Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels



  • I don't see anything wrong with it. I think it's really motivational because it's true. That frosty from Wendy's won't ever taste as good as losing 13 pounds feels. :wink:

    However I think to be realistic, you cant live on celery sticks and lettuce for the rest of your life so I say go for it, as long as it's in moderation and you stick to your calorie/fitness goals.
  • msmandyjo
    msmandyjo Posts: 95 Member
    You got 'soo fat' because you went up to a size 4? Really?

    that's how it felt at the time... i thought I was turning into a cow... oh what I'd give to be that "fat" again lol
  • ghlm
    ghlm Posts: 9 Member
    oops, double-posted!:blushing:
  • ghlm
    ghlm Posts: 9 Member
    I totally understand that one! I gained 5kg after quitting smoking and felt, to use Holly Golightly's words, like 'the queen of the pig people', even though I was technically still within healthy range.
  • You got 'soo fat' because you went up to a size 4? Really?

    that's how it felt at the time... i thought I was turning into a cow... oh what I'd give to be that "fat" again lol

    This is why someone needs to invent a sarcasm font....... I know EXACTLY what you're saying....
    my "goal" is to back into the size I was in HS, when I was convinced I was "FAT."
    I'm shooting for healthy- and that'll be based on my next blood work, BMI and Body Fat %....
    THEN, I'll look and see what the scale says, and the what the sizes of my clothing end up being
  • ghlm
    ghlm Posts: 9 Member
    Quite right. God, I wish I'd spent less time in high school worrying about how 'fat' I was, and more time prancing about in bikinis and shorts!
  • What do you think? Can this statement be applied in a positive and motivational manner?

    I absolutely think so! I am starting to work hard at #GettingMySkinnyBack. It's not about how my body looks though, (although I would love to have my flat tummy back) it is more about my health. If I have all this extra stuff trying to hang on to my body, I could be at risk for diabetes as that disease runs in my family. This is about health. That is the most important thing. And absolutely nothing tastes as good as skinny feels! :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    You got 'soo fat' because you went up to a size 4? Really?

    that's how it felt at the time... i thought I was turning into a cow... oh what I'd give to be that "fat" again lol

    This is why someone needs to invent a sarcasm font....... I know EXACTLY what you're saying....
    my "goal" is to back into the size I was in HS, when I was convinced I was "FAT."
    I'm shooting for healthy- and that'll be based on my next blood work, BMI and Body Fat %....
    THEN, I'll look and see what the scale says, and the what the sizes of my clothing end up being

    Yeah I thought I was fat in hs too -- and now I actually think if I weigh what I weighed then it might be too thin for my body now. I have more muscle and the way my body carries weight is different. I'd say right now I look maybe 15 pounds heavier than I did in HS (at least based on my recollection) but I am actually 45 pounds heavier.

    Something for you to consider as well - our bodies change as we age and you will probably end up looking better at a heavier weight now than you did at that lighter weight then.
  • Because it is a tagline for anorexics.

    A more sensitive way of putting that would be 'People with Eating Disorders'

    Let's not be ignorant here, thanks.