How Religious Are You?

How religious are you with your diet? Do you cheat? If so, how frequent?


  • Jompau
    Jompau Posts: 7 Member
    FL_Hiker wrote: »
    I only eat swiss cheese because it's "holy" , and only on Sundays. Some days I cheat and eat cheddar.

    Just kidding ;)
    I don't diet, I just eat things in moderation.

    You almost got me there! What do you usually consume? :)
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    Jompau wrote: »
    FL_Hiker wrote: »
    I only eat swiss cheese because it's "holy" , and only on Sundays. Some days I cheat and eat cheddar.

    Just kidding ;)
    I don't diet, I just eat things in moderation.

    You almost got me there! What do you usually consume? :)

    Today I had yogurt and brownies for breakfast, chicken soup for lunch with some veggies and dip, Mexican chicken chili and corn bread for dinner, and chocolate for dessert. You can eat things you enjoy every day and still lose weight, moderation is key :) . I hit my goal weight a while back and I've been in maintenance for a little while now.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    What is your definition of cheating?

    I wouldn't consider what I do a cheat, but I eat lighter during the week and bank calories to indulge more on the weekends. Sometimes it is foods I don't have during the week, sometimes it's just larger portions. But it's still very controlled and in the end I remain on plan.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    I mean my religion does play a part in what I eat but that's not what you asked I suppose ;)

    I don't have cheat days, I try eat within my allotted calories and typically succeed. My breakfasts frequently involve a pastry or cookie of some kind (and a bagel) and it's not super uncommon for me to eat a second one for dessert. I've budgeted them into my day and I'm losing weight.
    Today will likely involve three cookies which is usual for me, but I'm still within my calorie allotment given that I rowed for 45 min this morning.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    When I'm being good & on point with my logging (when I say being good I mean not binging & restricting & logging everything I eat/drink) I don't need to cheat. I make sure to incorporate a few snacks be it healthy or calorie dense into my overall calories for the day.

    If I have a day that I have way exceeded my calories burned (work in a retail job) then I'll sometimes allow myself to eat a pint of either low calorie ice cream or higher calorie (Ben & Jerry's, Haagen Dazs, Gelato Fiasco, etc.) & just tack it onto my overall calories for the day.

    I don't want to have cheat days since that will push my weight loss back further & possibly wipe out a week or two of progress depending on how many calories the cheat day was.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    I religiously eat ice cream for dessert after dinner. Pretty much every night.

    For the love of ice cream. Is there anything better? (maybe a beer and ice cream)
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    I religiously eat ice cream for dessert after dinner. Pretty much every night.

    For the love of ice cream. Is there anything better? (maybe a beer and ice cream)

    A Guinness float?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Other than avoiding some foods for ethical reasons, I don't have anything off limits in my diet. Can't "cheat" if nothing is forbidden.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    Logging and paying attention to calories isn't a religion. It's just a tool that you can use to figure out whether you are in a calorie surplus, deficit, or at maintenance.

    You can make the choice to exceed your calorie goal. However, human metabolism does not cheat, and you can't cheat your metabolism. If you exceed your calorie goal, you'll gain weight or maintain, and your body stores or burns energy the same way regardless of whether you think of your eating as "cheating." Cheating implies that a rule was broken and/or that someone other than yourself was harmed, but when it comes to what you eat, the only rules are the ones you make for yourself and the only person who might be harmed is you.

    This is my philosophy exactly. I can eat whatever I want in whatever quantities I want. I then experience the consequences of those choices.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I wasn't even "religious" about my calorie goal when I was losing weight! I mean, I tried to hit it most days, but if I went over one day, meh I'd do better tomorrow. Food has so many meanings, roles, and situations in life. I've never had any intention of limiting that by tying myself to a limiting diet. Learning to eat the foods I love in reasonable portions was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It took some work, trial & error, and patience but it set me up for maintenance like a champ :drinker:
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I'm pretty particular about ensuring I weigh and log everything accurately, but I'm not super particular about meeting my actual goals. I'll have high and low fat, protein, and carb days, and it just depends on the recipes I'm into that week. I'm also not that particular about my actual goal - as long as I'm not over maintenance, I'm good, and I focus on accuracy so I know that even though I'm close to maintenance, inaccuracies shouldn't push me over.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I eat what I want to every day so I guess you could say not at all. I'm only concerned about calories