New Dad. Gained 35 Pounds. Ah!

Hello everyone!

I’m new to MyFitnessPal, and I thought I’d introduce myself. My wife and I had our first baby boy last summer, which is amazing. During my wife’s pregnancy and through the first months of fatherhood, I gained 35 pounds, which is not amazing. I’m here to lose the 35 I gained through late night snacking and stress eating and adopt a healthier lifestyle as a dad. I’m 37, and my metabolism is slowing down, but so far counting calories has been working. I’m 10 pounds down, 25 to go!

Feel free to add me as a friend. I’m not sure how this all works, but I’m happy to support others on their journeys. :)




  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hi and congratulations!
  • CanaDan360
    CanaDan360 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there Mike,
    You and I are in similar circumstances, although you're making the smart choice years before I. I quit smoking, then found out my wife was expecting. The act of overcoming my addiction, along with all that comes with a pregnant wife and then a new baby, and then another pregnancy and another baby, has brought me from 170lbs to 230 in 5 years. Hopefully it doesn't take me that long to get rid of it!!

    Anyways, congrats on the wee one, and good luck with your goals.

  • Enos1981
    Enos1981 Posts: 21 Member
    danruel82 wrote: »
    Hey there Mike,
    You and I are in similar circumstances, although you're making the smart choice years before I. I quit smoking, then found out my wife was expecting. The act of overcoming my addiction, along with all that comes with a pregnant wife and then a new baby, and then another pregnancy and another baby, has brought me from 170lbs to 230 in 5 years. Hopefully it doesn't take me that long to get rid of it!!

    Anyways, congrats on the wee one, and good luck with your goals.


    Thanks, Dan! Definitely similar circumstances. I hit 236, which is my heaviest weight that I can remember. I wasn’t weighing myself much, but I knew something was wrong when all my cloths didn’t fit anymore. What once was loose became tight or didn’t fit. A very humbling experience! I was about 200. I’m hoping to hit that weight again and maybe dip into the 190s (that’s about where I usually am when eating right). Keep up the good work. It’ll come in time.
  • TinaTimTam
    TinaTimTam Posts: 24 Member
    You’re awesome dude!!!! My husband had the audacity to lose almost 10lbs during my pregnancy while I was blowing up! Granted he was working on our new home and doing a lot of physical activity but CMONN!! I’m here 40lbs extra and he’s got abs 🙄 We got this though! I think....🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Enos1981
    Enos1981 Posts: 21 Member
    You’re awesome dude!!!! My husband had the audacity to lose almost 10lbs during my pregnancy while I was blowing up! Granted he was working on our new home and doing a lot of physical activity but CMONN!! I’m here 40lbs extra and he’s got abs 🙄 We got this though! I think....🤷🏼‍♀️

    Your husband put me to shame! I gained a lot of “sympathy” weight 😜

    We DO got this!
  • caindove11
    caindove11 Posts: 73 Member
    Congrats on the baby! And I totally understand about the metabolism slowing down as we get older. You will knock those pounds off, no problem.
  • Enos1981
    Enos1981 Posts: 21 Member
    caindove11 wrote: »
    Congrats on the baby! And I totally understand about the metabolism slowing down as we get older. You will knock those pounds off, no problem.

    Thanks, buddy. I hope so! 👍