Has anyone done two workouts a day?



  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,142 Member
    I do it on Mondays and Wednesday. Chair yoga in the morning and the gym in the afternoon (strength training and moderate cardio).
    My workouts are not extreme, but on then other hand, I am not "new" in the exercise department, I am at my goal weight, and my fitness level is pretty good for my age. I can handle this routine without a problem, and I modify if needed.
    Bottom line, I think that it depends in your fitness level and in the intensity of your workouts. Just start slowly and steady and you may be able to increase the intensity or time of the workouts as you lose weight and your body becomes more efficient.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Doing one work out a day for the last two weeks plus my regular 10km walking throughout the day.
    So keep that going for 4 weeks then start to gradually add as I suggested above. If you want to split your current workout into 3 sessions of same total duration that’s ok. Results come from consistency at any level more so than overdoing it. Weight loss results happen in the kitchen.

  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    I have a saying: “The cardio pony can build a stallion appetite.”

    Another one: “The calories burned in one hour of exercise can be eaten in five minutes.”

    I find not being as ravenous when doing short and intense workouts. Your mileage may vary.

    I don't find myself especially ravenous after long workouts that are cardio heavy, be it rowing, cycling, running, or swimming. I mean I row inside 3 days a week at 5:30am (fasted because I don't have the energy to wake up early enough to also get food in me) and my breakfast afterwards consists of a bagel and a pastry. I had to be convinced that I should also do something to get more protein after that, so now I'll also mix up some protein powder. Yesterday's breakfast was around 590 calories, that's after burning over 700 calories on the rowing machine.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I've done two-a-day training sessions, but not every day...that seems like a good recipe for burnout and/or injury, particularly if your level of fitness can't sustain it.

    I lift on Monday and Wednesday evening after work and Saturday mornings (usually). I often do a quick 30 minute interval ride on my bike on Monday and Wednesday morning and depending on the weather and other goings on, I sometimes commute to and from the gym on my bike on Saturday. So my two-a-day sessions are typically only 2-3 days per week, not everyday.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    This is definitely dependent on what your body can handle.

    Days I double up on workouts I usually am doing two different types: i.e elliptical & horse riding, elliptical & barre, 5mile walk and horse riding. But I do not do any intense workouts on days I double up. Both are light-medium. My intense days i.e. long runs, intense spinning workouts, I have to let my body recover.

    I'm the opposite with @pierinifitness, big calorie burn sessions --> spinning or long runs are days that don't leave me ravenous after I eat a nice breakfast, whereas if I go to barre in the morning I still want to eat the same amount of calories even though I've only burned a fraction, which is why I end of doubling on exercise on those days.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    I've done two a day sessions but like others, not every day. I can't sustain it. I suspect that if I was in high school or was at a very high (nearing elite) level of fitness I could, but neither of those things are true. I might potentially be experimenting with erg'ing twice a day on Wednesdays for the next two or three weeks during winter break, but there will be 12 hours in between and probably a nap.
  • anothermfpuser
    anothermfpuser Posts: 84 Member
    Too much too soon = burnout and injury. Not sustainable.

    I often/mostly do 2 workouts a day. I do cardio, weights as well as Pilates, so I have a plan that integrates a balance of all 3.