
I stopped drinking soda or anything carbonated. However, in order to get caffeine I have been drinking much more coffee and along with it, creamer. Any ideas to drink less calories?? I am drinking sugar free creamer but still consuming many calories.


  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    A nut milk and Torani sugar free syrup. I heat my milk and use a frother and the syrup, coffee from my machine, and I have some fancy *kitten*, delicious coffee for about 35 cals for two big mugs.
  • csbrnm
    csbrnm Posts: 7 Member
    Vanilla protein power - has milk and sugar. Make sure you mix protein powder with a small portion cold water first then add your coffee to the mixture. It will clump up if you put it in hot coffee
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    i switched to original creamer, then lessened the amount i put in my coffee, now I drink it just black
  • aortegasep
    aortegasep Posts: 30 Member
    edited November 2018
    The ony liquids I consume are black plain coffee, water or sparkling water and some beer on weekends. Ocationally milk or almond milk with a protein shake.
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    Sugar free creamers are great but to me they just have a bite to them that I can't get used to. I've started doing a splash of skim milk and a couple packets of sweet n low.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Is there a reason black coffee isn’t an option?
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    I use 0% milk (and almond mlik for my tea)
  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    I also use flavored creamer in my coffee. I just take the hit, calorie-wise. It's worth it to me. There are days I've clocked in over 200 calories on creamer alone. I did just find a sugar-free flavored creamer I enjoy, so that cuts down on the calories. I also drink diet coke if I don't want the creamer calories. (Saves room for my wine calories ;) .)

    Have you tried any teas? I need cream in my coffee, but can drink some teas black.
    If it's the carbonation you object to in soda, how about diet iced tea?
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I drink it black. I do overdo caffeine, so try to remember to switch to herbal teas after noon, but doesn't sound like that's your issue.
  • swirlybee
    swirlybee Posts: 497 Member
    Again, why is diet soda not an option? If it's because of taste, you can it with a lemon wedge and see if that works for you.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    i switched to original creamer, then lessened the amount i put in my coffee, now I drink it just black

    This. Pare back on things. I started putting in just whole milk. And then less and less and less. I still use some, but it's pretty minimal.

    Anyway, train yourself. Your palate will autonormalize.
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    I also used to be cream and sugar and couldn’t imagine it any other way. Now I’m black with two zero cal sweetener packets and couldn’t imagine it any other way. Life is funny that way.
  • Jadesfire93
    Jadesfire93 Posts: 92 Member
    I also used to add a lot of creamer and sugar, and had a three large mug a day habit. But I (surprisingly quickly for me) cut back to one cup of coffee, measured the creamer, and replaced the sugar with a dash of cinnamon. That cut my calorie hit from my coffee from 200 to 62, which I happily live with. Perhaps I'll switch to black one day, but I'd need to find time in the morning to actually make good coffee at home.
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    One cup of gourmet flavored coffee (I'm a huge fan of Barnie's White Christmas) + 2 tsp heavy cream + 1 Splenda = 43 kcal of bliss
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,929 Member
    +1 on black coffee.

    I used to use a tiny bit of honey (most of the time) and a splash of half & half (almost all the time). In the past, I had also used soy milk or almond milk. I don't know why I switched back to half & half. First I ditched the honey. I missed it not at all! I started measuring the half & half when I started tracking calories. At some point I switched to a coconut creamer. Fewer calories, and non dairy. I started off with So Delicious, which is a local company. I found Trader Joe's had a version with practically the same ingredients, and I still wonder if it is made in the same plant. Trader Joe won't disclose that kind of stuff. I still measured my pour, and I would take some to work for when I made my second cup. And my third..... I use a pour-over filter or a press, but a different grind for each.

    At some point, I just quit the coconut creamer too. I like to save calories for barley soda at happy hour. What I found out is that if I make good cup (right amount of beans with the right grind), good coffee doesn't need anything added! Sometimes if I am going out for coffee and it's not that good, or if I am on vacation, I will splurge a little and splash in a tiny bit of half & half or whole milk. All that said, I find I am actually drinking MORE coffee now that I cut out the creamer. I just have to switch to tea after about 14:00 or I stay up too late at night, and lack of sleep is bad for weight management.

    I am really happy that I still have a little half & half or coconut creamer from time to time. Why? Well, did you read that study that suggests if you drink black coffee you are more likely to be a psychopath? Yeah. Go figure. Hi all you fellow psychopath MFPers! The study talked about liking bitter beverages. Well, the bad news is that I also like NW IPA, so I guess I'm just a bitter, bitter fellow.

    I don't believe the study is accurate. That belief is probably due to my antisocial tendencies 🤓

    I think I better go make a cup of coffee. Or maybe I should switch to tea. Good luck @LauraKollath. Do give black coffee a try. You can become as antisocial as the rest of us.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    amy19355 wrote: »
    Caffiene pills are dirt cheap and available at the drugstore.

    Yes, my mom is 81 and recently discovered caffeine pills. She says they have given her a "new lease on life."