Weightloss surgery

Many people who use this app have had weightloss surgery. We are unable to use the app like everyone else because it is nearly impossible for us to consume the amount of calories that the app wants us to. There needs to be a bariatric setting on the app so that the many users who have had surgery can use the app the way everyone else is able to.


  • flicked0ff
    flicked0ff Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2019
    I’m have been using this app for months. I don’t see the issue. I eat around 5-6 times a day and just add extra snacks. It’s easy enough to put your macros into the settings as well so you can track your protein etc.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Many people who use this app have had weightloss surgery. We are unable to use the app like everyone else because it is nearly impossible for us to consume the amount of calories that the app wants us to. There needs to be a bariatric setting on the app so that the many users who have had surgery can use the app the way everyone else is able to.

    You can use it the same way. You just don't get a link posted to your diary...
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I get where you are coming from - as someone who has also had bariatric surgery, I get a little frustrated when it gives that little popup. But for me personally, it is more about the community than logging. Logging is nice and helps make me more aware of what I am consuming, but it is not my focus on here.
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    There is also an MFP Suggestions/Feedback message board that you can post this in if you want this to be heard by MFP.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    There is also an MFP Suggestions/Feedback message board that you can post this in if you want this to be heard by MFP.

    They won't change it.