New Here - 40 lbs to lose

Hi Everyone!

I am new here and have never counted calories before, so I figured I would give it a try! I have done weight watchers before and lost 15lbs (before I had my son, back in 2008) and gained it all back ...then, I gained 38lbs during my pregnancy and have only lost about 15 total 40 to go as I am 180lbs now and want to be at 140 again (what I was in high school) ...I am tired of starting to commit to something and then giving up, so I feel I need some serious support! Anyone want to "buddy up" with me?! :)


  • DeHaase
    DeHaase Posts: 18 Member
    Great job on the decision to get dedicated! Feel free to add me!
  • Hey well done for signing up. I have around the same to lose. The most I've ever lost on a diet is a pathetic 6lbs and every year that goes by my weight creeps up about 1/2 stone so I need support and encouragement too! Feel free to add me too. Good luck!x
  • your at a good age to get it off now :)
    good luck
  • jnwl905
    jnwl905 Posts: 14
    I had no motivation to track my food and exercise even when I was paying Weight Watchers almost $40 a month. Since I signed up for MFP my attitude has changed from hate to love. The part I love the most is how MFP calculates your potential weight loss in five weeks if you maintain the same level of exercise and calorie intake. Please feel free to add me as a weight loss buddy and we can keep each other motivated to reach our goal. I need to lose 40lbs too so this will be a win/win for the both of us.