Here again

Hello everyone! This is my second time using MFP. I started using this site about this time last year and slowly went off track. I stepped on the scale the other day and realized that I am only 7 lbs from being back at my heaviest weight. I need some "tough love" and motivation because I don't want to be back where I started. So, I am reintruducing myself to the MFP world! Please, Please, Please help me out everyone!


  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    i have just started using this website, so feel free to add me as a friend :D. We can do this!!
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    Good luck, you can do it! Don't beat yourself up if you hit a bump in the road. Just get back on the horse.:smile:
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    Good luck, you can do it! Don't beat yourself up if you hit a bump in the road. Just get back on the horse.:smile:
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    thank you :) I am my own worst critic.