Finding it hard to see a difference after -30 pounds



  • FindingPositiveMetamorphosis
    I can see a big difference in both of your transformations! Great job!
  • Sambo_fitness
    Sambo_fitness Posts: 137 Member
    That's some amazing success!!!! How do your clothes fit?? If they're loose, time to go shopping! Look for the NSV's
  • DrusiliaDD
    DrusiliaDD Posts: 71 Member
    I didn't have that much weight to lose, I was only slightly overweight by BMI when I started. I'm down somewhere around 16-17 pounds now and I really struggle to see a difference. I'm at the point where I'm ordering new clothes because some things don't fit me any more, but I'm still convinced I'm one size bigger than I am. I ordered a UK size 8 skirt last week and when it arrived I was convinced it wouldn't fit, right up until I put it on. It's hard to see changes in yourself.
  • terril18
    terril18 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow! You and I are very similar!
    I started my journey Sept 4th at 200.9 pounds. I am 5'1 and approaching my 48th birthday. I am at 1200 calories and I work out about 45 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week. I am now done 38 pounds. the past month I have fluctuated between 35 and 38 pounds. 104 days in and have not hit the big 40...very hard
  • jflongo
    jflongo Posts: 289 Member
    I started this journey on sept 20. I’m 5’1 and started at 198. I’m currently 168. I’m happy with 30 pounds down in about 3 months. The problem is I don’t feel like I look much different. I’m only on 1200
    calories and don’t go over. I do a little bit of weights and cardio at the gym 2-3 times per week and average 8000 steps per day. I was hoping to hear from anyone who started on 1200 calories and stayed there until they hit goal. (Or any successes). I need to hear some inspiring stories. How long did it take and how much did u lose? I understand this is a journey and I have to be patient. I suppose I want to hear that I’m doing all the right things and the weight loss will keep happening. Im just having a hard time lately as I feel like I’ve made big changes and can’t see much in the way of results. Thank you 😊

    You have done an awesome job so far, keep up the great work.

    Just keep in mind, your body will adjust to your calories after awhile, slowing down your metabolism. You may want to consider upping your calories to 1400 - 1500 calories for a month and see what happens. That may help restart your metabolism again. Up to you.
  • althara
    althara Posts: 8 Member
    Honestly, for some people, it's hard to see the weight difference in yourself until you're further along. I've lost almost 50 pounds from my highest non-pregnancy weight and I can't see a difference in front facing progress pics yet. It just means the majority of my fat loss has been visceral (which is great, because excess visceral fat is what increases various health risks). But I understand how very frustrating it is to not see a difference when you've put in so much effort.

    Take pictures from various angles. Front view, side view, even your back. Eventually, you will see it in the pictures before you see it in the mirror. Our brains like to play tricks on us about how we look when we look in the mirror.

    Also, use other methods of determining progress. How are your clothes fitting? How are your energy levels changing? What can you do now that you were unable to do or very difficult for you at the beginning of your journey? Start your list of non-scale victories and celebrate the changes you do see. Be patient for your brain to catch up with your body changes.
  • 20Sam12
    20Sam12 Posts: 2 Member
    You're doing great and I have felt your pain in not noticing much difference after a 30 pound loss. I felt better and my clothes fit a little different but that was about it. At 50 pounds I was down a couple of sizes and all of a sudden others started noticing which was nice but not my ultimate goal. I'm now down 60 (in 9 months) and still moving forward. I have more plateaus than I did early on but I just keep with my goals and the pounds eventually come off. My calorie goal is 1300 but I usually end up around 1000 to 1100. I pay more attention to my macros than I do the calories. Six months ago I adjusted my macros and shot for under 50 carbs which helped. Recently had my blood work (all good) and cholesterol checked (a little high) so adjusted my macros again bumping carbs up a little and reducing the fat %. This isn't a 'diet' to me but a change in lifestyle to improve my health. Have patience, work on 1 pound at a time and congratulations on how far you have come!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,111 Member
    Great job! I second taking some pictures to compare. There is probably more difference there than you are noticing because, well, you see you every day. Keep it up!!
  • lillyy23
    lillyy23 Posts: 136 Member
    I try to take pictures i often forget but then im like i need to take pics or i wont see the change. but i did take a before photos . Im not at 30 lbs change yet but I feel like that too. I tend to lose in my stomach i guess im lucky but for me its my legs and arms like it takes for ever to lose that.
  • jojo19812018
    jojo19812018 Posts: 66 Member
    Thank you everyone for finding the time to reply. All your insight has greatly helped. 😊
  • bigbandjohn
    bigbandjohn Posts: 769 Member
    I started this journey on sept 20. I’m 5’1 and started at 198. I’m currently 168. I’m happy with 30 pounds down in about 3 months. The problem is I don’t feel like I look much different. I’m only on 1200
    calories and don’t go over. I do a little bit of weights and cardio at the gym 2-3 times per week and average 8000 steps per day. I was hoping to hear from anyone who started on 1200 calories and stayed there until they hit goal. (Or any successes). I need to hear some inspiring stories. How long did it take and how much did u lose? I understand this is a journey and I have to be patient. I suppose I want to hear that I’m doing all the right things and the weight loss will keep happening. Im just having a hard time lately as I feel like I’ve made big changes and can’t see much in the way of results. Thank you 😊

