NEW GROUP: 20 Down by Halloween! Join NOW!



  • hi. I am a 12 year old, who, uses MFP to help track food and use motivation. I need to lose 60 pounds or so and so 20lbs by halloween should b good! I used to help before but it didnt help but now with MFP i have lost 2 pounds and plan on visiting the doctor for a diet plan and exercise plan. I also will try to do at least 2x workouts a week and walk my dog.
  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    I would love to join! My name is Jamilaih, 31 years old, and currently weigh 152 lbs. This will be my first challenge!!! Yay! I will be logging my food as I always do, and I will be doing daily workouts using the faithful workouts from the NRB channel as well as anything else I can pick up! I have p90x, but will start that the second week in September. I will be out of town for a week during the challenge (not sure if I will have service where I will be), but will post as much as I can when I can for that week. :) Looking forward to a great challenge!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Might as well join in! After all, Halloween is a fun day!

    Anyway, my name is Bianca but usually go by Bee. I'm turning 30 next year and been on MFP for only a week. I've lost nearly 15 pounds since deciding on a health change a month ago. Anyway, I know losing 20 might be tough (2 birthday parties during that time) but I've been consistent and will do this!

    I'm already working out 5 times a week, about an hour each day. But I might change up my workout routine from time to time. I'm already doing Spinning, Zumba, Body Conditioning, and Aqua Aerobics. I thought about Turbo Jam but we'll see. ;)
  • milimum
    milimum Posts: 1
    My name is Valerie, I would love to join the group. My goal is to definetly lose before the holidays so far i have lost 35 pds from starting on my weight loss journey of 365 and like to encoroporate new things to help me stay motivated. I'm a single mom of a 3 yr old and loving every moment. . We ride our bikes every other day and I like to take walks to just regroup every day for 45 min..Along with that I personally love yoga so that is something that we as a family do everynight. thanks
  • omgzstef
    omgzstef Posts: 157
    I'm totally in! I'm Stef, 22 from NY. I just graduated college and I finally realized that I need to change my life for good. I've tried so many diets and have lost all motivation and support. This time, I'm motivated and ready to change my life! I'm going to change my eating habits by using food in moderation & kicking butt at the gym (zumba & kickboxing are my favs) :)
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    I would like to join!

    Im 26 yrs old from PA, struggling to get back into some sort of shape since having my baby 6 months ago. I plan on staying under my calories, walking and working out at home as time allows! Laid off from my job so I have NO excuse this time around not to work out and stick to it!! I'm really feeling motivated from the messageboards (much better than just an app on my phone) I would love to be 20 lb lighter by Halloween so I'm not so scary lol And go into the holiday season much slimmer! Also, I'm fairly new so feel free to add me peeps! I need all the support/encouragement i can get!! thanks!
  • jeanie✰
    jeanie✰ Posts: 127
    Hi! I'm totally in! I try to make sure I eat healthy now, stay within my calorie goal, and I also try to exercise 5x a week..hopefully I can do this too!
  • JackeeW
    JackeeW Posts: 72
    Note: This Group will close August 31, 2011 at midnight (central time).

    I had initially planned on closing this group on the 31st, but now I don't think this is a good idea. I think this Group should OFFICIALLY BEGIN on Monday August 22nd (which will be WEEK ONE). This will mean that week TEN will END (and a "hypothetical week 11" would begin) ON Halloween.

    Therefore, because I will need time to divide everyone into teams (see below), I will be closing this Group at midnight (CENTRAL TIME) tonight. We've had a really good response so far, so I feel like the size is manageable. I'm sorry in advance for any confusion this might cause, as I'm unable to edit my original post.


    I'm planning on breaking everyone into teams of 4-6, depending on the final number we get in the group before it closes. This will help with accountability. Each team can then chose a "head coach" if you'd like. I'd like for EVERYONE that is on a team together to friend one another!! Within each team you'll establish your team goal for the week AND your individual goals and then all team "head coaches" will report back on behalf of the team!

