Days of MFP



  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Chael2dot0 wrote: »
    Is this where we share who sent who nudes, talk about behind the scenes comments, what fake profiles there are, or generally call out people? Do we get bonus points if they are married?

    Asking for a friend.

    Okay who took naked pictures of themselves and electronically mailed them out?

    This must be a running joke because I can't imagine any halfway sane person actually doing this. It's insane. Insane.

    Plus who would want naked pictures of the average rank and file person anyway. There are people who derive a living from being professionally filmed and photographed for purposes of sexual provocation who are far more gratifying to view.

    *kitten* pictures are the human equivalent of a cat giving you a dead bird as a gift.


    Or when a tail wagging dog roots through the hamper and puts a sweaty sock on your lap as if it were a diamond tiara.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member

    newmeadow wrote: »
    Chael2dot0 wrote: »
    Is this where we share who sent who nudes, talk about behind the scenes comments, what fake profiles there are, or generally call out people? Do we get bonus points if they are married?

    Asking for a friend.

    Okay who took naked pictures of themselves and electronically mailed them out?

    This must be a running joke because I can't imagine any halfway sane person actually doing this. It's insane. Insane.

    Plus who would want naked pictures of the average rank and file person anyway. There are people who derive a living from being professionally filmed and photographed for purposes of sexual provocation who are far more gratifying to view.

    *kitten* pictures are the human equivalent of a cat giving you a dead bird as a gift.

    It is at times like this that I wish they would swap the Woo button for a Lol button

  • Chael2dot0
    Chael2dot0 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Dead birds...heh. 😏
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Chael2dot0 wrote: »
    Dead birds...heh. 😏

    Men and women do not view these gifts similarly, methinks. :neutral:

    We have to discard of said presents...scoop and toss
  • Chael2dot0
    Chael2dot0 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Chael2dot0 wrote: »
    Dead birds...heh. 😏

    Men and women do not view these gifts similarly, methinks. :neutral:

    Was out quail hunting the other day and would gladly take a retrieving cat.
  • Chael2dot0 wrote: »
    Dead birds...heh. 😏

  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    This went dark fast. :D
  • DawnOfTheDead_Lift
    DawnOfTheDead_Lift Posts: 753 Member
    Chael2dot0 wrote: »
    Dead birds...heh. 😏


    Best gif ever!
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Chael2dot0 wrote: »
    Dead birds...heh. 😏

    Men and women do not view these gifts similarly, methinks. :neutral:

    We have to discard of said presents...scoop and toss


    How does the cat feel about this? Has anyone asked the cat?

    He wasnt to pleased
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Chael2dot0 wrote: »
    Is this where we share who sent who nudes, talk about behind the scenes comments, what fake profiles there are, or generally call out people? Do we get bonus points if they are married?

    Asking for a friend.

    Okay who took naked pictures of themselves and electronically mailed them out?

    This must be a running joke because I can't imagine any halfway sane person actually doing this. It's insane. Insane.

    Plus who would want naked pictures of the average rank and file person anyway. There are people who derive a living from being professionally filmed and photographed for purposes of sexual provocation who are far more gratifying to view.

    Ohhhh. I thought my bent over look was sexy :'(

    It was. OMG, it SO was.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    Well, <name redacted> supposedly totally went into full hoe mode at the <name redacted> event. Seriously, like slept with <name redacted>, <name redacted>, <name redacted>, <name redacted> and <name redacted> over the course of 36 hours. But the best part was <name redacted> got all upset and went white knighting until the pics and video got shared to the <name redacted> group. Then they both rage quit but they are both back now and totally pretending it never happened.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    Well, <name redacted> supposedly totally went into full hoe mode at the <name redacted> event. Seriously, like slept with <name redacted>, <name redacted>, <name redacted>, <name redacted> and <name redacted> over the course of 36 hours. But the best part was <name redacted> got all upset and went white knighting until the pics and video got shared to the <name redacted> group. Then they both rage quit but they are both back now and totally pretending it never happened.


  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    Well, <name redacted> supposedly totally went into full hoe mode at the <name redacted> event. Seriously, like slept with <name redacted>, <name redacted>, <name redacted>, <name redacted> and <name redacted> over the course of 36 hours. But the best part was <name redacted> got all upset and went white knighting until the pics and video got shared to the <name redacted> group. Then they both rage quit but they are both back now and totally pretending it never happened.

    Wait. You people organize separate groups and then meet in person to behave badly?
  • DawnOfTheDead_Lift
    DawnOfTheDead_Lift Posts: 753 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    Well, <name redacted> supposedly totally went into full hoe mode at the <name redacted> event. Seriously, like slept with <name redacted>, <name redacted>, <name redacted>, <name redacted> and <name redacted> over the course of 36 hours. But the best part was <name redacted> got all upset and went white knighting until the pics and video got shared to the <name redacted> group. Then they both rage quit but they are both back now and totally pretending it never happened.

  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    I will just be the long lost family member that shows up during something dramatic happening then disappears. Then reappears when least expecting it.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I still think some people on here are paid actors
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I still think some people on here are paid actors

    I'd pay 'em minimum wage.
  • DawnOfTheDead_Lift
    DawnOfTheDead_Lift Posts: 753 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I still think some people on here are paid actors

    I'd pay 'em minimum wage.


  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I still think some people on here are paid actors

    Me. But pay is awful.
  • george5911
    george5911 Posts: 3,910 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I still think some people on here are paid actors

    I'd like to think that some of the people get paid rather than to think that their lives are really so sad they come to a fitness site to screw with people.

    People screwing with other people in one way or another is peoples favorite pastime since the beginning of time.