    wow. That's 15% of your weight. That's awesome.

    I would ask these questions... how do you feel now compared to then, and how do your clothes fit now compared to then?

    I have struggled all my life. I reached my peak 3 years ago. Since them I am down 290 lbs. More than half of my weight is gone, and I have 30 to go. I have slowed down the past few months, only losing 12 lbs since September, but that's ok. It's not the small battle that matters, but the long one. I did 1200 calories for a few months, but now I'm on 1700. I was in a 56" waist this August last year and I am in a 38" today, starting to cross into a 36". Most of my weight loss was in the last 18 months. It took a long time for me to see a difference in myself, but once a friend who hadn't seen me in a while noticed, that's when I saw it.

    All I can say is how much better I feel. I didn't realize how draining being obese can be until I lost the weight. I am still technically obese, but my quality of life is so much better now. It is great you are able to workout and walk so much. I think 1200 is not unreasonable for someone your height, but for me at 6' it was a lot harder. With the holidays I would suggest considering lightening the weight loss a little (if trying to lose 1 lb or more a week, perhaps drop down weight loss goal by .5 lbs) to enjoy the season. I plan on adjusting this weekend until after Boxing Day, since come January, I'm considering a 3 month sprint to the end goal at 1200 calories again.

    Keep it up, you are doing great.
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 5'2", and I'm 53 now. I started off at 264lbs, and I'm down 65 lbs in five months. I'm eating about 1000 calories a day, plus enough so MFP will generate a report. I'm sedentary at the moment. The most exercise I typically get is doing laundry or grocery shopping. Exercise is stage two of my plan, coming up in the spring. My muscles are shot, so I'll need to work up to doing what I used to do. I plan on eating more calories then.

    This is my new normal. I'm never going to be off the plan. I've seen where it got me when I was doing as I pleased, and I'm probably always going to be on some kind of diet/maintenance.

    As to noticing the results, it varies. Some days I can't tell a difference. But I've tossed out my fat clothes, and I'm buying two sizes smaller now. I can go up and down stairs without much pain. I've gone from type 2 diabetic to borderline. I don't get heartburn anymore. I haven't had a headache in months. I don't sweat like I used to. I feel cold now--which never happened before. I've only got one chin now; my neck is a bit fat, but I had two before. My shoes are even looser.

    I suspect you'll find you look better when you get rid of your t-shirts, elastic waists, and billowy clothes.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    I'm 30lb down too. This isn't really noticed by people around - but I have lost inches and feel so much better.

    I think that loss starts to show to others when you move out of your big clothes and into those a few sizes smaller. (It probably happens sooner in summer - fewer layers of clothing.) Big clothes cover your true shape (as we all know from going up in weight and hiding the evidence). I am about 2 sizes down - and probably more sizes down inside around those vital organs.

    Have you tried carrying 30lb about with you? It is a great reminder of how much you have done and what a difference it really makes. Looks are only one aspect of this.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    When I have those feelings I take photos, measurements, way my clothes fit, energy level, sleeping well, check off all the Positives you have today, compared to before you started your journey. I always find it inspirational .
    Actually I’m doing that now at Christmas, reviewing my positives and holding them close, and organizing a plan to work on my negatives. Best wishes and your consistency will pay off to your health in the long run.