What do you do when you slip up?

Those days where it seems impossible to stick to your calorie goal?? For example very hungry that day, go out for a meal and order what you like, when you have a couple too many wines!? Does this happen to people every couple of weeks or is it just me.... and how do you “recover”


  • Kittyy1994
    Kittyy1994 Posts: 108 Member
    i don't 'slip up' as i don't see it as doing something wrong, i just have days where i might over eat, because of stress or because of a special occasion... so the next day i go back to my normal calorie allotment (whether that's a deficit or maintenance).

    however, working to a weekly goal means there isn't much that i cant fit in, so that makes life easier.

    Ooh, that’s a great point making a weekly deficit instead as I guess one day wouldn’t matter if you were under overall. There are many days (especially when I work out) that I have 300-400ish left over by bedtime.

    Is there a way you can see your weeks results with MFP?
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    Kittyy1994 wrote: »
    i don't 'slip up' as i don't see it as doing something wrong, i just have days where i might over eat, because of stress or because of a special occasion... so the next day i go back to my normal calorie allotment (whether that's a deficit or maintenance).

    however, working to a weekly goal means there isn't much that i cant fit in, so that makes life easier.

    Ooh, that’s a great point making a weekly deficit instead as I guess one day wouldn’t matter if you were under overall. There are many days (especially when I work out) that I have 300-400ish left over by bedtime.

    Is there a way you can see your weeks results with MFP?

    In Nutrition on the diary, switch the view from day to week.
  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    We all have days where we exceed our calorie goal. Slow and steady is how you lose weight and keep it off. Weight loss for better appearance and health is a journey, not a destination.

    When you "fall off the wagon", just get up and get back on. Don't worry about it, just don't fall off too often!

    I personally allow myself a cheat day once a week. Although I can eat what I want on that day, I tend to still remain somewhat conservative, but I don't feel guilty about it.

    Realize that there will always be days where we go off track...accept it and move forward.
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    I just shrug it off and focus on doing better the next day. I don’t feel the need to “recover” or punish myself for having an off day.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    If this is a regular event then I suggest making it part of your overall plan. Instead of feeling like it is a mistake I think you should embrace it and look forward to it as part of your new lifestyle. I eat more every Sunday. This was part of my plan since the beginning (February) and it has worked really well for me.

    I only really care about my week's calories so I eat less on normal work days which leaves more calories for Sunday. I have lost weight doing it this way for 10 months now. The only downside is that I will often have a water weight fluctuation for a few days following Sunday but that is really no big deal if you understand why it is happening.

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Keep going. Just one day (or more). Doesn’t define you. If I gave up, I’d never have gotten where I wanted to go. Progress, not perfection.
  • ailsalw
    ailsalw Posts: 1,265 Member
    Don’t beat yourself up
    It’s just one of those days you didn’t stick to your plan, doesn’t mean your plan is ruined
    Smile and shrug it off, tomorrow’s a new day
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Kittyy1994 wrote: »
    Those days where it seems impossible to stick to your calorie goal?? For example very hungry that day, go out for a meal and order what you like, when you have a couple too many wines!? Does this happen to people every couple of weeks or is it just me.... and how do you “recover”

    Eat within your calories the next day.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Kittyy1994 wrote: »
    Those days where it seems impossible to stick to your calorie goal?? For example very hungry that day, go out for a meal and order what you like, when you have a couple too many wines!? Does this happen to people every couple of weeks or is it just me.... and how do you “recover”

    Make sure that your daily calorie deficit isn't too aggressive and that you're occasionally overeating to compensate for the fact that you are just too damn hungry!

    If that's not the case, well, life happens. Log everything you ate honestly and completely, learn what you can from it and move on. :)
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    I just go back to it. I don't linger on it. I don't put too much thought into it. I just go back to what I was doing. I feel like in the past, beating myself up over mistakes was what made me quit. 'I ate half a pizza so screw it. I'll just eat whatever I want the rest of the day.' Its never done me any favors to dwell on the mistakes. Take the loss and keep truckin'.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Wake up tomorrow and try again. That's what I do every day, regardless of how good or bad the previous day was.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    @Kittyy1994 Treat every awakening as a new beginning, a fresh start with improved knowledge.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    As many others already said, I log it and move on.

    Once I started following a weekly calorie goal, this became a non-issue as I can balance my calories out over the week and stay on my goal.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Meh, 'Slipping up' is human, the problem is 'giving up'

    I'm a flawed human being so I'm bound to go off track occasionally so why would I beat myself up for being a normal person. I just understand and accept that 'slipping up' is a normal part of life so it's really no big deal. I didn't get to the weight I was because of the occasional 'slip up'.

    I also made myself understand that not every detour from the plan was a 'slip up'. Sure I've started to manage my weight but I also have a life to live and a life I plan to enjoy.
    So just like how I didn't put on all the weight because I 'slipped up', I also didn't put on all the weight because I ate a piece of cake at a party, I didn't put on all the weight because I ate chocolate at Christmas or Easter and I didn't put on all the weight because I indulged while on holidays. I put on all the weight because I over-ate consistently every day between those occasions.

    So yeah, 'slipping up' every now and then is perfectly normal and really doesn't matter in the long run and deliberately slipping up occasionally is great in my book