Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • misfitrightin
    misfitrightin Posts: 1 Member
    Are people still looking around for friends?! Add me! :) Social media stuff on my page, too, if you wanna be friends elsewhere.
  • lcatalan93
    lcatalan93 Posts: 45 Member
    I need more friends lol also to help share more recipes for meal prep! :)
  • bestrongbefit1
    bestrongbefit1 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes would love to connect with other motives and inspiring people!
  • SonicFatSlap
    SonicFatSlap Posts: 2 Member
    Newbie here that has just started my journey to lose over 100 pounds. Feel free to join/add me! Let the fat burning begin!
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,037 Member
    Hi there! I'm Christine and am 26... I have been on here for quite a while, but finally getting focused. Currently logging food and water intake, exercising 4-5 days per week, and tracking steps through fitbit. I have about 80 pounds to lose. Looking for friends that will be motivating, but also ones looking for motivation. I only have one friends that is currently active, so it would be nice to have a new group of friends to get to know 😊
  • fox2m406
    fox2m406 Posts: 15 Member
    Would also like to meet new people to help stay motivated, get ideas from, and jut be part of a healthy community ! Feel free to add me please.
  • diets_and_daiquiris
    Would love some friends on here for accountability and something to look at on my news feed
  • bosswitch
    bosswitch Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add if you're looking for a friend to support your fitness journey.

    Also open to becoming someone's accountability partner!
  • positivevibes4u
    positivevibes4u Posts: 57 Member
    Let’s motivate each other πŸ™„πŸ˜‰
  • Missy1316
    Missy1316 Posts: 15 Member
    I've just come back after a break and I'm trying to find my groove again. Happy to have new friends on the journey :)
  • pmm300
    pmm300 Posts: 542 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm in the early stages of training for a marathon and could certainly use some support. I'm happy to return the favor!
  • makkimakki2018
    makkimakki2018 Posts: 414 Member
    Feel free to add me. Done with the weight loss and now maintaining the weight.
  • BryCar88
    BryCar88 Posts: 21 Member
    Always happy to have new friends 😊 add me if you’d like πŸ’ͺ🏻
  • Katy2Survivor
    Katy2Survivor Posts: 111 Member
    πŸ™‹πŸΌ add 😁
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Day 1744 and counting, never hurts to have more motto friends!
  • starrystarstarr
    starrystarstarr Posts: 26 Member
    Always looking for new friends:)
  • indidginus
    indidginus Posts: 1 Member
    i commented do i get thousands of friends now!?? Im lonely! This is my diet rout... check it suckas! You thing your is betta
  • sarahm6381
    sarahm6381 Posts: 28 Member
    After a 9 month hiatus..... I'm back! I'm so done with giving up on myself.... Feel free to add me!
  • GlitterStuff
    GlitterStuff Posts: 2 Member
    I'm hoping to add some new friends who are 250lbs+ , fellow LGBT folks, body-positive people, people with PCOS, or nice people in general. <3
  • Hungry_Thirsty_Tired
    Hi! I’m 27 from England and would love some friends!! I l really enjoy cooking and I just started lifting weights and am just at the beginning of my not be terrible at exercise journey but almost halfway through my be less fat journey 😊