Anyone reversing diabetes through weight loss, or struggling to do so?



  • mdassrn
    mdassrn Posts: 1 Member
    Great responses. Very helpful.
  • amberellen12
    amberellen12 Posts: 248 Member
    IsETHome wrote: »
    Good advise, I "wish" I could add the moderate/ vigorous activity - an auto accident in 2009 left me with some spine & tailbone, pain mgmt issues...(elderly woman ran a red light and hit me in drivers door going 45 mph). I have my tracker set to the sedentary. I had another minor accident (rear end), and fall last year out of the tub (:( I can't believe I did that) which aggravated it further. So for now, My running and elliptical days I think are over, at least until I get my weight down. I'm really-really hoping the weight loss will allow me to start doing more and (maybe help with pain). I've done everything else - acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, pain meds, multiple therapists, etc etc., reduced driving. On the horizon, I plan on adding swimming back towards the third week in December, but I'll need to carve out specific times and be dedicated to it.

    I have arthritis and started doing aquafit. It’s wonderful! I can do a whole range of motions and exercises in the water for an hour each time and nothing hurts. Just feel really energize.
  • amberellen12
    amberellen12 Posts: 248 Member

    I'm not a class/participation type person, so aquafit wasn't a good fit for me. Water jogging however? I bought myself an aquajogging belt, a waterproof music player, and had at it. It looks extremely silly while you're doing it, but it's a very good workout.

    Just offering this as a suggestion for all the introverts out there![/quote]

    I hear what you’re saying. I don’t always do my aquafit in a class. Once I learned the exercises I do them in a lake or ocean or pool by myself. Just so long as I can get it in. Unfortunately where I live there isn’t a pool and far too cold outside -15c today. So I can only do it in the warm/ hot months.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    IsETHome wrote: »
    Good advise, I "wish" I could add the moderate/ vigorous activity - an auto accident in 2009 left me with some spine & tailbone, pain mgmt issues...(elderly woman ran a red light and hit me in drivers door going 45 mph). I have my tracker set to the sedentary. I had another minor accident (rear end), and fall last year out of the tub (:( I can't believe I did that) which aggravated it further. So for now, My running and elliptical days I think are over, at least until I get my weight down. I'm really-really hoping the weight loss will allow me to start doing more and (maybe help with pain). I've done everything else - acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, pain meds, multiple therapists, etc etc., reduced driving. On the horizon, I plan on adding swimming back towards the third week in December, but I'll need to carve out specific times and be dedicated to it.

    Are you familiar with Jon Kabat-Zinn's work on management of chronic pain? He's known for meditation, but he also has a yoga routine that is super gentle and might work for you. My Mom has it on cassette and unfortunately that may be the only version currently available:

    This CD is not currently available on Amazon, but you may find it elsewhere:

    See also:

    Enjoy swimming!
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi darlin', I too am pre diabetic. I had diabetes with 2 of my pregnancies, and it runs rampant in my family. I've lost 30 pounds so far and my fasting number went from 115, down to 108, then about a week ago my doctor did a random finger prick, about 45 minutes after I ate a huge dinner and had an energy drink, and my number came back 105. He said he feels safe to say I've reversed it, but we're not 100% sure yet. Losing weight has helped a lot. My original goal was to lose 40 pounds, I've lost 30. I'm still going to lose this last 10!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Just FYI the finger prick blood test is only accurate to within ten percent. So a level of 100 can give a reading anywhere from 90 to 110.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited December 2018
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I was prediabetic and reversed my IR using a very low carb diet (I did use a ketogenic diet). My BG was better within days, and I started losing weight with greater ease once I lowered carbs.

    IMO, the best ways to control IR is food choices (lower carb and mostly avoiding refined carbs), weight loss, exercise, lower stress and sleep. The fastest way to improve BG will be food choices.
    psychod787 wrote: »
    You cant reverse diabetes. It is progressive. All you can do is manage the symptoms. I have so far. A1c 6.3 at one time and had a fasting bs of 337. A1c 3 weeksago 4.8. We shall wait and see.

    I disagree with this. I know a number of people who have made changes in food, weight, and lifestyle who have reversed t2d or other IR conditions. My blood does not test as anything but normal now. People maintain that reversal by continuing their changes. It appears you have reversed things for yourself too. Congrats.

    I guess this could be seen as semantics - but Diabetes is not reversible

    People can reduce, sometimes to nothing, their need for medication by losing weight and changing their WOE.

    This means they are now diet controlled diabetics -and as long as they maintain their weight and their WOE, their blood results can stay in normal range - which is what you are saying too, I think with "maintain their reversal by continuing their changes"

    Using the word reversal gives wrong impression to me, makes it sound cured or temporary - it is ongoing control rather than reversal

    It is semantics, I agree. I suppose it depends on your point of view.

    I think the term "reversed" can be applied to diabetics who get better (better BG and insulin levels, and reduced or eliminated meds) as long as one continues with their modified lifestyle to a certain degree.

    Sort of like how a person is a non smoker as long as they don't smoke again but as soon as they resume smoking they are a smoker. If one goes back to eating poorly and gaining weight, chances are they will become diabetic again. Likewise the longer they keep weight off, eat better, reduce stress, etc., the less impact a carby meal may have on their health.

    Unfortunately, once T2D or IR hits a certain point, there is less chance of a reversal and regaining good health. I was lucky and caught IR in the prediabetic stage. I am healthier metabolically now than I was 10 or possibly 20 years ago. :)
  • clmathew
    clmathew Posts: 186 Member
    I have made huge improvements to my type 2 diabetes and overall health by going whole foods plant based. I eat low fat, minimal processed foods, and no animal products. I was on 3 oral diabetes meds with an a1c of 7.1. Now I am on 1/2 dose of one of those meds a year later with an a1c of 6.1. I have lost 130 pounds (in 1.5 years) with a bunch still to go, and am also off blood pressure and cholesterol meds. My body fasting blood sugar very slowly improved eating this way and my doctor slowly took me off meds. I was shocked I could improve so much while still not being in a healthy weight range.

    There are different ways that people choose to improve their t2 diabetes with food and exercise. You have to find something that is sustainable for you and that your body responds to. Forks Over Knives changed my life and I will eat like this the rest of my life. Good luck!
  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    edited December 2018
    psychod787 wrote: »
    You cant reverse diabetes. It is progressive. All you can do is manage the symptoms. I have so far. A1c 6.3 at one time and had a fasting bs of 337. A1c 3 weeksago 4.8. We shall wait and see.

    Wanna bet? Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed !
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Dilvish wrote: »
    psychod787 wrote: »
    You cant reverse diabetes. It is progressive. All you can do is manage the symptoms. I have so far. A1c 6.3 at one time and had a fasting bs of 337. A1c 3 weeksago 4.8. We shall wait and see.

    Wanna bet? Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed !

    It says right in there that folks in remission still have diabetes, they are just adequately controlling it through weight loss and diet.

    OP I've seen plenty of posts here from people who have been able to reduce or eliminate their medication over time by losing weight and being more active. Best wishes for you to do the same!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Insulin levels can fall and become normal again. Not in all, but iIR reversal can happen . Imo
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @IsETHome I have been eating Keto for over four years because of other health issues and one of the side effects has been finally having fast blood glucose levels below 100 since I can remember. It is hard to be low carb and slip into being a type 2 diabetic it seems.

    Best of success in finding a Way of Eating that works best in your case.