Better Calorie Burn - Zumba for Wii or Turbo Jam?

gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I really wanted to try Zumba and turbo jam but I wonder what would be a better calorie burn and better overall to get quicker results? Any ideas?


  • I want to get Zumba for Wii, but right now I can only comment on Turbo Jam. I recently got a heart rate monitor and it says I burned 552 calories in 43 minutes. I am 5'9 and weigh 218. You weigh a lot less than me, but it gives you an idea. Maybe if someone close to my weight tells you what they burn with Zumba, you can compare. Turbo Jam is a pretty good workout. I have also done Zumba classes at the gym and they are a very good workout also. But I'm not sure how the game compares to the classes. Hopefully someone who has Zumba will give you some feedback. I'm sure they are pretty close, though. Both great burns and fun to do. Good luck!
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    In my opinion, they are about the same. With each of them, its about how much energy you put into the workouts. I have burned anywhere from 600-900 calories doing Turbo Jam. I have only done Zumba for Wii twice. For 20 minutes, I burned about 348 calories and that was from the beginner's workout. I am going to do a 45 minute workout tonight and I will post back about how many calories I burned.
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    In my opinion, they are about the same. With each of them, its about how much energy you put into the workouts. I have burned anywhere from 600-900 calories doing Turbo Jam. I have only done Zumba for Wii twice. For 20 minutes, I burned about 348 calories and that was from the beginner's workout. I am going to do a 45 minute workout tonight and I will post back about how many calories I burned.

    I didn't have my watch on for the first 2 minutes, but from that point on I burned 717 calories! Not too bad!
  • In my opinion, they are about the same. With each of them, its about how much energy you put into the workouts. I have burned anywhere from 600-900 calories doing Turbo Jam. I have only done Zumba for Wii twice. For 20 minutes, I burned about 348 calories and that was from the beginner's workout. I am going to do a 45 minute workout tonight and I will post back about how many calories I burned.

    I didn't have my watch on for the first 2 minutes, but from that point on I burned 717 calories! Not too bad!

    Was the 717 calories in just 45 minutes? Oh my! That is awesome! I just found a great deal on the Turbo Jam workouts - 5 workouts for just 15 dollars off of Amazon. I'm going to use some of my Christmas money to get the Zumba for Wii. I will post later and let you know how much I burn. I have a Polar F6 and feel it is pretty accurate. Can't wait to try it out!! Thanks for all of your feedback!
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Yes! The 717 was for the 45 minutes!
  • I am just now trying the Wii Zumba so I guess I'm a little late. I love Zumba but just don't always have time to go to the classes. I rented it first to see how I would do and it's great for me...and available when I am.. so guess what my next purchase will be?
  • On the zumba for wii, how did you guys find out how many calories you burned?
  • Zumba! Except I do it with a class, it's super fun with other people!
  • google Zumba calories burned and there's a great website to find out. I dunno if it's accurate or not, but my HRM is about the same. Oh, and TurboJam./TurboFire and Zumba will both get your blood pumping. They are about the same if you do both at the same intensity. It just depends on whether you want to dance and shake it or dance and jab/upper cut/cross/hook/kick/pump it!
  • MsRoxyPepper
    MsRoxyPepper Posts: 109 Member
    I love zumba wii. lets me get in 20 mins burst when I can't fit a whole class. I use this calculato to figure out hte burn.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I have TurboJam at home and I love it. It really gets my heart pumping & I sweat like I see that as burning a lot of calories!!!

    I think I really need to get a HRM watch. They just seem so expensive! Are they worth it???
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    They are both really fun! I don't have a wii, but I've done the Zumba class, and it was great.

    I don't have a heart rate monitor or anything like that, but I think Turbo Jam is easier for me to do. I haven't been to Zumba in over a year, but hopefully on Monday a buddy of mine will come with me and we can get back into it. I am curious to see if it will be any easier now that I've dropped a few pounds and have more endurance.
    is the site for zumba calories burned
    Love love love Zumba!!!
  • LadySan
    LadySan Posts: 17 Member
  • getfine2015
    getfine2015 Posts: 155 Member
  • I have Zumba on wii and Turbo jam I've never compared them on calories burned but I know they both have the ability to get the job done and it's really a matter of preference. Zumba is basically just like dancing to me and I love dancing so I like it more I'm not to sure how the turbo jam is different from turbo fire but it's more kickboxing than dance to me. Zumba is also better for me because I have two degenerative disk (lower back) so all the jumping and foot pivoting was hard on my back and knees. I think I'm going to sell it because I can't do it without hurting. Oh and the price...hopes this helps.
  • I do Zumba 3-4 days a week and take a kickboxing 1 day a week. I personally love the zumba class much more. I don't think that I could have as much success as others do when working out at home. I think that sometimes the class atmosphere definitely helps me to push through it when I feel like dying!!
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    You could always try a class of both and just see which you like more. Most gyms have a free trial, which includes classes, and since Zumba is sweeping the nation just about every gym offers Zumba. The RedBox here has the Zumba Wii game. There's a gym here that has water Zumba, which I think sounds terrible, but it's apparently quite popular. Even my sister's high school is on the Zumba bandwagon offereing a gym class for Zumba.

    I would say you're more likely to stick to whichever one offers more variety and has an instructor that you like.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I have TurboJam at home and I love it. It really gets my heart pumping & I sweat like I see that as burning a lot of calories!!!

    I think I really need to get a HRM watch. They just seem so expensive! Are they worth it???

    My hrm has been a total game changer! I love it!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am glad to see this thread. I am very interested in the Zumba for the Wii but can not decide which one I want to get, the Fitness or the Zumba 2. Any suggestions?

    I am in pretty good shape but suffer from CRD (caucasian rhythm disorder) I have also never done Zumba before.

    Any one have a suggestion as to which one I should buy and why? I really want to get started on this as I am going to finish out my last 2 prepaid sessions with my trainer and be done with him.
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