Going low-carb

Hello everyone!
Over the past decade I would say, I have struggled with my weight. I have gone up and down, up and down, and of course I'm up again. I have tried WW in the past and have had success, but for me it's only been temporary. I really want to find something that works for me and my doctor recommended going low-carb and because diabetes is rampant in my family, I know how badly too much sugar can affect me. I do love to exercise, but over the last few months, (due to being in school), I've been extremely sedentary. Today, I'm getting back to my routine and hoping to at least shed 5 lbs. by the end of this year.


  • virgithegr8
    virgithegr8 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I saw a weight loss doctor two days ago and she recommended I do low carb, so stopped doing vegan and hope my health improves. I was feeling tired, my hair was falling out and my PCP told me I was fine. I started doing Vegan last October and weighed 191 and two days ago weighted 181 so all I lost was a mere pounds in over a year. I am wanting to do this like you due to diabetes being strong in my family. I too was diagnosed with Pre diabetes so don't want to end up blind, lose a limb or lose my life. My doctor recommended I do low carb and only eat 50 gms of carbs per day. I am feeling optimistic. We can do this.