Change in Hair Style since weight loss (wasn't sure where to

ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
post thought chit-chat, apologies if it's wrong!)

So, my Christmas present from my team at work last year, was a "Luxury Experience" at a top London Hair Salon in Mayfair - I am super excited, but a little nervous, I go on the 31st of August. It is a little mini goal for me too as I go home to Australia 2 days later and I just hit my 20kg Lost mark, so it seems like a good time to do it :smile:

Now, I don't know the FIRST thing about fashion and to be honest, it's not really one of those things that interest me....but I started looking today online at Hairstyles for people with round faces....mine is very round, I still call it fat - but whatever it is, it's round. Found some lovely pics of Kelly Clarkson, Kelly Osbourne even Julia Stiles - but I don't think there faces are as round as mine.


Here's my dilemma....I am thinking of branching out, going outside the box, living dangersously and having it cut short (apparantly, round faces suit short styles or so my internet research has told me!) My only concern is that I currently have Curly Hair if I leave it to dry naturally. It's straight until it hits the bottom half of my hair and then it's got a curly mind of its own. The minute any kind of humidity hits it, it's off and and I look like I have been channelling Farrah Fawcett back when she was one of Charlie's Angels!

Anyone else have curly, mind of it's own hair and decided to take the plunge and go shorter, any pro's or con's? Anyone else made a dramatic change to there hair since losing weight?

I have lived my life chained to a GHD Hair Straightener for a years but in the last 4 months or so I stopped straightening and started going natural to try and get some length back in it, but now I am thinking shorter? I am also turning 35 in February and thinking maybe I need a bit more of a grown up style rather than just the dead straight look.

I just don't want my face to look REALLY round and it all go terribly wrong.

Thank you, if you got this far. :laugh:


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    The hairstyle you have in your profile picture would look nice much shorter as well. You may have to straighten it a bit, but with much less hair, it shouldn't take too long. Maybe spice up your color with highlights.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    the best thing about hair is it ALWAYS grows back.

    I cut mine short, REALLY short, in January, It was to my waist and dark brown prior to that, I cut it chin length, then a week later went blonde. I guess I took the whole "lifestyle change" to a whole new level.

    My hair is curly and frizzy and humidity is the DEVIL. However, with the right products and my flat iron I can pull off the short hair just fine.

    I say go for it!!
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    I loved my short hair with my rather round face! It made me feel like my face was thinner due to not having a bunch of extra width caused by my hair on either side of my face!
    Also, my sister had looong hair with curly tendrils on the ends. Se cut it, and the whole thing went curly! It's beautiful! The hairstylist said that her hair was always curly, but she had so much length (and her hair is course/heavy) that it was pulling the top part straight. I'm so jealous of her curls.
  • colorfulcupcakes
    colorfulcupcakes Posts: 122 Member
    I have that kind of hair, where it sort of half straight, half curly, and if I were you I wouldn't cut it. I've had mine short from time to time and I forget that it takes so much work to not have it be a big round ball with a weird flat spot somewhere. At least with long hair I can pull some or all of it back if it's a bad hair day.

    Maybe you could ask for layers that would work with your natural wave.
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    If you cut it short, you'll probably have to straighten it. Don't be afraid to ask the hair stylist for advice!

    My advice though, based on my round face, is to go for a short-style that is LONGER in the front, and shorter in the back. Having more hair at the sides of your face will TAKE AWAY from the roundness! Shorter in the front/sides will make it look MORE ROUND!

    That's the lesson I learned.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I have that kind of hair, where it sort of half straight, half curly, and if I were you I wouldn't cut it. I've had mine short from time to time and I forget that it takes so much work to not have it be a big round ball with a weird flat spot somewhere. At least with long hair I can pull some or all of it back if it's a bad hair day.

    Maybe you could ask for layers that would work with your natural wave.

    Yours looks lovely in your profile pic.... does it take alot of effort to keep it looking sleek like that, when it's short?
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    If you cut it short, you'll probably have to straighten it. Don't be afraid to ask the hair stylist for advice!

    My advice though, based on my round face, is to go for a short-style that is LONGER in the front, and shorter in the back. Having more hair at the sides of your face will TAKE AWAY from the roundness! Shorter in the front/sides will make it look MORE ROUND!

    That's the lesson I learned.

    Great advice, thank you!
  • ItsMeTime
    Explain your hair tpe to your stylist, but my hair is similar. I get some curly peices right by my face and at the ends, I can play that up or blow it out. I have had it short and really liked it. Its long now, but I found when it was short it didn't get as curly. Go for it! You will never know until you try and like someone already said, it will grow back if you don't like it.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    cut it a little shorter, nothing dramatic, but add highlights...super cute!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I think my hair is similar to yours, the curl doesn't start until several inches down and I also happen to have a round face. I have the problem that my hair is not curly enough to wear curly so I was spending a huge amount of time blow drying and straightening. I just cut my hair short two weeks ago and it is so much easier to deal with (profile pic not updated obviously)! I just use a round brush to help keep it straight when I blow dry. Go for it, worst thing that happens is you don't like it and you let it grow back out.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I also say go for it - I had long hair for YEARS (like 30) went one HOT day and just got it whacked off - now I wear it short, spiky & blonde hi lites in summer - I get caramel hi lites in the fall - I just LOVE IT so cute, easy to care for - SO much more attractive. My daughter said 'you always look 'done' just throw on some mascara & lip gloss, a little gel and go!
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    I have naturally curly hair too. I cut mine last year. I wanted to be able to do both styles if I chose. I cut it longer in the front, shorter in the back. If I want to take the time to blow dry and flat iron..then it's not too bad, cuz it's not soooo long. Or..if I need a quick hairstyle...I gel it..blow dry a little to get the curls going and I'm out the door. By the way..highlights do sooo much for your head. Love mine!!
  • dbarrett311
    I have thick curly/wavy/frizzy hair and have gone super short. If you go pixie short and use a good product, the curls won't be an issue. But anything longer than that could be a struggle.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    If you are on good terms with a stylist who knows you well, she or he will be your best Source for advice. I am actually surprized at how much I like my hair shorter. The high lights are a nice addition, too.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Personally, I have hair down to my butt. My cousin could be my twin & she had hair like mine for many, many years. She got a wild hair & cut it to a chin length bob. It looked terrible! She couldn't grow it out fast enough! We are both overweight with round faces & it made her face look all swollen. So at least I know what I would look like with short hair!

    So maybe it would work for you, maybe not...

    (Plus, every man I know loves long hair on women & think that the ones that cut it all off are nuts. They say it makes them look like men.)
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    i love your hair in the profile pic. shorter would still look good on you.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I think you should go for it!!! Research what you want and get it done! I say this because I have always hated my hair, but wanted to get my hair redone recently (it was just brown). I came up with exactly what I like and told the stylist what I wanted: an ombre with long layers [for my curls] and NO bangs at all. Also, to keep the length. I never told the stylist exactly what I wanted in the past and I would always cry after I left =/

    This time I really love my hair for the first time ever!!! I used to look sooo much older than my age after a haircut, and my face would look lopsided and odd...hard to explain :/

    Now I feel I look my age or even younger, and my face doesn't look lopsided anymore lol.

    So YES GO FOR IT!!! :D
  • tnkhart
    tnkhart Posts: 72 Member
    No change in hair style for me :(