Sugar - your experiences?

I know, I know, you can't spot reduce fat through cardio. It goes when it wants to. But a few people have said that sugar can contribute to a larger-than-average belly. I have this problem - bony shoulders, muscular legs and a beer belly as a 21 year old girl. Not good. So I am hoping to experiment with sugar in my diet in a bid to slim my tum and help my health even more!

Does anyone have any experiences with this, either for or against it?

How about natural sugars like fruit and honey?

And if I was to replace sugar with sweetener for a while would that be ok, or do I have to cut back on all sugary tasting foods?

Lastly, any tips for generally reducing the sugar in your diet?


  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    I did a weight training program once. I took my measurements as the weeks went by. My arms and legs got smaller and more muscular but my stomach got bigger, strangely. When I took sugar out of my diet my stomach started to shrink a little, but it never went back to what it was - I am still working on getting it smaller now :( But at least it stopped growing!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    When I cut back sugar, I noticed a noticeable deflation in my lower belly pooch.

    I recommend that no more than 10% of your calories come from sugar. Period. This means ALL sugars, including natural ones like maple syrup, honey, and fruits too. I limit these things or have them in very small quantities.

    To figure out your sugar grams:

    Your daily calories x 0.10 = a number. This number/4 = # of sugar grams you can have in a day.

    Also, watch carbs as they will quickly be converted to sugars for energy. Carbs are ok, just eat the right ones - complex carbs, whole grains. Avoid refined and starchy carbs.

    I basically eat alot of lean meats and veggies. Take a look at my diary if you need ideas on how to keep your sugar low.

    Also, I do not recommend artificial sweeteners of any kind. Hope this helps!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I know, I know, you can't spot reduce fat through cardio. It goes when it wants to. But a few people have said that sugar can contribute to a larger-than-average belly. I have this problem - bony shoulders, muscular legs and a beer belly as a 21 year old girl. Not good. So I am hoping to experiment with sugar in my diet in a bid to slim my tum and help my health even more!

    Does anyone have any experiences with this, either for or against it?

    How about natural sugars like fruit and honey?

    And if I was to replace sugar with sweetener for a while would that be ok, or do I have to cut back on all sugary tasting foods?

    Lastly, any tips for generally reducing the sugar in your diet?

    Yes, don't eat it. Sounds harsh, yes.

    You can read my profile--when I gave up grains etc., bloating and belly were gone which is pretty good for an older person like me. Also, grains require sugar to be palatable so if there's none in your diet, a major source of sugar is eliminated. Dairy also has sugar in it, and milk mimics like almond and soy milk have sugar as well. There's lots of sugar in soda, fruit juices and beverages, and sport drinks. It's up to you or anyone wanting to control or eliminate sugar--choose carefully what you put in your body.

    Personally I don't care for artificial chemical sweeteners. If I'm going to have sweetening, then it's sugar; at least my body knows what to do with it.

    Personal experience is after five months with sugar being reduced I no longer crave sweets, even (gasp!) chocolate. YMMV
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    OK thanks so far - basically as I thought, man up and eat less sugar (while somehow still getting my calcium and vitamins). But what about sweeteners? Are they acceptable as a substitute when I really can't go without, eg in baking?
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    You can actually go without in baking. I've baked quite a few recipes with fruits, nuts and eggs and they have come out so sweet I didn't need any sugar. Although, I still only eat these type of things occasionally and don't make a habit of it. I haven't found a suitable sweetener yet and I've tried many.

    I get my recipes from primal blueprint, they have a nice berry crumble without sugar and it was lovely.
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    Go with natural sweeteners rather then anything with chemicals in it, period. Good rule of thumb is to stay clear of anything that is white....sugars, flours, etc. You'll crave less and you'll actually taste more.

    Feel free to friend me for some calorie free food for thought on my wall daily.... Have a Super Saturday! Colleen (Seattle)
  • tonitiger26
    tonitiger26 Posts: 14 Member
    My experience is it is not what you are eating but how need to eat less and move more. Exercise helps burn calories, calories come from EVERYTHING. Not just sugar. Yes you should not consume mounds of sugar in a day, but a reasonable small amount is not going to really make a difference if you are keeping your calorie goal in check and working out. I eat 1200 cal a day. Pretty much whatever I want to eat just as long as I do not go over. And if I do I make sure I workout on those days. I try to make healthy choice but sometimes you can't or just don't want to. I've lost 25 lbs sine April doing this. Good Luck!!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    My experience is it is not what you are eating but how need to eat less and move more. Exercise helps burn calories, calories come from EVERYTHING. Not just sugar.
    Calorie intake is not my problem - I have an ED, love exercise and struggle to net 1000 often. My weight, BMI and body fat numbers reflect this, as does about 80% of my body, it is just the distribution of fat which is unfortunately in the most dangerous place!

    I am definitely going to check out sugar-free baking. The idea of sweeteners is something I am opposed to for the side-effects so that is right down my street :) I will also look at paleo for ideas in that area.

    Thank you for the ideas - keep it coming!
  • AnaMiAmore
    I feel like I have the same body as you. Tiny evreywhere but the belly.? :( Hate it.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I know, sugar attracts water retention just like salt does.

