Curious...Atkins diet?

now I'm wondering, what are all of your guys views on the Atkins diet? Does it really work?


  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Works well if you follow it. But it's something that is a lifestyle, not just a diet for quick loss. You'll gain it all back if you go back to eating carbs like before.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I did it for about 9 months in 2005. It worked. I lost 50 pounds and lowered my triglyceride/cholesterol levels into the healthy range. However, I was unable to sustain that type of eating plan (lifestyle). I found myself cheating more often (which you really can't do on Atkins). and, instead of transitioning into a more balanced, healthy eating lifestyle, I ended up pretending I was doing Atkins but gaining all of that weight back (plus some) because I was cheating too often. at first, I would cheat for a meal. things were fine, so I would cheat for an entire day...then an entire weekend....then it was like "eh, its already Thursday and I've cheated...I'll get back on track on Monday"...then it was something like week on, week off, but the week on turned into 3 or 4 days on. Anyway, if you do Atkins, you have to be strict. If its not something you can be strict with, then find a more balanced approach.
  • nani726
    nani726 Posts: 70 Member
    Vegetarian here so I'd definitely advise against it! Lol
    All I know is it's a lifestyle so consider being on it for the rest of your life and are you ok with the bad breath and icky sensation that comes with it?

    Before you consider Atkins give vegetarianism a try, how many people have died from eating too many vegetables? Lol

    But seriously, before you start it, research it, it's best to be fit and healthy for life rather than looking for a lose weight fast diet.
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Yes it does work, BUT only if you plan on doing it as a lifestyle change, not a quick fix like others have said. I did it last year and dropped down to my lowest weight ever (131). Then I too started cheating little by little, then just started splurging on carbs like crazy! I love bread and pastas so I dont know what I was thinking! Well I ended up gaining all my weight back and then some. It also slowed down my metabolism and it was sooo hard to lose weight again for a while.
  • BellySoonGone
    Atkins -> one of my favorite diets - but it's too strict on the carb intake... If I only didn't have such a sweet tooth....
    You could try replacing sweet stuff with the sugar alcohol sweets, but too much of those can bring bloating problems and other unpleasant stuff...
    I'd say that Atkins works well short term...It did for me. I had to alternate that with the Mediterranean diet which, if you boost your exercising, is the healthiest of them all.. If could only have a personal
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    I lost 75 lbs in 4 months on Atkins but gained it all back and then some once I started back into the regular usual American diet. I just couldn't eat all that meat all the time forever. Eventually, it had to stop. And the transition phase of that one is VERY hard. If you have supreme will power to begin with you can do it. But if you were suffering in the first place due to lack of it, then no it doesn't work long-term. It requires a lifestyle change completely! You can never go back to the way Americans usually eat because you will look just like them. Instead I've decided to go vegetarian. And I'm doing a juicing fast first for 60 - 70 days. That is working just as good or better than Atkins and I don't have massive ketosis going on in my mouth. And no meat AT ALL. It was my meat, cheese, processed foods, etc. that got me here in the first place. I had to say good bye. I have 5 juices a day right now, no solid food and I have no headaches ever. I'm much much clearer mentally and still able to exercise. I say it's a win-win.

    At the end of the 60 or 70 days I'll be completely off blood pressure and cholesterol pills! That was the other big reason I choose the juice fast. I don't want to stay on meds like that the rest of my life and the Atkins diet didn't change my numbers in a good way.
  • EvaJanes
    EvaJanes Posts: 37 Member
    I lost 30 lbs a few years ago by doing the South Beach diet. I find it explains more about the good and bad fats and carbs. After more research though I discovered The GI Diet it talks about how to control your sugar levels so you don't get sugar crashes and binge eat.
  • sc1234
    sc1234 Posts: 42 Member
    I've never done the full Aktkins program but I find I get fantastic results if I stay within my calorie goal and also at the same time keep carbs under 120. Makes you eat really healthy and the weight falls off. I've actually lost cravings too. 120 is a number I can live with, any less than that and I would feel deprived and wouldn't be able to do it long term.

