Anybody else a yoyo dieter?!

Hi all,

I have been yoyo dieter since I was about 18 and I find it really hard to commit to it. At my heaviest I was nearly 13 stone and at my lightest I was 10.5 stone. I was on boots diets last year and lost a lot of weight but then Christmas comes along and it just slowly crept back on. I'm not as big as I used to be, but I have put on a little bit of podge.

I am feeling very motivated at the moment and have been sticking to my calories and doing exercise as I am going to Florida in just over 2 weeks. But I dread to think that all my hard work will go out the window again when I come back. I am a chocoholic and I love takeaways. But at the same time I love healthy salads and grilled chicken etc.. It just depends on the day and my mood.

I see some amazing success stories on here and some people lose A LOT but I just wonder how you keep your motivation up and stick to it once you have achieved your goal? xx


  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    lol...i think most of us on here are/were/have been a yo yo dieter :p .... by the time i joined on here for real i was ready to be DONE with dieting and ready to just live a lifestyle...friend me if you need some support!! good luck :)
  • Milziemooxx
    Milziemooxx Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks, I have added you :smile: x
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    I was a yo-yo dieter pretty much my entire adult life (I'm in my 50's). MFP just clicked for me and I've been able to stick to this (I'm into year 2). But I also applied things I learned from all of the other diets (eat a balanced diet, avoid bad-for-you fats and processed foods and stick to whole foods, fresh where possible).

    One thing that makes this work for me - i don't consider it a diet but a lifestyle change (you can go off a diet but you can't go 'off' a lifestyle change).
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    I have done the yo yo dieting things but recently I was at my highest weight and not feeling good. So I talked to a friend who has been doing well and I reached to OA. I know I am on a journey to road of recovery and I will get there slowly just like the tortoise I am not the hare as he tires out.

    Take care
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    I have been a yo-yo dieter for years. However this year something clicked with it all & I have made this about a lifestyle changed. I have looked LONG and hard at what I eat & the amounts I eat. I have worked on cutting out bad for me food & cut out a ton of sugar. On days that I have alot of sugar I can tell b/c I either get a bad headache or sick to my stomach. I also started to really take a portion size seriously & measure out portions. I found that eating a portion of something instead of 2-3 portions like I used to makes a HUGE difference. I can also tell a HUGE difference in the amounts of food I can eat.

    I used to be able to fill an entire large dinner plate full of food, eat all of it & then sometimes have 2nd helpings. YIKES! However now, I can fill my plate half way or use a smaller plate and still not be able to finish it. I also thought that by cutting out alot of stuff I would feel deprived or hungry all the time, but I don't. I find that I am more than satisfied with the amount of food I eat now. I also find that alot of the stuff I ate before, I don't even want now. I will still occasionally have a cookie or some sort of treat. However instead of eating 4,5,6,7,8,or 10, I only have 1-2 cookies & I am more than happy with that amount.

    So, in the end, this has been a lifestyle change for me. I am not on a diet b/c that means I can go off of it. However I plan to continue to watch portions & eat a modeste amount of food for the rest of my life. I don't ever plan to go back to where I can eat an entire medium pizza alone again. I don't plan to eat 1/2 a container of ice cream in one sitting again. I am perfectly happy with the correct portions of food & being satisfied with it.

    So, I promise if I can do this, then so can you. It is all about keeping portions in mind & making this about living a better life!
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    I also meant to add that having the occasional piece of chocolate is not the end of the world. Niether is going out for pizza. It is about doing it in moderation. If you never allow yourself to have the things that you like/love, then you will fail at this. You will not be able to keep the weight off once you loose it all or be able to loose the weight in the 1st place b/c you're bound to binge at some point.

    So if you absolutly LOVE chocolate, go buy yourself a bag of good chocolates and have 1-2 pieces of it everyday. Just count them into your calories. Enjoy your chocolates, don't eat them in one bit. Take small bites of them & savor every bite you take. :)