights?



  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    Have a word with someone at the gym, they should give you an introduction to safe use of the kit and if you are regular I'm sure they's help.

    Used a gym for the first time yesterday and today and it's amazing how one machine can target one muscle! I'm not used to that.
  • luckygrrrl
    I know it can seem complicated to build a routine, but here is a link to a good one that uses machines. I don't go to a gym so I have to figure out how to do them with free weights at home, but I'm sure you can find the machines required at your gym.

    Good Luck
  • bfgalvan
    bfgalvan Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Luckgrrl... I'll check out that site
  • kgesq
    kgesq Posts: 65 Member
    I know it can seem complicated to build a routine, but here is a link to a good one that uses machines. I don't go to a gym so I have to figure out how to do them with free weights at home, but I'm sure you can find the machines required at your gym.

    Good Luck

    I think machines are a good place to start too. Free weights, especially in the hands of a beginner, can cause unnecessary injury. Most machines have the proper form demonstrated right on them (don't you love that faceless guy?) Different trainers say different things, but in my former life when I was a trainer, I recommended working the large muscle groups first and getting the most bang for you buck out of exercises that utilize more than one muscle group. Eg. Leg Press or Smith Machine for lower body, Lat pull down, upright row for upper body. The other muscle groups get the ancillary benefit and as they get stronger, you can start to hone your routine more to focus on individual muscles. GL!