    Cutting out sugar and white flour (breaks down fast like sugar with no fiber to slow it down) from my diet got rid of my craving for sweets and junk food within 2 weeks. Keeping them out of my diet means this sugarholic for the first time in my life found some things to be "too sweet"! I was one who actually enjoyed drinking the sugar syrup for the diabetic screening blood work! I could have drank 2 bottles! Now, eating chocolate chip cookies makes me sick feeling. I like that feeling now, because before I had no "off" valve for sweets.

    As others have posted if I absolutely MUST have a sweetener, then I use stevia at home - can find at Trader Joe's, and also agave nectar, but agave is too much like real syrup and I am afraid that would be too enjoyable for me and I might start abusing it. Whereas stevia has a slight chemical taste (although it is natural) if I use too much. Lacking those, I would also use sugar at least it is a real food. Also Trader Joe's is the only place I can find Soy Milk with only soybeans and water listed as ingredients. Even at health food stores I have never found one with out "junk" in them.

    As far as calcium goes, I am 54, was never a big milk drinker and slack on my calcium pills which is a fight for me to remember to take them. I passed the heel osteoporosis test with flying colors this year. Two more points up and I would have been off the chart for strong and healthy bones! I walk an hour to an hour a half each day and do 30 minutes or less of strength training 4 - 5 days a week.

    I have also heard that if we try to reduce our use of sweeteners in our food then we will also get used to that. Using it just reminds your brain that you like sweet.
  • CindyWarner
    If a sweetner helps you get off sugar then I approve! Once you have kicked the sugar habit you won't need the sweetner any more.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Go with natural sweeteners rather then anything with chemicals in it, period. Good rule of thumb is to stay clear of anything that is white....sugars, flours, etc. You'll crave less and you'll actually taste more.

    Feel free to friend me for some calorie free food for thought on my wall daily.... Have a Super Saturday! Colleen (Seattle)

    natural sweetners are byproducts of sugar that's obvious. The issue is that the brain can't tell the difference, insulin will still raise, looking for this sugar, but there is no sugar, so it puts a lot of stress on the system. Actually sweetner are "worse" than actual sugar.

    To the original post. Cut out sugar, sugar is the worst thing on this planet for health. I do an alkalarian diet, mostly geen vegetables. WHat sugar does it increases insulin, that's a given, if your muscles are already filled with glyocgen it will put bodyfat on your body. Second, the reason why I usually don't eat sugar, microforms in our body such as yeast(candida), fungus, mold, exotoxins, produce highly acidic weight which is very dangerous for the body. Guess what these microforms feed on? Sugar... you're feeding microforms to produce acidic weight in your body, illness from your common cold, to cancer, to aids is based on acid in the body.
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    JUst been reading these posts and am a bit confused. I to carry a lot of weight around my belly and would have a very sweet tooth which would lead to a lot of sweet cravings. If Im gonna try to cut back on sugar to try and stop these cravings am I needing to cut back on fruit as well.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    So I should cut out tomato and milk, for example? They are my main sugar sources on a normal day. Sure I could cut ketchup but it has relatively little sugar!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    So I should cut out tomato and milk, for example? They are my main sugar sources on a normal day. Sure I could cut ketchup but it has relatively little sugar!

    milk yes, tomato's no. they are highly alkalizing and help get rid of the microforms in the body that eat the sugar.
  • anelahm
    anelahm Posts: 237 Member
    tagging, useful info
  • kimberly130
    Im def. a sugar addict, but i found that if i ate a piece of fruit with a protein it helped curb my craving and filled me up. An RN i work with said, and it makes sense, If you eat a protein along with something sugary (like fruit not talking cake and icecream lol) your body can be "tricked" into thinking it is eating only the protein. I have 1/2 and apple and a low fat string cheese mid morning. Because your body has to work harder at processing the protein, it processes the sugar quickly too rather than turning it into fat storage. Same with carbs, I know a bagel is not the best food to eat, but if you really want one, eat a lot of cream cheese with it so your body starts to digest it. It seems like everything you've learned only reversed, but its been working for me. Im not saying eat a bagle every day, but when you really crave something, you dont want to deprive yourself either!
    I have a problem with my belly (thanks mom!) and thighs, I gave up beer and as much sugar as i could. Its been about 2 months and there is a HUGE difference!
    To comment on the sugar substitutes.. NO WAY, for me i get really sick with a migraine and my mouth tastes like im eating pennies its gross and it lasts like 2 days! I have tried Stevia and raw sugar and it seems to do the trick.
    All this diet sugar substitutes with aspartame and phenylalanine seem like such a contradiction, we try to get healthy be getting into shape, but than our insides suffer with all of the fake processed stuff!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    JUst been reading these posts and am a bit confused. I to carry a lot of weight around my belly and would have a very sweet tooth which would lead to a lot of sweet cravings. If Im gonna try to cut back on sugar to try and stop these cravings am I needing to cut back on fruit as well.

    Yes. Some fruits have more sugar than others--berries are best. Look in your diary for obvious sugar sources and try to cut or replace one a week. Another way to reduce is choose one meal a day with little to no sugar. Don't forget carbohydrates are converted to glucose in your body so watch that. MFP let's you track sugar ... an alarming exercise IMO. haha!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Sugar intake includes fruit and honey. What worked for my belly was cutting down on breads, rice and pasta!

    An interesting movie about the sugar/carbs argument is 'fat head'. Check it out! I found it quite interesting. Just remember though. everyone has different ideas and bodies so what works for one person may not work for another. Try it and see what happens!