Lost 80lb and have gained 30lb back, now it’s time to get real! Bummed out looking for support.

This is my first post. I’ve been on here since 2014 and lost 80lb, I had a busy and fun summer in 2017 and as of today have put on 30lb. I’ve never posted here and am going to try things differently. I’m really upset with myself and depressed about this gain and would like to hear if any similar stories or if anyone would like to lose 50lb together!


  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    Well welcome back to the band wagon. Let’s do it! Again.
  • erqueenie
    erqueenie Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat, lost 77 but have gained back 30. Now have an ulcer so down 8#. The good/bad thing about the ulcer is the medicine I have to take, I then wait an hour before I can eat anything. So have to plan ahead and wait. Fingers crossed I can lose most of this by March. I have back issues so unable to really exercise. I'm with you so let's do this!
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    leecha2014 wrote: »
    This is my first post. I’ve been on here since 2014 and lost 80lb, I had a busy and fun summer in 2017 and as of today have put on 30lb. I’ve never posted here and am going to try things differently. I’m really upset with myself and depressed about this gain and would like to hear if any similar stories or if anyone would like to lose 50lb together!

    Back in 2012, I lost a little over 60lbs, and then gained back about 30 after an accident. It can be frustrating, but...

    Any you want to exchange NonScale accomplishments on a weekly basis? Steps or water or days under goal? Accountability works for.writing, so maybe for this, too.
  • shawneelaraye
    shawneelaraye Posts: 30 Member
    leecha2014 wrote: »
    This is my first post. I’ve been on here since 2014 and lost 80lb, I had a busy and fun summer in 2017 and as of today have put on 30lb. I’ve never posted here and am going to try things differently. I’m really upset with myself and depressed about this gain and would like to hear if any similar stories or if anyone would like to lose 50lb together!

    I’m just now finding this, but I am in a similar boat. Lost around 100lbs, gained back 25lbs. Let’s get back on the boat! Have you had any progress?
  • jfp420
    jfp420 Posts: 186 Member
    Me too! After my vacation the end of August it all started going downhill. Time to get motivated and start the new year strong. :)
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    AT least none of you gained back all your weight and then some! That would really be hard to take. All of your gains are nothing insurmountable. The good thing is, you know what to do and how to make it happen,
    You can get this done by spring or summer! You've got this!
  • cogirljb55
    cogirljb55 Posts: 155 Member
    I've done the same and super upset with myself as well!!!!
  • I’m right there with all of you... list 60 and now have put on 19 .... on the way back to losing that 19.... the holidays just kill me... I just refuse to succumb to temptation... am feeling much more in control now
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    To make it stay off. we all have to remember it is a Lifestyle change and once the weight is lost. Can never ever go back to how we use to eat. Those days truly need to become old memories. I totally admit I have been a yo-yo dieter for most of my life. I am 60. But in May 2018 I said enough is enough you must change how you eat, how you view food or you will kill yourself via food in a few years. So I started on my Lifestyle change so far down 79 pounds. And have about 55 more to go. And from Dec 10th to Dec 31st I am in maintaining mode. I told myself could not gain more than half a pound and I have not. I have lost 2 pounds in December. We all know what we must do to make it work. I asked for and got two new cookbooks for Christmas because I have to keep making new and healthier dishes. The old way of cooking is gone in my house. Even for Christmas Cookies, what I did make was Keto and or Low Carb. And I am not on a Keto diet but did look up and use a few Keto cookie recipes and desserts because it helped me get through without caving into high sugar high carb foods. So use whatever you find, that works for you and you are willing to do longterm. Good Luck you can do it.
  • david8546
    david8546 Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2018
    I'm am trying to post a great pic, that will set you mentally, so you dont beat yourself up!. Yes we all do it, bit it does us no good. You will take yourself out before you start if you dont turn that around.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Look at that you kept 50lbs off!!! That is amazing.
    I lost 126lbs, and gained 75 back. I learned from that though. I learned my calories were way too low. I learned I don't have to deprive myself, or exercise like crazy. This time around Ive made a smaller deficit. Ive made room for days I go over and thats ok. Right now I am 74 pounds down from my high. we learn from our past.
    90% of the people have been where you are, you can find some great support here
  • dzemlock
    dzemlock Posts: 3 Member
    I’m in the same boat. Lost 75, gained 20 back. I’m down 10 now, but it’s so hard starting from what seems like negative!!
  • coimig
    coimig Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. I lost around 30 pounds over the past three years and slowly over the past 9 months gained about 15 back. It's time for me to get it together! Cheers to a successful and healthy 2019!
  • ItsAJourny
    ItsAJourny Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Leecha. Be kind to yourself. We have all been there and then been successful again and you will be too. Facing it is hard and you have done that. :) Make your lifestyle changes and you will drop those 30 again. We are here for you. So keep writing when you need support. Have a great day!
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    I’m starting a challenge tomorrow for 12 weeks to lose 30 lbs. I’ll be happy to lose 20 but I’m looking forward to working with others to lose what I’ve gained back. Look at challenges..30 lbs in 12 weeks!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I lost 40 lbs in 2013 and gained back all but 10 lbs last year after 5 year maintenance. So Depressing, I lost 30 of it so far since summer thank goodness. This time I am looking at the emotional side of this eating, I now know I need to feel pain and meet my needs in a healthy way, soothe myself with something besides food like calling someone, water, eating healthy stuff because I love myself and want to take care of me. I never felt any pain while eating, also never worked on any solutions. Now I notice if my husband is grouchy with me, I am not drugged up with my food and can say I am not tolerating this. Yes I am working on solutions now and that feels good.
  • redneck8814
    redneck8814 Posts: 284 Member
    You got this girl. Don't set your goals in concrete set them in sand that way you have wiggle room instead of none at all!