WW and Counting Points vs. Calories

I have a question for those doing MFP along with Weight Watchers. I joined WW in March and MFP in June or July. I have only been logging my food in MFP since then because I thought it would be too much work to figure out plus points and write everything down in my tracker, and logging my food in MFP also.

So, what I've been doing is taking the end of the day totals of the four components that WW figures out the plus points, and putting them in my converter to figure how many plus points I have had that day.

Today I had the thought that I might try not logging in my fruits and veggies since those are 0 plus points, but they do count toward your calorie totals of the day if you log them in the daily diary here.

So, If you are doing WW along with MFP, could you tell me what you do and if you think my plan would work. Thanks!! :smile:


  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427 Member
    for me personally, i found counting the points and logging in to mfp a little stressful. some days i was at 1300 cal other days i was at 1800 yet i was hitting the same points. i felt that was too big of a calorie swing from one day to the next so i just do mfp. this is just my experience though. much luck to you:smile:
  • scv4414
    scv4414 Posts: 16 Member
    If you don't log your fruits and veggies, you will probably go over your MFP calorie goal. I am doing the same thing, and I have calculated a couple of my MFP food logs into my WW acount, and even though fruits and veggies were no points there, I was still just about hitting my 31 points on a 1200 calorie diet.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I did just what you were doing for about 2 weeks when I eventually cut the ties with WW (I didn't want to pay for something I wasn't really using).

    I tracked the fruit in MFP, and then it obviously converted into points in WW - which had me dipping into my WPA. I was earning enough AP and had enough weeklies that it always worked.

    I was allotted 29 daily and averaged between 35-45 pts/day. Which was either covered by weekiles/activity. By the end of the week it worked out that I was left with between 5-10 WPA.

    I'd plateaued with WW and WL jump started again when I started MFP. I think it's partly my personal discipline and party the difference in plans.
  • irisbear
    irisbear Posts: 14
    I don't usually log the "free" foods in MFP, but I log everything else, mostly because I think MFP's website food database is way better that WW online. I then take the nutrition info and use my WW calculator to log my daily food/points into my journal (because I like it better than their website) Also, by constantly logging my food into MFP I won't forget to enter anything when I finally get around to journaling it after dinner.