    So I use the Atkins philosophy but not doing the full Atkins program hard core.
  • nani726
    nani726 Posts: 70 Member
    Don't you miss chewing? I couldn't do any liquid anything for that reason alone!
    I'm not one to convert people into veggies but like you, my medical issues were a direct result of meat intake, I still eat cheese and egg whites but to a minimum and it's done wonders for my health.
    Not to mention how much it's made me appreciate foods, I see them in a whole new level, my palate loves textures and wholesome natural flavors, I wouldn't change it for the world!
  • kittrelle
    It's working for me!! I love it. All my 'drama' over food is gone. Find some meat/eggs/cheese, pair it with veggies and I'm done. Cravings left after the first week and I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. To be able to eat good, rich , satisfying food and STILL See the scale go down is awesome. I wouldn't trade that for anything!
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member
    now I'm wondering, what are all of your guys views on the Atkins diet? Does it really work?

    It definitely works. But you have to be OK eating meat everyday and getting used to serious carb restriction. Once you've lost your weight you have to be careful about increasing carbs again, or you'll gain it back.
  • Leanne1795
    Leanne1795 Posts: 186
    Vegetarian here so I'd definitely advise against it! Lol
    All I know is it's a lifestyle so consider being on it for the rest of your life and are you ok with the bad breath and icky sensation that comes with it?

    Before you consider Atkins give vegetarianism a try, how many people have died from eating too many vegetables? Lol

    But seriously, before you start it, research it, it's best to be fit and healthy for life rather than looking for a lose weight fast diet.

    Vegetarians can and do follow the Atkins lifestyle with great success. I'm an Atkins girl and 15g of my 20g daily allowance of carb ( I'm still on induction and absolutely loving it) is veg. Veg is essential which is something that seems to be misunderstood when people think about Atkins.
    It does work and has great health benefits.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Vegetarian here so I'd definitely advise against it! Lol
    All I know is it's a lifestyle so consider being on it for the rest of your life and are you ok with the bad breath and icky sensation that comes with it?

    Before you consider Atkins give vegetarianism a try, how many people have died from eating too many vegetables? Lol

    But seriously, before you start it, research it, it's best to be fit and healthy for life rather than looking for a lose weight fast diet.

    I'm pointing the finger against you but most vegans end up just eating junk food all day. A good majority of them don't get enough protein. I've never seen someone die from being a vegan but I've seen people develop health complications from it.
  • dimond1610
    Thanks everyone! This was really helpful(:
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i had some success on it, but it's really hard if you ever want to be "normal" again. as soon as i stopped, i gained, and gained more than i lost. i hated that i couldn't eat out easily, i had to think about every meal, every day, and plan everything. i couldn't just be stuck without a meal and go into subway and have a sandwich somewhere and still be on track. also, it was expensive, and didn't fit in with anyone else. eating at other people's place was a nightmare.

    you can't have a weekend off, or you have to go right back to the 2 weeks eating virtually no carbs to get started again.

    as opposed to on a calorie controlled diet, you can have a birthday party on the weekend, indulge a little, have a piece of cake and not feel like the world is going to fall apart, and get straight back on the wagon the next day without really worrying about punishing yourself for a whole fortnight to get back on track.

    you can go to someone's house and just increase the vegies and salad portion of the meal, and decrease the fatty / salty / sweet stuff without being too difficult to cater for, and still be on track. same with eating out.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    I'm not doing Atkins per se but am doing a low carb diet. Like most everyone who has posted says, they work great (check my sig) but it is a lifestyle change because if you go back to the Standard American Diet (SAD!) you will gain it back.

    I eat a lot of vegetables, at least two servings every day, and usually start the day with some avocado which is such an incredible fruit for low carb dieters. I can have some sugary carbs and then quickly get back into ketosis if I immediately start back with low carb food and get some good exercise.

    Last weekend for example I went to my niece's wedding and ate low carb at the rehearsal dinner ok but then they brought out the home made key lime pie for dessert so I had a piece. Next morning I ate a low carb breakfast, then played a very hard tennis match for two hours and that afternoon I was back in ketosis. Bottom line, I actually lost a pound over that weekend by staying on low carb (with one exception) and eating a lot of great food but getting regular exercise. I can live like that for a LONG time.