*~super serious this time~*

Looking for motivational friends that’ll tell me to get my butt in the gym. Weight now is 137, trying to go down to 115 but I can’t stop eating pasta. (I’m 4’11 btw, that shouldn’t be unhealthy right?) anyways feel free to add me, I’ll add you back! ☺️


  • melissa8084
    melissa8084 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I’m also looking to lose about 25 pounds I’ve been eating healthy for about 10 days straight and it’s been hard and I drink 8 cups of water everyday . I’m also addicted to pasta , sushi , pizza , noodles and worst of all hot cheetohs ! But we can do this girl I finally want to lose the weight I’m tired of feeling sluggish
  • NvrGivUpM8
    NvrGivUpM8 Posts: 78 Member
    Righto let's get to business. Before you get serious here have you wrote down your achievable goals?

    Without a plan also you are planning to fail. Actions also speak louder than words!
    Here to keep you motivated and challenged if you are serious!

    I would like to be part of your journey to ensure you grind off those pounds guarnteed if u like...