17 Day Diet



  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    I researched a number of low carb diets before deciding to take up the 17DD. I had been following the Dukan Diet for 10 months and for those that believe this is just Dukan or Atkins revised, I'd suggest you have no idea what you are on about and maybe should read the book before making disparaging remarks. Unlike the two others I mentioned the 17DD is far more workable long term and far more nutritious. For starters the 17DD prescribes 2 servings of fruit every day from Day 1 along with all those wonderful lower carb vegetables. The grains and pulses and higher carb veggies are there in the plan from day 18. I can not adequately describe the pleasure I felt on day 18 having my first cereal breakfast in over 10 months. It was even better given the 100g of strawberries I was able to put on the cereal. Dukan allows no fruit, no grains, no breads etc until maintenance so it can be a very long time for those like me with lots to lose. In my opinion the Dukan Diet is both unworkable and unhealthy for those needing long term weightloss. When the plateau hits, it is really a long term stall. I know many people who have been on Dukan and all stalled well before they hit their "true weight" and eventually became totally disillusioned and threw in the towel.

    On the other hand the 17DD is far more workable and nutritious. After the final two months of no reward for the effort on Dukan, I switched over to the 17DD and the weight started to come off again within a few days. Not only do I feel like I am eating a far more balanced diet, I now have the energy to move (both internally and externally), which also gave me the power to increase my physical efforts so necessary for a successful lifestyle change. Don't doubt for a minute that the 17DD is a lifestyle change, it is also one that is easily workable and requires no added expense than buying healthy foods in your normal shopping.

    I can't say whether the "no plateauing" on the 17DD is real yet (and I doubt it is), but I love the way this diet cycles in and out of eating such a large variety from different food groups. It really is a long term lesson in what are everyday foods and which are sometimes foods, a lesson that will be reinforced by cycling weight loss amounts. Many of us need to learn that for ourselves instead of just being told it. The 17 day cycles are long enough to provide us with the evidence we need to learn that unfortunately the "food pyramid" we all grew up having drummed into us at school, is wrong for the majority of us and that 5 servings of breads/grains etc is just far too much.

    For those considering this diet, I'd say give it a try, the only thing you have to lose is that excess fat. It certainly won't hurt you health-wise to drop the higher carb foods for just 17 days. The diet gives you the choice as to whether you ever revisit cycle 1 or not.
  • hey folks! im currently on the 17 day diet, and documenting my progress in a diary for each day, so you folks can get a feel for what it's like. (will post it up when im done with the first 17 days).
  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    I am on the 17 Day Diet right now and let me tell you it is amazing. If you are hungry you simply eat more so if someone is telling you they were hungry or starving on the diet then they just chose not to eat. Yes the first cycle you cut out carbs with the exception of fruit. But seriously it is 17 days. The next cycle you start to add more in. All weight loss requires determination and and will power. You will always have to sacrifice something. And now I have just finished my 17 days and I am down 12 pounds (with no exercise). At first it was difficult limiting your carbs. But now I promise you I do not miss them one bit. They have tons and tons of recipes on the doctors tv forum that will help you cook amazingly delicious meals, I eat smoothies and quiches and omlettes, Soups and chicken salad, yogurts, cheeses, fruit, stuffed peppars, there is soo much. The diet however does require prep, you do need to look further into recipes online as his recipes are very basic but some are delicious for ex. the village salad, and the primivera. And I HATE the term diet. This isn't a diet. It is teaching you what you should be eating, when and how much. The United States is the fattest country in the world. Because we eat a full plate of pasta with bread, we chow down on high carb high fat foods, cream sauces and even our salads are drenched in dressing. This isn't how we should be eating to live long healthy lives. The book is like $15. It's not for everyone but definitely worth a try, if you hate it at least you still learned a thing or two.

    I totally agree with you. I'm also on the 17 DD and LOVE it! It's not a fad diet. It's more of a healthy change in what foods I choose to fuel my body with. My sister introduced me to it and she's lost so much weight and looks GREAT (healthy)! It's worth a try. You're worth it! :smile:
  • RunG2010
    RunG2010 Posts: 33
    I am loving it. Have not been hungry. the cravings are gone away. I am on day 4 and droped 8 lbs. I have also given up diet coke!
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I am loving it. Have not been hungry. the cravings are gone away. I am on day 4 and droped 8 lbs. I have also given up diet coke!

    I gave up Diet Coke too! Serious addiction, can't believe the 17 Day Diet actually got me OFF this, but it did!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • RunG2010
    RunG2010 Posts: 33
    It is offical! 1 week 11.4 lbs gone!!!

    I find it easier the WW which gave me too much freedom to much room.

    Ice, Right now you are my hero!