Feeling Hungry

I’m curious about opinions on "feeling hungry". Since I started my new home office job back in May 2010, I managed to pack on nearly 10 pounds (for a total of 25 lbs of extra, unhealthy weight), and in all that time, I can't remember ever feeling hungry. Now that I'm tracking calories and exercising, I find that I actually feel hungry again.

My question; is that seen as a bad thing? I’m not starving, and I’m not under-eating, but I do find that I’ll delay eating simply because I now equate “feeling hungry” with goal achievement. Am I doing something unhealthy? I’d appreciate your perspective.



  • RiawnaIsFatFailure
    hiya have u ever tried having breckfast like special k with milk at 9 then waiting till 11 to have some fruit for snack then have some dinner at 1 then have somthing else to eat 3 like more fruit then have a full home made meal at 6 so then in a few days itll pass then maybe at 8 u could have more fruit or a sneaky choc bar before u go bed
    but try to keep nutrioush and it should pass. drink loads of water to and if its bordem try chewing gum.
  • pope369
    pope369 Posts: 159 Member
    @ RiawnaIs, thanks, but that wasn't really my question. I actually don't mind that hungry feeling and never let myself go too long without eating. I know what that can do to you (falling blood sugar levels and whatnot). I was just wondering if staying on the edge of hunger is generally bad or not.
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    What do you think has changed in your eating habits from then to now? Where you eating more or more often then? Are you comfortable to being on the edge of hunger now? I find for myself that I don't do well on the edge of hunger because I have more of a tendency to eat quickly and in return I end up eating more. I find if I keep myself from that hungry feeling I will eat slower when I do eat and get full quicker. I think that this is a very individual thing on how one handles the level of hunger......I don't think being on the edge of hunger is necessarily a bad thing as long as you can control the amount of food you eat when you do eat.
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    I also eat all my calories and now i also feel hungry I like the feeling it reminds me Im not over eating I guess .Havent heard my stomach growl in years lol I do not get to the point where I am over eating because I do divide up my food. So YES I like feeling a little bit hungry
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Grab a snickers
  • pope369
    pope369 Posts: 159 Member
    Grab a snickers


    Thanks, man!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I will say that I think you are doing your body a huge disservice to ignore hunger. Your body feels hungry for a reason. I am not saying you need to eat *immediately* every time you have a little twinge, but, I do think that learning to manage your hunger and getting to know your body are very important parts of the weight-loss experience.

    As your friend, I have seen your log. I think more veggies (raw / steamed, without sauces and butter) would easily fit into your day and help curb some of your hunger pains....
  • Rav3nw0lf
    Another thing to consider is if you're hydrated enough. Sometimes "hunger" can actually be "thirst" Being very over weight I've noticed that to be the case for me. If I don't get my water I get "hungry" but once I realize I haven't been drinking regularly and have a glass or two of water the slight hunger abates. And no I don't ignore feeling hunger. Can't afford to being diabetic. :)
    Just a thought.
  • pope369
    pope369 Posts: 159 Member
    @ Stacy; thanks for a great suggestion. While I truly believe that I've totally reinvented myself by focusing in on more vegetables than ever before in my diet, I appreciate your outside perspective on what I've been logging. Thank you! If you think there's room for more veggies, then I'll explore every meal to see where I can add them. Breakfast, I know, is usually a place I typically concentrate on protein. I think you're right. Adding veggies to my breakfast is low hanging fruit, so to speak.

    Excellent observation!
  • pope369
    pope369 Posts: 159 Member
    Another thing to consider is if you're hydrated enough.

    Good point, but for instance, today when i felt the most hungry, I was drinking 16oz of ice water every 4 hours. I've tried drinking more water before ( friend me and you can see my log from late June) where I tried to drink double that, and all it did was make me bloated. I'm content with 4 16-oz glasses of water during the day, plus, I usually have one 4-oz glass that I don't log right before bed (nighte time meds). Is it really an H20 deficiency?

    Thanks for all your help!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I personally do not so well on the edge of hunger. My mind isn't as sharp, my willpower isn't as strong, an I have a tendency to eat more or make poor choices when I get hungry. I prefer to eat higher protein/day snacks between meals to help curb the hunger, because I do not enjoy it. Works for me.
  • pope369
    pope369 Posts: 159 Member
    I personally do not so well on the edge of hunger. My mind isn't as sharp, my willpower isn't as strong, an I have a tendency to eat more or make poor choices when I get hungry. I prefer to eat higher protein/day snacks between meals to help curb the hunger, because I do not enjoy it. Works for me.

    Thanks, KHaverstick. I'll try a protien bar after exercise and between meals whenever I feel the hungries. You're right; I don't feel as sharp when I'm hungry, but i thought that it was just because i was distracted by my new MFP infatuation. I'll try the protein bars, and turning off my laptop!