Will losing 10 lb really take that long for a petite women?

I'm only 5'0 and weigh 106 pounds. This sounds tiny but trust me, I have a good 10 lbs to lose. I feel heavy, flabby , undefined and bloated. This is me at 106 pounds:

According to MFP I have to eat 1200 calories or else I'll day lol. I'm unable to exercise till February but I don't want my weight loss to be sooooooooooooooooooooo slow! It's incredibly unmotivating and makes me hate being short even more.
Any tipps? Is it really not possible to eat less than 1200 calories?


  • Caralarma
    Caralarma Posts: 174 Member
    Fellow shorty here. It does become harder as you have less and less to lose so I recommend incorporating exercise at this point. I hate exercise but I've realised that to lose those last few kilos its necessary and will help tone you. Aim for 1200 but dont force yourself to eat if you aren't hungry
  • fitalie93
    fitalie93 Posts: 9 Member
    You don’t need a gym. Start walking. While walking concentrate on your posture. Good posture can work wonders on how your mid section looks, and help strengthen your abdominal muscles.
    I'll do that for sure! Thanks.