What do you drink?



  • geekyfella
    geekyfella Posts: 38 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    dawnb13 wrote: »
    Other than just water. I have cut out carbonated drinks and have been drinking juices and sweet tea. Of coarse this all has too much sugar. I drink constantly throughout the day. I figured I would allow myself something to drink at meal time other than water but any healthier suggestions?

    Wine. Chianti to be exact. Very healthy IMHO.

    My brother...

  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    Was there a reason you cut out carbonated drinks, or are you just equating carbonation with high-calorie drinks like soda?

    I went on a flavored sparkling water kick for a while, Soleil, Bubly, La Croix, etc., and was never satisfied. I don't mind a little sugar if it means I can have a drink that doesn't taste like Alka Seltzer, which is what all those sparkling waters tasted like to me. Why can't they make a "low" calorie sparkling soda/juice alternative? Something with say half the calories of a typical soda, carbonated, and with no artificial sweeteners? Bai comes close, but the cost is, in my opinion, crazy stupid.

    Maybe there is something else out there that matches that description and I just never found it. Anyway, I decided to make my own. I bought a SodaStream and fill a bottle with about 1/2-2/3 water and the rest with some Cran-<insert flavor here> juice of some type. I shoot some bubbles in it and I'm done. Way better than sparkling water and only 50 or so calories per serving. Of course you could do the same thing with just juice and water, but I like the carbonation.

    Be aware that SodaStream states that you should only carbonate water in their machines and then add any flavoring after the fact, so I'm breaking the rules, but I haven't had any issues lightly carbonating my mixture in the SodaStream.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Diet sodas/ and artificially sweetened drinks every single day! Lol. And pure water of course, but most of my intake is zero sugar beverages
  • dawnb13
    dawnb13 Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2018
    Thanks for all the replies!
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    geekyfella wrote: »
    crazyravr wrote: »
    dawnb13 wrote: »
    Other than just water. I have cut out carbonated drinks and have been drinking juices and sweet tea. Of coarse this all has too much sugar. I drink constantly throughout the day. I figured I would allow myself something to drink at meal time other than water but any healthier suggestions?

    Wine. Chianti to be exact. Very healthy IMHO.

    My brother...

    My very long distance cousin...

    I love but I can't drink red wines anymore -any kind; they give me tachycardia (probably the sulfites). Most of the wines give me GERD now due to a hiatal hernia so I am drinking less and less every time. To the point that I feel that just smelling the cork makes me dizzy... I had almost two glasses of wine with my Thanksgiving dinner and I had to reach for the Zantac after I was done eating. I was also tipsy. How sad is that :'(

    I drink water with lemon or club soda when I eat out, but sometimes I "share" a glass of wine with my husband. At home I drink filtered water and flavored sparkling water sometimes. I don't drink juices (with the exception of low sodium V8), beer, champagne, spirits, and I don't like ice tea. I drink black coffee with Splenda or hot green teas.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    geekyfella wrote: »
    ecjim wrote: »
    mostly water, black coffee - hot or iced, semi sweet tea, whole milk, & sometimes a real coca cola - with calories

    Last time I tried a real coke, I just couldn’t cope with the sugary taste. It really turned me off. Funny how tastes change...

    Yeah, I switched in high school and it wasn't long before I couldn't abide regular.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    I drink lots of ice water throughout the day, but I also drink coffee, Diet Pepsi, Wedge (Wegmans version of Fresca), and Diet Peach Snapple. Oh, and vodka.
  • dechowj
    dechowj Posts: 148 Member
    I drink a lot of hot tea. I change up the flavors to keep it from getting boring. My favorites are green chia tea, vanilla caramel tea, and green tea with lemon. I used to add a ton of sugar or honey to them, but slowly cut back until I preferred them without.

    I also make Koolaid a lot. I get the powder mix where you have to add your own sugar and add less than half of what the package says to. It's still really sweet and tastes yummy, but I feel less guilty that when I drink the pre-made stuff.

    If I want some wine at the end of a hard week I measure out the oz in a serving of sweet red wine into a large glass and fill the glass with seltzer.
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    edited November 2018
    Nothing wrong with diet soda, I really like diet root beer. It tastes just like “real” root beer to me! I also try to drink a glass of red wine once a week. Heard it was good for you, but you can get the same benefits of grape juice.
    Also sometimes schnapps and sake 😋
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,812 Member
    edited November 2018
    I really only drink water and black coffee, but sometimes drink the "sparkling ice" waters, Bai water, or put a flavor packet in my water. Ill also have a diet soda occationally or arnold palmer, but with mostly tea and I make my own lemonade with splenda. I also drink herbal unsweetened tea, especially in the winter as its cold, and I want a hot dring, and I dont really need more coffee, a full pot is probably enough coffee in a day
  • laurenq1991
    laurenq1991 Posts: 384 Member
    edited December 2018
    I drink 32oz of unsweetened tea (either hot or iced) per day on average. Infused water is also great. I recommend infusing with cucumber, melon, any type of berries, or mint. Lemon and lime can be hard on tooth enamel so I limit those. I don't know if it's the carbonation that you don't want in drinks or the sugar/sweetener, but if you're not opposed to zero-calorie carbonated drinks, there are a lot of great flavored seltzers (I recommend Vintage raspberry, Polar strawberry watermelon, or LaCroix cran-raspberry). There are also a ton of herbal teas out there in different fruit and floral flavors. Tazo even makes a chocolate-mint tea that tastes like a dessert but has no calories.
  • OddDitty
    OddDitty Posts: 248 Member
    I'm cheap so my flavoring is Crush Pineapple dry mix. I can take the packets on the go when I need to and they're easy fit into my back pocket. I might have a soda once in a blue moon. Other than that, herbal teas and my own home made coffee substitute.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    edited December 2018
    I'm a tea fiend. I usually have at least 5 different loose leaf teas and tons of variety packs of tea bags. Find a local shop that sells loose leaf tea and order yourself one of these tea balls .

    My suggestion to find a tea that you like without all the added sugars. If you want it to be cold, I would suggest mint or berry-flavored teas. Pomegranate Green Tea is naturally sweet & refreshing and is one of my go-to cold teas. Chai teas are also really good hot or cold (sadly, I can't drink them due to an allergy though).
  • MeganReid1991
    MeganReid1991 Posts: 170 Member
    Water and coffee