    Each week I will start a new thread: "20D by Halloween Week ONE" for example. This will be the place where EVERYONE chats together, motivates one another, and also a place where the head coaches for each team report their team's goals and accomplishments. This way we can ALL stay connected throughout the challenge even though we'll be having our smaller teams to insure accountability stays high.

    Does this sound like a good idea to everyone? Any other thoughts?
  • mrscao
    mrscao Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all,

    I would love to take the challenge. I have been having difficulty staying focused on MFP (as well as myself... which is why I am so heavy). Hopefully, you can all help me to stay motivated. I am 42. I work full time in an office (desk-job). I also am the mother of 5 teenagers.
  • jeanie✰
    jeanie✰ Posts: 127
    Sounds good to me! I'll be waiting for your instructions, oh fearless leader =P
  • Note: This Group will close August 31, 2011 at midnight (central time).

    I had initially planned on closing this group on the 31st, but now I don't think this is a good idea. I think this Group should OFFICIALLY BEGIN on Monday August 22nd (which will be WEEK ONE). This will mean that week TEN will END (and a "hypothetical week 11" would begin) ON Halloween.

    Therefore, because I will need time to divide everyone into teams (see below), I will be closing this Group at midnight (CENTRAL TIME) tonight. We've had a really good response so far, so I feel like the size is manageable. I'm sorry in advance for any confusion this might cause, as I'm unable to edit my original post.


    I'm planning on breaking everyone into teams of 4-6, depending on the final number we get in the group before it closes. This will help with accountability. Each team can then chose a "head coach" if you'd like. I'd like for EVERYONE that is on a team together to friend one another!! Within each team you'll establish your team goal for the week AND your individual goals and then all team "head coaches" will report back on behalf of the team!

    Each week I will start a new thread: "20D by Halloween Week ONE" for example. This will be the place where EVERYONE chats together, motivates one another, and also a place where the head coaches for each team report their team's goals and accomplishments. This way we can ALL stay connected throughout the challenge even though we'll be having our smaller teams to insure accountability stays high.

    Does this sound like a good idea to everyone? Any other thoughts?

    yes this sounds good to me! :3
  • Sounds good to me! I'll be waiting for your instructions, oh fearless leader =P
    this :laugh:
  • I'm in! My name is Stephanie and I had weight loss surgery almost 9 years ago. I lost 140 pounds and kept it off until I had to take steroids. I put on 90 pounds in 6 months. I have been able to lost about 60 of that 90. I have 30 to get to my goal, so 20 by halloween sounds great to me!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    I'm down with the rules! Good thing tomorrow is kinda a cheat day for me since it's my brother's birthday.
  • jnrgreene
    jnrgreene Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds great!
  • omgzstef
    omgzstef Posts: 157
    sounds great!
  • Betheroo
    Betheroo Posts: 26 Member
    I'd like to jump in before the teams get divided up. I'm a SAHM with four young kids and I'm totally sick of feeling yucky about myself. My first few months on MFP went great, but then came summer and travels and lots of tasty food and being out of the exercise routine. I want to get back on track and I think more structure and accountability is key. I especially want to be reminded to take it one day at a time, making healthy choices I'm willing to sustain over the long run because my personal tendency is to look for quick fixes and that sure hasn't gotten me anywhere fast. Looking forward to working together toward health!
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    sounds great!
  • I'm in. This will be my first challenge. I'm glad I looked on the second page as I thought I had more time to think about it. Everything sounds good. My name is Kim. I'm married, no children yet. I work full time (stressful job) and am in school looking for a career change. I have tried several things in the past to lose weight but did not keep the weight off. I think now I'm finally serious about a lifestyle change. I plan to watch my intake and exercise at least 5 days a week engaging in cardio and strength training. Here we go. Good luck to everyone.
  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    Yay!!! Can't wait!! Looking forward to my first challenge! :)